After fourth RNC-sponsored debate, national party is done hosting them before first caucus, primary


The Republican National Committee will not play a role in further 2024 GOP primary debates, the RNC said Friday. The party has held four debates, and has winnowed down the candidates to five for the fourth debate, which took place on Wednesday. But with frontrunner Donald Trump skipping all the debates, the viewership has been declining.

4.1 million viewers watched the fourth Republican presidential debate, including 1.6 million on NewsNation and 2.5 million on the CW Network, according to Nielsen, a ratings service. It was a 47% drop in viewership from the third debate, Nov. 8. It was, however, a record night for NewsNation.

The first debate in August drew 12.8 million viewers.

There still may be debates, but they would need to be sponsored by another group and time is of the essence. The Republican Party of Iowa holds presidential caucuses on Jan. 15 and the New Hampshire primary is Jan. 23.


    • Well, that was probably the last debate of the Presidential race.

      Biden’s handlers won’t let him anywhere near a debate platform in 2024. They were quite eager to use COVID as an excuse to cancel one of them in 2020. His mental state is just far too degraded. I’ve noticed a few articles written in the mainstream press laying the groundwork, saying debates are obsolete and need a ‘new format’ because Trump makes our current politics too toxic. Just watch – we’ll see CNN pundits claiming that we need to cancel traditional debates to ‘save democracy!’

      Personally, I’d love to see Trump, RFK Jr, and Biden on the same stage, but it would be political malpractice for the Democrats to allow it.

      • Considering the bats**t crazy things Trump has been mumbling lately in interviews and his rallies, I think it would just be an absolutely sad show of babbling old men for Trump and Biden to debate.

  1. There is one thing to say: ” We wanted Trump” substantively (Make America Great Again – that’s why his rallies are huge). We didn’t want inflation and substantive change and a communism form of government in lieu of the republic form of government. How hard is that to figure out?

    • Not sure it’s wasting time if people are watching. Absolutely sure it’s not your call regarding how others time is spent.

      In case you are an AK public school grad, let’s ring the school bell.

      National polls, even state polls are immaterial in a contested primary process. Actual voters are the people who count.

      Further: we chose nominees on a state by state primary process. Each state makes individual choices, and often the early winners are misleading. Upsets are common. Campaigns are often made or lost in this process, polls irrelevant.

      Lastly: at the end of the final day, POTUS is elected by the number of electoral votes he garners. It’s become more common a POTUS does not, in fact, “win the polls”, or the popular vote.

      Ask Presidents Bush and Trump about that.

      Learn the system if you want to effectively comment on it.

  2. The debates are not for the candidates. They are for the American people. When cowards like Biden and Trump are too scared to debate, it shows us they are not fit to lead.

    Trump and Biden were both too cowardly to serve in the US Military.

    Biden and Trump both raised our debt by trillions- Trump by $7.8 trillion, Biden- might be headed for $8 trillion.

    Fiscal conservatives are backing Haley- at least the ones that aren’t misogynists. Haley wasn’t afraid to debate, and she blew away the others.

    • M Your last line is to much to stomach ( she blew away the others ) & ( Fiscal conservatives are backing Haley) both of these statements fall flat on their face, The only way these exist is in your reiterated CNN & MSNBC propaganda of War Mongering Globalist narrative of Less Population, Authoritarian Control & down with Constitutional American Freedoms through truthful reporting!
      M, you are completely right about ( The debates are not for the candidates. They are for the American people. ) Good luck getting one covered &/or provided without controlled by bias Networks or special interest organizations! Money is today earned through deception not truth ! Lies are more profitable then the truth!

    • So when are you running? Also, did YOU serve?

      It’s very easy for keyboard commandos to toss around terms like “coward” and “traitor”.

      If you think Hailey is a conservative, or fiscally responsible, you are using a dictionary all your own.

      • M.A. Yep, I served. Volunteered even. So when I see traitors like Joe Biden and Donald Trump running for office when they dodged the draft while real Americans were fighting and dying I have no problem calling them cowards.

        Haley did a god job as an elected official, unlike the traitor Trump, or Biden. She’s never been arrested. Never charged with a crime, and in her two terms as governor of South Carolina she improved the economy markedly. Here’s an excerpt from The Hill:

        “While serving South Carolina, Haley’s priority was to make the state economically competitive after years of stagnant growth and high unemployment. To do this, she cut taxes, reduced burdensome regulations, offered tax incentives to major manufacturers and sought to make life easier for small businesses.

        In Haley’s final year as governor, she proposed across-the-board tax cuts for all brackets and corporations. In total, the plan would have reduced taxes by more than $1.1 billion.

        After two terms as governor, Haley’s economic reforms paid off. By the time she left office, South Carolina had transformed into a dynamic economy, with record job growth and a bright future. When Haley started her first term as governor, the unemployment rate was well over 10 percent. By the time she left office, it had dropped to 4.4 percent.”

  3. M – Wow, Nut Job Nikki a fiscal conservative? How can a warmongering candidate who is in favor of sending more money to the neo-con’s lost cause Ukraine project be considered a fiscal conservative? She did blow me away though when she couldn’t name a single Oblast in Ukraine even though the United States has invested hundreds of billions of dollars in the region on a miserably failed foreign policy debacle.

    • Fishing. Haley is superior to Trump in every way- unless you are a misogynist. Trump grew our debt by almost $8 trillion, and you support him? You don’t sound very rational. Haley has more years in elective office than Trump, and guess what? She’s not had a single criminal charge leveled against her, and she has not carelessly handled top secret information. Haley is pro life, pro gun, and grew the economy of N Carolina while serving two terms as governor. Quoting from The Hill:

      While serving South Carolina, Haley’s priority was to make the state economically competitive after years of stagnant growth and high unemployment. To do this, she cut taxes, reduced burdensome regulations, offered tax incentives to major manufacturers and sought to make life easier for small businesses.

      In Haley’s final year as governor, she proposed across-the-board tax cuts for all brackets and corporations. In total, the plan would have reduced taxes by more than $1.1 billion.

      After two terms as governor, Haley’s economic reforms paid off. By the time she left office, South Carolina had transformed into a dynamic economy, with record job growth and a bright future. When Haley started her first term as governor, the unemployment rate was well over 10 percent. By the time she left office, it had dropped to 4.4 percent.”

      Democrats (and the media) want Trump to be the Republican nominee. They want the weakest, most irrational candidate possible running against Joe Biden. Since Trump has lost the popular vote twice, its a good bet Trump will not do well, and we get four more years of traitor Biden.

  4. I’ve watched all the debates, so far (supposedly CNN is planning to host two more unofficial debates in January.) For the most part they were pretty boring, but I thought the most recent debate was more interesting.
    Between the stupid personal attacks and vapid speechifying, there have only been a few moments where the candidates actually discussed policies and programs to address the damage (the border, inflation, international relations, wokeism, judicial abuse, etc.) I’d sure like to hear more targeted questioning by the moderators that minimizes the arguing and pushes them to address these issues. Instead, the moderators and their producers seem to encourage the bad behavior in hopes of getting clickbait moments that they can air for the next several days.

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