Alaska FBI is rounding up illegals. Anchorage school superintendent Bryantt is ready to rumble

Anchorage FBI assists in apprehending illegal alien.

The Anchorage FBI says it is cooperating with other federal agencies to round up illegal aliens in Alaska and deport them.

At 4:12 p.m. on Monday, the Anchorage FBI posted on Facebook “The #FBI Anchorage Field Office, along with our Department of Justice (DOJ) partners, is supporting the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with their immigration enforcement efforts in #Alaska.” This is in direct response to President Donald Trump’s order to secure the borders and clean up the cartels and violent crime across America.

Then at 4:37 p.m., the Anchorage School superintendent released an announcement saying the Anchorage schools will not only not cooperate with federal authorities, they won’t even allow them on campus. In essence, Superintendent Jharrett Bryantt was saying Anchorage schools are sanctuaries for illegal immigrants.

Superintendent Bryantt said the federal agents would have to have a warrant, and even if they did, he would have the warrant reviewed by district attorneys before deciding if they were valid and whether federal immigration agents could come onto any school grounds.

In his explanation, Bryantt cited a federal law, to which he gave a novel interpretation.

The law, called the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) “protects your child’s privacy by prohibiting ASD from sharing student-specific information with anyone other than the student’s parents or legal guardians, except in specific situations such as when required by a judicial warrant or court order,” Bryantt wrote.

But FERPA wasn’t intended to protect illegal aliens and criminals.

According to the Department of Education, it’s to protect a student’s education records from being shared without parents’ permission (or the student’s permission once he or she turns 18). The law says nothing about the students’ immigration status.

“The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that affords parents the right to have access to their children’s education records, the right to seek to have the records amended, and the right to have some control over the disclosure of personally identifiable information from the education records,” the federal government explains.

In the Frequently Asked Questions section of the FERPA explanation, the Department of Education gives examples that specifically say that “law enforcement records” are not education records.

Here are examples of what the law covers and does not cover taken directly from the U.S. Department of Education:

A student has opted out of directory information and wants to be anonymous in an online course. Are we required to allow the student to take the course anonymously?

No.  Under FERPA, a student may not use his or her right to opt out of directory information disclosures to prevent school officials from identifying the student by name or disclosing the student’s electronic identifier or institutional e-mail address in class.

An eligible student that opted out of directory information has left the school. Now that the student is no longer in attendance, may the school disclose that students directory information?

No, a school is required to honor the eligible student’s request to opt out of the disclosure of directory information made while the student was in attendance, unless the student rescinds the opt out request.

Are law enforcement records considered education records? 

“Law enforcement unit records” (i.e., records created by the law enforcement unit, created for a law enforcement purpose, and maintained by the law enforcement unit) are not “education records” subject to the privacy protections of FERPA. As such, the law enforcement unit may refuse to provide a parent or eligible student with an opportunity to inspect and review law enforcement unit records, and it may disclose law enforcement unit records to third parties without the parent or eligible student’s prior written consent. However, education records, or personally identifiable information from education records, which the school shares with the law enforcement unit, do not lose their protected status as education records just because they are shared with the law enforcement unit.

The Frequently Asked Questions section also makes it clear that FERPA applies to records maintained by the school, not personal observations of school officials:

Are there any limitations to sharing information based on personal knowledge or observations?

FERPA applies to the disclosure of personally identifiable information (PII) from education records that are maintained by the school.  Therefore, FERPA does not prohibit a school official from releasing information about a student that was obtained through the school official’s personal knowledge or observation unless that knowledge is obtained through his or her official role in making a determination maintained in an education records about the student. For example, under FERPA a principal or other school official who took official action to suspend a student may not disclose that information, absent consent or an exception under § 99.31 that permits the disclosure.

The notice from the FBI and the notice from the school superintendent, coming just 15 minutes apart, raise questions about whether Bryantt was in fact engaged in a rapid push back exercise against the federal government. Bryantt may have brought unnecessary attention to himself now that he has declared Anchorage schools to be off limits for federal law enforcement, effectively creating sanctuary campuses, where federal immigration laws do not apply.

