A scam so big even national news noticed: Peltola refuses to remove egregious ads lying about Nick

Mary Peltola

A national news organization took notice this week that Rep. Mary Peltola is lying about Republican candidate Nick Begich, who she accuses of planning to destroy all fish in Alaska, outsource all jobs to other countries, and somehow remove all children from the state of Alaska.

Peltola’s campaign has hit some new lows in Alaska politics. “Nice Mary” has turned into “Vicious Mary” during the last days of the campaign. Some of Peltola’s bizarre ads are illustrated by these two found on her website, which she refuses to remove:

Republican candidate Nick Begich called out Peltola during the fisheries debate in Kodiak for lying about him with her ads.

“I think it’s also important that we be honest in politics. And you know, I’m seeing ads right now from, again, one of my opponents up here on stage that says, if you elect Nick Begich, there’ll be no more fish,’” Begich said. “Well, that is ridiculous, and that is shameful, and for her to maybe run ads like that that she approved from her campaign, lying to the people of Alaska, that’s wrong,” he added. 

Peltola responded that she knew nothing about the ads.

“I don’t know what attack ad is being referred to. I know nothing of this,” she said at the fish debate. “That was not my ad there. There are a lot of ads out there. I know I’ve had seven million dollars and attack ads over the last few weeks, and it’s time that I stand up for myself and stand up for Alaskans and say enough is enough: I’m not here to do any petty bickering.”

But if she didn’t really know what her own ads were saying then, she knows them, 10 days later. But she still won’t take them down.

Even the news outlet Townhall found her dishonesty to be of interest to its national audience.

Typically, it’s independent expenditure groups that are in charge of the mudslinging, and candidates try to distance themselves from that nasty aspect of campaigning. But Peltola herself has taken ownership of the role of chief mudslinger, spreading lies about Nick Begich, and savaging Nick’s father, Nick Begich Sr.

Peltola’s continuous attacks on Nick’s father’s business have risen to the level of an obsession with her opponent’s father, who is both a miner and a businessman, and Peltola has attempted to confuse voters, since the two share a family name.

At the same time, Peltola never brings up her own father, Ward Sattler of Stony River, nor does she invite him to events or appear with him in any photos or videos. In fact, Peltola never mentions her father. It’s only Nick Begich’s father that has her full and constant attention.


  1. Sounds like Scary Mary has a variation of derangement syndrome. This only comes up when your political opponent is better than you are.
    What about the ads accusing Begich’s company of taking advantage of the elderly by selling them faulty and dangerous medical equipment? How come candidates no longer run on their abilities, but have to engage in mudslinging? It all sounds so middle-schoolish.

  2. With the current fish controls set by ADFG and the feds we already are already running out of fish.
    So Mary is responsible for less fish.

  3. She claims to be a fisherwoman.
    Which makes her entitled to lie…how many and how big is the only lie coming out of her “fishcamp”
    The freedom she is ranting about is more about the freedom to lie to the gullible voters.

    • Thank goodness, your side never,never deals in similar or worst propaganda, What a relief, I’m so not impressed with your observation reflecting “Pots calling Kettles, Black”. Cheers.

  4. These outside PAC ads are a joke. Every Alaskan knows the US House and Peltola have zero to do with the PF and dividends. Begich is a Trump clone and an outsider. Peltola will win because she is more aligned with Alaskan interests as a Blue Dog Republican.

  5. You’re not far off on her obsessions. She has run through a number of very powerful men, and a lot of them are still alive to tell the tale. The list is long. Would not be surprised a bit if Sr. Begich was an interest of hers.
    People out here in Bethel know Mary’s ways and wants. They just don’t talk about it openly.

  6. How much worse can the fish allocation get for rural Alaska?
    Everything is already allocated to the outside interests who have the deep pockets to buy off state and fed officials as it is.
    As though Peltola has the slightest concern for “families”. The negative ads are infantile and infuriating to be subjected to.
    Insinuating Begich would somehow make things worse requires the listener to be ignorant as to how our resources are actually managed.


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