Anchorage School District creates sanctuary campuses to protect illegal immigrants from federal ICE officers


The Anchorage School District has made multiple claims it doesn’t have enough money and that it will have to close campuses and fire teachers without more state funds.

But it has enough money to set up a “resource page” to tell illegal immigrants in Anchorage how it plans to fight President Trump when it comes to illegal immigration.

Anchorage School Superintendent Jharrett Bryantt sent a note to parents on Monday, in which he said the district is reviewing presidential directives and executive orders regarding immigration. He wants parents to know that in Anchorage, “every school is a safe, welcoming, and supportive space for all students and families.”

And another thing: He won’t let immigration officials on campuses.

Presumably Bryantt means that even if an illegal immigrant Venezuelan gang member is hiding in a school building, federal immigration officials would not be allowed on campus.

Bryantt is essentially declaring Anchorage schools to be sanctuaries for illegal immigrants.

The school superintendent wrote that education is for every child and that ASD will not share information with anyone outside the student’s parents or legal guardian. In the recent past, the district has even kept gender identity information from the students’ own parents. Now, it’s a step further: Federal law enforcement has no right to Anchorage school campuses.

The federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act “protects your child’s privacy by prohibiting ASD from sharing student-specific information with anyone other than the student’s parents or legal guardians, except in specific situations such as when required by a judicial warrant or court order,” the district said in its note.

Therefore, the school district will block any immigration official from entering any school district property, he said, unless they “present a judicially signed warrant.”

But that’s not all. Any warrant will then be reviewed by ASD’s lawyers “to ensure it meets the necessary legal standards before any action is taken.”

Bryantt did not give any information about how much it will cost to make Anchorage schools into immigration sanctuaries.

The school district has also created an immigration resource webpage.


  1. Make lemon aid out of this lemon. Sell tickets to the show of watching the boys and girls in black and blue open the doors of the schools. I’d bet a sizeable amount of the budget woes would be taken care of with ticket sales. Too, food court with food for sale. The fiscal potential is a powerful mental picture when one thinks on it. Cheers,-Johnson-Ketchikan

  2. No. This is not good. I didn’t vote for Anchorage to be a sanctuary city! I want these illegals out! I voted for the government–federal, state, local–to clean up their acts. I’m tired of spending my property taxes on homeless, less prosecutors and less police, crappy roads, no sanding or snow removal! Let’s collectively get together and get these illegals out!

  3. Isn’t that a clear violation of 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iii)? I’m really looking forward to federal ICE officials arresting a state or local official for such a violation. Having it done in Anchorage would be pretty special.

      • Mark
        I am sure greg is in The Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL), located in Anchorage.
        There is to mission is to deter ICE activity within the city and prevent municipal and state resources from being used to assist with deportations.
        See greg these are “illegal aliens” not “legal” immigrants, there is a BIG difference!
        Try to keep up!

    • No need for a hearing or trial. If they’re here illegally, they will go to the back of the line where they came from. What part of ILLEGAL alien do you not understand? And please, stop clutching your gestapo pearls. It’s a bad look.

    • So, the Anchorage school district is hiding Anne Frank from the Gestapo? Many foreigners wanting to be Americans have legally stood in line for the process, none of them breaking in line. Who is really being discriminated against? In the 20’s immigration was curtailed as there needed to be assimilation. This was undone in the 60’s and flooded with illegal entry now…. “diversity” in this case is not helpful.

    • No, this is not anything like the Gestapo or the SS and your refence to them being that way shows your ignorance of history. The agents in this case are removing people from the country who got here illegally they are not unjustly jailing anyone or killing anyone.

  4. Call b*llsh*t on this DEI/LGBTQ superintendent. If he interferes with ICE arrests, then arrest him and send him south. South of the border works. This little punk won’t last long.

  5. Maybe this is why the ASD says it has too many students in a classroom. The illegal immigrants require English Language Learner teachers. So teacher resources are being directed to those children while legal American children are crowded together in their classrooms. BTW, remember the schools get more federal funding for English Language Learner students. Time for parents to look out for their kids.

    • Everyone should petition the city for their property taxes that was just sent out. How much goes to ASD, 60%? What a waste of money and they should be held accountable.

  6. I wonder if Bryantt knows he is contemplating committing felonies?And whose army is actually going to stop the Federal officers?

  7. I don’t think young Mr. Bryantt understands how warrants work. You can debate the legality of it later in court but not at the schoolhouse door…………..

    • What expectation of privacy is there in a Public space of a Public school paid for with Your tax dollars for a warrant?

      Pull your children out of Anchorage School District for home schooling, etc. They are teaching them the wrong things.