Anchorage School District is one of the most diverse in the nation, where more than 90 languages are supposedly spoken.


  1. Wow! That’s coming from the little boi who wasn’t even qualified to do his job alone for a couple years. Look how far he has come!

  2. Muppet! Seems akin to having their 15 seconds of fame but ultimately impotent.
    As if the folks who are looking to put hands on illegals only know the ASD properties as a place to apprehend?
    The ASD board are disgusting and really don’t care about what they got elected to do, give the kids an education above the national average!

  3. This is a gross misapplication of FERPA. Would the school prohibit the release of student information to a school resource officer (SRO) especially regarding potentially criminal conduct? Of course not. This is grandstanding.

  4. This obviously is a FAFO situation. Having said that, I am surprised the federal law enforcement is actually doing something. I got so used to them being corrupt and incompetent that I expected them to simply sit on their hands or continue playing solitaire all day at work.

  5. Bookem
    Danno!! Just wait for him to leave the campus, then cuff him
    And stuff him for Charges for hindering they efforts , these little pip
    Squeaks need to be made into examples
    , if you interfere in our work , you will go
    to jail !!

  6. If and when circumstances warrant, the young Mr. Bryantt should be arrested and charged with obstruction. He is a danger to the community.

  7. Anyone involved in this cr– needs to lose their job & go to jail. Those schools are owned by the tax payers funded from state , federal and city governments. The other option is Trump could pull all federal funding from the anchorage school district.

    • My thoughts exactly. Pull federal (our) funds from schools that aid and abet. This Super from Texas was in way over his head from the start.

  8. Jharrett Bryantt is going into a battle of wits completely unarmed. He couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag. Probably was one of those kids who was stuffed in a locker in school. Or worse, was a member of the “everyone wins a trophy” generation. This guy’s embarrassing.

  9. Woke superintendent dude is about to get a rude awakening and experience how warrants really work… ?‍♂️

    • I’m hoping for a superintendent Perp walk along with a school board Perp walk live on the news.

  10. Is this effeminate boy that calls himself an “educator” really think he is going to stop the fed or any LEO from coming on a campus ? Is he ready to get arrested for it ? You know somewhere there is an LEO who is going to push the situation. It’s gonna be Jerry Springer when it happens

  11. This makes me wonder if the superintendent is illegal? Or maybe someone in his family. There’s a right way to immigrate. Illegals have done it the wrong way!

  12. Please don’t call them immigrants. They’re aliens. Its a legal term that defines them as unauthorized to be in the country and subject to removal. The word immigrant implies they’re supposed to be here and are going to stay.

  13. 8 U.S. Code § 1324 – It is a federal crime to encourage or induce an illegal alien to reside in the United States. And subject to 5 years in prison

  14. If they have a warrant, they will do whatever is necessary to serve that warrant while the teachers, principal, and superintendent can pound sand and pull their hair. If they interfere in any way, they’ll be subject to arrest, which I think would be funny as all get out.

  15. Anchorage Assembly
    It is both a poor example, for our children, and illegal for any administrator or city employee to obstruct Federal law enforcement officers in the performance of their sworn duties. Law enforcement officers are tasked with enforcing laws that have been duly passed by the legislative branch, and they are bound by oath to carry out these responsibilities impartially. When an administrator, who is a public servant entrusted with the role of serving the public interest, obstructs law enforcement officers, they are not only breaching the trust placed in them by the people but also violating the rule of law itself.
    Public servants must understand that their personal or political beliefs cannot override their duty to uphold and respect the law. To deliberately interfere with Federal law enforcement is a violation of the legal framework that ensures our society functions in an orderly and just manner. It is especially important to note that public officials hold positions of trust and must act within the boundaries of the law at all times. Any administrator who knowingly ignores the law for political reasons is unfit for their role. They undermine the very foundation of justice and the responsibility they swore to uphold.
    If an administrator is found obstructing Federal law enforcement officers, it should be viewed as a breach of their duty to serve the public and should result in their immediate dismissal from office. Public trust is a vital component of democratic governance, and when that trust is broken, there must be consequences to maintain the integrity of our institutions.
    I would therefore Expect and demand that if our superintendent Jharrett Bryantt Interferes with or obstructs Law Enforcement in any way, that The Assembly does their duty and immediately Terminates his employment.

