Alaska Airlines plane stuck in Dillingham


An Alaska Airlines / Horizon jet is stuck on the apron to the runway in Dillingham, where conditions were so windy and icy that the plane could not be brought to the terminal on Sunday.

The pilot did an engine shutdown of Horizon Flight 2211 because she could not control the aircraft, according to sources on the ground.

The passengers were evacuated with a forklift in an approved disabled passenger lift, five people at a time, according to MRAK sources. The plane then proceeded to remain without power overnight and the wings have reportedly iced up. Dillingham has no de-icing equipment.

The image above is from Monday night’s FAA camera in Dillingham, showing the aircraft to the right.

This story has been updated with information from Alaska Airlines, as of 9:55 am Alaska Time, Jan. 25. The plan has since departed Dillingham.


  1. Good to read the passengers were evacuated safely. For those in the know, how was the plane secured to prevent damage to the aircraft and nearby structures during high winds? Just askin’.

    • We went with the information we thought was most verifiable. The plane has now been moved, but I believe it is still on the ground. Crazy times flying in Alaska when you have to get people off the plane in a plywood box and forklift. – sd

      • Yeppers – I was just curious because I had an interesting experience going down my steep 200’ driveway which had become a sheet of ice overnight. Fortunately, studded tires and 4-wheel drive saved the day. Best to you!

        • I landed in dillingham one time and the wind was blowing 40 across the runway. We touched down and bounced a couple of times then the plane which was a 737 slid sideways. The pilot demonstrating all the skill of a master aviator quickly put one engine into full thrust forward and the other in reverse thrust and sort of straighten the plane up doing that. Otherwise we would have been cartwheeling down the runway. Dillingham can be a rough place to land, but not as rough as say, Gambell.

        • I’m a pilot for Alaska..We do have a deicing program in Dillingham..I’ve been there many times.. We spray type 1 and type 4 if needed.. Maybe there was an issue with the drive trucks ?

  2. I work in Aviation. I am hesitant to believe there is no deicing equipment in DLG. I don’t think the FAA will allow a carrier to serve a town without deice equipment there.

  3. I know it’s a small airport, but it IS Alaska. So there will be ice. Hopefully this can be a learning experience for airports to have some deicing fluid, gravel and equipment on hand.

  4. The responsibility to have aircraft deicing equipment lies with the operator of the aircraft. Not the airport. Airports may have runway deicing equipment.

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