      Write your legislators to oppose more funding for schools, higher salaries, benefits, pensions, bonus’ for these people at the expense of you, your children and draining the PFD for their own benefit. They are only out for themselves and their political agenda.

    • Plus, I’m no lawyer, but I would think that just declaring that schools (owned by the citizens, not illegal aliens) can’t just be declared ‘off limits’ to law enforcement, because some DEI loving putz says so!

  8. Bryantt has officially crossed over into lunatic territory. Where do we start the recall petition? This guy needs to go and he needs to go now.

  9. The FBI will have themselves some school district employees for customers shortly. There is this long standing thing called obstruction of justice. 20 years in the crow bar hotel might enlighten him. These are NOT fkn immigrants they are illegal aliens. If they want to go and come back legal like I’m all in but go they must.

  10. Stupid virtue signaling. The schools close in mid afternoon. I have never heard of rounding up kids of illegals in schools. There cannot be too many kids of illegals going to ASD facilities. If there are it wouldn’t be hard to follow the kid home and arrest the whole family there without any drama.

  11. Remember when anchorage residents wanted to put tolls on the Glenn after Eagle Exit was announced?
    Lets put a border around anchorage and implement strict passport control.

  12. Evidently the ASD has more than enough finances to waste it on this nonsense so they will not be needing additional state funding for their $100 million dollars budget deficit. That state funding could be better used by other school districts in the state.

  13. Thank God for Trump because we are living in a clown world with this virus of sanctuary city, identity crisis, ambassador of nothing real, whatever the new liberal word or phrase of the day is. Yuck!
    We live within the muni, we didn’t have a vote or voice when it came to hiring this numbskull… our kids are homeschooled for good reason, chiefly garbage like this, and yet our taxes just increased and we are receiving nothing in return from that same muni for abiding the law, working hard and paying our taxes. Instead, by paying our taxes we are essentially saying that we are ok with this garbage and are complicit in anything the Woke Assembly does or these terrible “district leaders” choose. We are complicit people in going along with it. God calls for us to be obedient to Him, not to a municipality that is entrenched in evil. Maybe they can add a box on the tax collection form. Tithe instead of tax. What we are doing now is not making a difference when this district and muni still gets their non-offensive cake and get to eat it too.
    We are Complicit in this clown world by letting it continue.
    Anyone know the rebel yell from Bull Run?!

  14. The young school superintendent may be receiving bad legal advice. It would take an awful lot to convince me that any federal education statute has the effect of restricting the ability of federal law enforcement to go anywhere to enforce the law. If individuals have violated the law, they are subject to arrest. Arrest ‘em all, including Mr. Bryantt, for all I care.

      • I’m thinking a little trump round up at 2 am of ACLU and school district employees involved in this stupidity and lock them in solitary in some far away state for 9 months. Then possibly an interview sort of like Biden did to January 6th people. Or a good group of us could take them for a snowmachine ride somewhere distant. Either way. And these people are teaching our children ?

        • Doug, I have a better idea;
          Wall off Portland, Oregon. shove every single “They/them” in there, Escape from New York Style. Let them build their own “civilization” See how long it takes before they literally eat each other.

  15. “And another thing: He won’t let immigration officials on campuses.”
    Good, just arrest him for breaking federal law.
    Problem solved…

  16. ICE has been directed to arrest and deport illegal aliens with a history of violent offenses. This superintendent has just publicly stated he will harbor violent criminals on school grounds which is a Felony . Not to mention places our children at risk. He also can’t manage the district .
    Who does he think he is ? He should be fired for gross mismanagement at a minimum

  17. A case study in how to draw ICE attention to yourself. ICE should send a delegation to each school immediately and arrest anyone who tries to block their entry. Maybe we can deport illegals and weed out woke school employees at the same time. A win-win situation.

  18. Have fun enforcing it, you leftist. Enjoy your pending arrest. BTW, they are “illegal aliens” and you don’t get to violate the law any more, just because you are a leftist. Past time to end the DEI and CRT School District behaviors.

  19. More peacocking by ASD. How many internet virtue points has this earned for you, Bryantt? What idiot thinks ICE would actually barge into a school? They got enough work to do elsewhere.

    • “…….What idiot thinks ICE would actually barge into a school?……..”
      That’s why Bryantt thought it was safe to post such a foolish statement. Hopefully, ICE and the FBI take his bait…..

  20. Bryantt, please explain where in the state constitution, laws, or what have you that states where our state’s money is designated to be spent on educating and housing illegals. Tom Homan coming to a place near you Jarrett.

  21. “sanctuary for illegals” the new #metoo virtue signaling.
    This is just as idiotic as the president of the Tlingit tribe warning against ICE raids in downtown Yakutat pop 650!