  16. I find the application of Federal Preeminence regarding illegal immigration to be one of the points that leftists knowingly misapply, or outright ignore, at every opportunity.

  17. I am disappointed to hear that the school superintendent is ok with gang and criminals in the schools. I doubt very much that law enforcement would come to the school without a due process having been done and said process papers coming with enforcement. Personally i have yet to hear that anything other than that haas happened nor any school round ups occurring. Did I miss a news cycle?

    • Used to be printed on the side of APD Cruisers:
      … “To Serve & Protect”
      In the event of ‘not responding’ this is a clear and direct violation!

  18. Better call Grandma, cause your kid’s daycare is going to be closed for a long time. No Grandma available? Then you’d better call your boss. Work from home? Sorry, can’t do that anymore, either.

    So fun.

    • I know, RIGHT!!!
      I remember learning in grade school that the Democrats opposed ending slavery because “who will pick our cotton, clean our house, and look after our kids.” I am so glad it is different these days.
      Seriously? Are you literally advocating for ignoring Federal law because it might inconvenience some parents? A law that is enforced only when convenient is no law at all.

  19. ASD should concentrate on educating our kids, hiring a qualified superintendent, and not use scare tactics.

  20. I believe he is committing a crime, since ASD is tax payer funded please arrest him and enforce the law.

  21. Shouldn’t this guy be working on ASD’s $10 0million budget deficit, instead of trying to be “tough boi” with a federal agency??
    It’s going to be hilarious to see ICE casually slap cuffs on him when he steps into their way as they do a sweep through a school looking for illegals.
    I hope someone gets it on video and posts it online for all of us to enjoy…..

  22. “Anchorage School District is one of the most diverse in the nation, where more than 90 languages are supposedly spoken.” Only one language should be spoken in American schools – English. If that’s not good enough for you then either use your own money to hire a tutor or go back to wherever you came from. Taxpayers shouldn’t be footing the bill to pay for non-English speakers.

  23. I’m glad this superintendent is actually pushing back. And it’s funny how the state is working with the FBI who Trump has already slated for destruction along with the department of labor, education and the CIA. Crazy how they are going after families and not making a better path to citizenship and focusing on actually EDUCATING CHILDREN instead of deporting them

    • A better path to citizenship? If I rob a store, should we work to find a way that I can keep the stuff I stole?

    • Chris; we should be focusing on educating legal residents of America.

      Take all the time in the world to figure that out.

    • How, exactly did President Trump slate the FBI for destruction?
      By telling them to do their job without political bias? Is that what is going to destroy the FBI?

  24. Anyone stating that they will oppose ICE efforts to deport illegal aliens, especially known gang members of doodoo ms-13 butts or trende stupid-uhh littleboy aragua should be thrown right in the clink! China has finally been caught in their multi-tiered efforts to destroy the USA. Go get em, Homan, Trump and the many other great patriots in the USA who understand what’s been going on. And to the rest of the comatose Americans, dems and repubs, simply get out of the way until you wake the hell up!

  25. She’s grandstanding and has NOW POWER against a warrant! She is already showing her hand. I doubt very seriously if FBI will march into schools and pull noncitizen children out of their classrooms!!! Beware of her threats for they are empty and bombastic to shine a light on herself.

  26. If they receive federal money aren’t they kind of partially owned by government? Can he really say keep out? Grandstanding for sure.

  27. How about we don’t cheer for the trauma that will be implemented on children who had no choice other than to follow their parents here? How about we don’t applaud skin color profiling?!! I guarantee that any undocumented immigrant from Europe will get the benefit of the doubt over an undocumented immigrant from the targeted Hispanic/Latin countries. I weep for the US.

    • Do you likewise weep for the people who were raped and murdered by illegal aliens? Do you weep for the blue collar workers that are replaced by illegal aliens who are paid peanuts, ala slavery? Do you weep for the border agents murdered by illegal aliens? Or do you only weep for people who broke the law by coming here to do all of these things? I guess you have just been isolated from the results of that which you advocate. Others are not nearly as fortunate.

    • How about we set examples of enforcing laws. If you come here illegally, we should show parents and children what happens when they break the rules.

      And its you who are judging on skin color.

      I laugh at democrats like you.

    • What if the parents were born in the USA, but earn a living dealing in illegal drugs? Should we be concerned about the trauma those children will endure?
      What about the children of parents who are arrested for drunk driving? Should we stop enforcing traffic laws because a child will suffer trauma seeing their parent in court?
      Do you weep for the US because we enforce our laws?
      Did you weep for the US when they indicted President Trump? His minor child had to endure a LOT of trauma watching his father on trial every day.

    • Nina, Please discuss your dislike of laws with your elected representatives. On the other hand, just migrate to a nation that suits your ideology. However, I don’t know of any that allow foreigners to just cross their borders with impunity. Be careful migrating to Iran, Yemen or Nigeria. Venezuela may be more welcoming to you; it’s communist structure should suit you just fine.

    • Nina,

      Thank you for providing yet another perfect example of the typical radical leftist elevation of rank and mindless emotionalism over facts and reason.

      Nina, like an infant still in the crib, you do not think, you simply emote.

  28. ASD is rife with woke imbeciles like Bryantt, who pass on that nonsense to our kids. He’s breaking the law.
    Further, if this effeminazi has the support of our mayor or his/her/their/its minions, then he/she/they/them should suffer the same fate.

    Let’s hope our new sheriff in town, the great and glorious Donald J Trump, abolishes the Education Department, ends the stranglehold of the Teachers’ Union and supports State-managed school vouchers.

  29. What I find truly disturbing about the entire left on this issue is the fact they honestly believe President Trump is rounding up LEGAL immigrants.

    Even sadder is 30 years ago, the Democrats were crying “They’re taking our jobs!”. They wanted them deported. Now they want them here to clean their toilets and mow their lawns.

    I can’t believe I used to be one of them.

    • They cannot bash President Trump if they did not distort every one of his actions.
      “Who will pick our produce???????” (Uhhh… the same H2B visa holders that are picking it now….)
      Wanting to deport illegal aliens is not the same as hating immigrants. But if the leftists acknowledged that, they would lose one of the most powerful tools in their narrative.

      • I find it hilarious their hypocrisy on this issue. They are crying “racism” when they are blatantly displaying their racism.

        “Who will pick our friut” or scrub our toilets? That implies heavily that those are the only things immigrants are good at.

        They really have no clue. Heck, even when I was a liberal, I saw this hypocrisy and called it out

        • Added hypocrisy:
          The same people push for a higher minimum wage, while simultaneously saying illegal aliens are better for our economy because they work cheaper than Americans. Like a higher minimum wage will not push businesses to hire more illegals, thereby harming Americans, thereby causing a call for higher minimum wage, downward spiral ensues.

        • I enjoy reading your intelligent and on-point comments here, Thomas! They are the perfect counterpoint to the crocodile tears of Whidbey and the numerous festering piles of Forkner.

          Keep up the good work!

            • Your name is Thomas?
              I never knew. Instead of calling you dog, I will now reply to you with your proper name. Thanks for sharing.

            • What is revealing about your lack of moral character, Dog is not responding to my calling you out on your insanity. Nor do you respond to any of my questions.

              I’m still shocked we agree on one issue.. which i”m glad. Just wish you’d come around to admitting you’ve been proven wrong.

          • Thank you, Jefferson! I enjoy this site. I’m having issues donating but. thats a windows problem on my end.