    It is however keeping with the ASD tradition of following every worthless fad that comes along to the detriment of our children, who end up being unable to accumulate enough useful knowledge to become productive members of society. I am certain that Mr. Bryantt made this proclamation with the full approval of the board.

    It is further distressing that Mr. Bryantt is in the fearmongering business. I have seen countless videos of teachers from all over the country, crying and saying they will protect their students and will not let ICE/law enforcement into their classroom. Sadly these are the people teaching our children. They clearly display an emotional disturbance and disdain for the laws governing our nation, but I am sure will be the first to decry the loss of “democracy”. Pathetic!

  22. This is why the ASD is gone into the crapper, lack of attention to educating kid. These DEI butt heads are totally absorbed with themselves and their political goals. The ASD board and administration are useless as tits on a boar and they would not be missed one iota if they all took a permanent vacation. The money would still be gone but something positive might actually be accomplished.

  23. If this is actually happening the Marshalls need to do a throw down on everyone involved. Complete bull shit.

    Suzanne have you sent a copy of this story to the FBI . Don’t just assume they know this. They are getting shit thrown at them from every direction at the moment.

  24. While creating “ sanctuary space” for illegals is certainly educational for the taxpayers, what does it have to do with the three Rs?

  25. Thes school isn’t theirs, its public domain. They have zero authority to lock out federal officials. Dunleavy, Sullivan, Begich…anyone?

  26. The ASD is not exactly wrong in one aspect of this situation.
    It is not appropriate for a school to allow someone to remove a child from the school property without parental permission. Yes, even if that child is in the country illegally. Bring a warrant, and that concern goes away.
    Now, if the ASD said they were not going to allow ICE on campus, even with a warrant, I have a MAJOR problem with that, and any school official that turns a law enforcement officer holding a valid warrant away should be arrested.
    Now… leftists on MRAK, grab these words from my comment above “…The ASD is not exactly wrong…” and claim that it means I support sanctuary cities, and that I am a hypocrite.

    • So if the punk committed a crime in school or on the way to school (entered the US illegally), in your tooth fairy brain the kid can’t be touched? What color is the sky in your world?

      • Excellent question. It is blue, just like yours. However, that is not your real question.
        There are some crimes that require immediate response by the police. If it includes a situation where the criminal is violent, or threatening violence, the police have authority to stop the threat, with or without a warrant.
        Then there are crimes where the criminal is sitting in a classroom, not threatening anyone. in that situation, a valid warrant is required. Not much different than any other criminal that is not a physical threat to society.
        And the kid most certainly be touched. Just do it in compliance with the law. I do not understand why this is so upsetting to you. Last time I checked, we are a nation of laws, and a civilized one at that. Treating every violation of the law as if it was murder in the first is not the right way to go about it.

  27. I don’t remember voting to become a sanctuary city unless the school district thinks they are Hitler. I would rather like the children academic to be raised above 40 out of 40 we sure are not getting our money worth from the school system. Maybe you should clean your house and teach the children and stop breaking the law sounds like the AG for the state should get involved for fraud.

    • You did not vote for it.
      The Assembly voted on your behalf.
      Which should serve as a reminder to get involved, or at a minimum informed, on what the local legislature is doing.

  28. 8 U.S. Code § 1324 – It is a federal crime to encourage or induce an illegal alien to reside in the United States. And subject to 5 years in prison

  29. Superintendent Jharrett Bryantt should be removed from office immediately. We are a land of rules and laws these people broke the law to get here and are braking the law every day they are here. They must be returned to their country of origin. By him ignoring our laws he is teaching the children he is charged with caring for and teaching that they don’t have to obey the laws they don’t like or agree with.

  30. Sighhhhhh….all this chatter. I know superintendent Jharett is ever so super busy trying to increase Anchorage students educational knowledge all whilst his sidekick Assembly members continue to kick funding out from under him. But I would like to see him keep ICE out of Anchorage school.
    And BTW, when did he receive authority to thwart Federal agents?

  31. I hope they throw the yahoo in jail for harboring and interference with a federal law enforcement official. BOTH felonies, and I hope he will enjoy that time to reflect on his BS opinions……

  32. He’s a fool if he thinks harboring illegals inside a school will keep Tom Homen’s ICE patrol from retrieval. Eventually the kids will have to go home.

    It occurs to me that Mr. Bryant plans to endanger the lives of students by hiding illegals in the school. What could possibly go wrong?

  33. The DOJ just filed a lawsuit against Chicago and Illinois regarding their sanctuary city status. Anchorage school district is $100 million short on their budget and begging for more money, yet they can put the district and possibly the state in danger of high cost lawsuits? It’s a puzzle why students are choosing alternative education solutions.


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