          • PS, like I said, I used to be one of them. I hated all Republicans because I was told to. Then I actually talked to my conservative neighbors – and actively listend to them. They asked me questions I could not answer. That’s when I started realizing I was in a cult. I blindly followed the headlines and knee jerk reactions to all issues.

            Today, when someone claims there is an “anti transgender law” on the books, I ask; where does the law say it’s anti transngeder”. They still don’t have an answer for that since it’s proven there are none.

            Every single liberal today refuses to listen to any opposing view.


  30. ICE website has a tipster page for anyone harboring illegal aliens. Pretty straightforward to fill out. Just saying.

  31. Forget for a moment the issue at hand and consider the tenor of these responses. The fervor and vitriol with which people are throwing about derogatory labels and implying violence is stunning. The manner in which we choose communicate with one another tells us more about who we are than our stance on any one particular issue. Stop for a moment and consider the kind of community in which you wish to live. This thread offers us an appalling look into the heart of this community as it is.

    • Apparently you have likewise forgotten the harm caused by illegal aliens. Is it really wrong to object to people who commit felonies taking our tax dollars and welfare? Is it really wrong to expect people to come here LEGALLY, following the rules? The community I want to live in knows civics, understands the rights and responsibilities of citizenship, and behaves legally and ethically. Your milage may vary.

      • Agreed, people should not be here illegally. But Trump has made immigrants out to be the source of all of our problems, much as Hitler did in the ’30s and ’40s by scapegoating the Jews. You can just hear Trump’s voice dripping with hatred when he speaks about them. He whips you up, and you have, pitifully, swallowed the hate bait.

        We have bigger problems than this, yet you seem to think that it’s the Great Evil.

        The Ayatollah needed America to hate.
        Kim Jong Un needs America to hate.
        Hitler needed the Jews to hate.
        Milosovek needed the Albanians to hate.
        And MAGA needs immigrants (and LGBTQ) to hate.

        Every autocrat needs a target group to keep his people spun up.

        See a pattern here??

        • “But Trump has made immigrants out to be the source of all of our problems…”
          No. President Trump did no such thing.
          President Trump is saying illegal aliens are one of our myriad of problems. And, deporting the violent criminals, and stopping the handouts to those that are in the country illegally is good for the nation.
          At no time did President Trump say anything about immigrants that are in the country legally.
          As to the magnitude of the problem, the illegal alien one IS one of our largest problems. It is huge in the financial cost (NYC alone spent over $2B a year catering to illegal aliens, and USAID provides a NGO over $600M/month to encourage illegal aliens to enter the country.), it is also a massive quality of life issue for the legal citizens and residents of the USA. Areas where illegal aliens are located en masse are also the areas with the highest violent crime, and the worst educations.
          What I see is a pattern from the folks on the left side of the aisle. They have a pattern of distorting the message (equating illegal aliens to legal immigrants), and then declaring that means the conservatives now “hate” that group. I cannot speak for anyone else, but I do not hate immigrants. I am married to one. So is President Trump. Nor do I hate illegal aliens. I want them to enter the country legally, and become Americans.

        • I am sorry WTD that comment is out of line.
          You clearly have no real comprehension about the way Hitler demonized Jews. Your comparison is unacceptable and false. High numbers of illegal aliens in the country are an issue, if we wish to return to be a nation of laws, with opportunity for all who are citizen or have gained legal admittance to pursue their ambitions.
          I second what CBMTTek wrote.

          As an aside, ironically I recall a certain press secretary, who routinely demonized MAGA as the evil people, who are responsible for all the misery the Biden White House inflicted on the country.

    • Jim, in the end this is a very simple issue. Are we a nation of laws (that apply to all) or are we a conglomerations of various groups all looking to get theirs and ignore the laws that we made for all, as they see fit?? A nation of laws provides safety, peace, prosperity, freedom and respect to all, while special interest only sows chaos and jealousy.
      So if we are a nation of laws then the fence hopping illegal aliens need to be treated per the laws on the books and returned to where they came from. If they wish to do so they are certainly invited to apply for legal residency.
      Government by definition can not and never should be in the compassion business, as it is a detriment to applying the law equally.

  32. Is it possible to get Bryantt’s phone number? I’d like to pass it on to Tom Homan so the two of them could chit chat.

  33. The superintendent says they don’t track the immigration status here is a clue Johnny speaks and language that is not English. When is anchorage going to hire a qualified person instead of a DEI?

  34. its ironic that he brings up FERPA, when he wont enforce this and prohibits parents from knowing “gender and gender pronouns which FERPA is supposed to insure, yet he cites it to attempt to obdtruct justiceby preventing law enforcementto come on his school grounds; I will sign up to serve on his jury.

  35. Once again…
    I do not disagree with the superintendent when he requires a warrant. No school official should allow any law enforcement to enter school property and take a student into custody without a legal authority to do so.
    Stating he will require the warrant to be reviewed by a city attorney is nothing but obstructing the legal enforcement of the law. I know it, the LEOs know it, and he knows it.
    That is why I think he needs to enjoy some time in front of a magistrate answering for the obstruction.

  36. Sweet! This is fantastic news. Bryantt is going to get himself thrown in federal prison for obstruction. Hopefully most of the School Board too.

  37. Old Alaskan recipe, duct tape, isolated tree,small jar of honey. Unless you live near the coast in which case a lost crab pot was used these were the way the garbage was disposed of, seemed to work well in the past.

  38. Arrest him if necessary. I didn’t agree to paying for illegals with my taxes. It cost money, everything cost money, not agreed & should be illegal to do. This is theft to whoever pays taxes into the school district. Be accountable & cooperate. We are not a sanctuary for illegals period. Apply like everyone else legally.

  39. Event needs a healthy portion of “Assault Condiments” the kind that comes in a little spray dispenser

  40. Doesn’t actually matter what who’s interpretation of what is. When it gets down to the nitty gritty, just exactly whom does JHarrett imagine will stop them? They’re not going to ask for his permission to come in.

  41. It seems as if Superintendent Bryantt is setting ASD policy re illegal immigrants. If this is policy, then the entire School Board is culpable. Recommend everyone email every school board member with their complaints. Here is the link to the Anchorage School Board: ‘

    It’s time to put your voices and energy to helping Superintendent Bryantt and the school board follow the law.

    • Respectfully disagree, David.
      It’s not the parent/taxpayer’s job to help Superintendent Bryantt and the school board follow the law.
      The Bryantt-Board team know they’re insulated from accountability and angry voters because Alaska’s grand-jury and election systems are FUBAR’d.
      But what you’ve been doing, David, is shining a light on these vermin from which they can’t hide.
      Light surely shared with President Trump’s DOJ and Education Department, yes?
      On the other hand, when it comes to putting voices and energy into helping Superintendent Bryantt and the school board out of their jobs, into police vans (plural, from the size of them) …we’re here for you.

    • Only the School Board can adopt “Policy” but the Superintendent can adopt “Administrative Regulations” based on policy and “Administrative Guidelines” on his own. I know of none of these applicable to this matter.
      I have received assurances that judicial warrants will be complied with by ASD personnel.
      The Superintendent has explained that if for some reason, law enforcement wanted to proceed through the building before any ASD process was complete, ASD staff would not interfere.
      Dave Donley
      As always, speaking only for myself and on behalf of the ASD or Anchorage School Board.

  42. Have a look at “Trump DOJ slaps Illinois, Chicago with lawsuit over sanctuary laws”.
    Seems like time to include Anchorage School District, yes?

  43. Juneau had “protesters” screaming and crying in public yesterday about their rights (especially “free speech” being taken away.

    The Trump Derangement Syndrome is getting scarier and crazier.

  44. I suggestt tthatt Jharrett Bryantt reconsider his directtive tto hide and prottectt illegal aliens on Anchorage School propertties. He may find himself arrestted and imprisoned and tthe cittizens of Anchorage would nott agree tto bail outt his sorry unqualified postterrior!

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