Sunday, March 16, 2025

Yearly Archives: 2020

Guns and drugs roundup nets 16 in Southcentral

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives executed search warrants resulting in federal charges against 16 people for federal firearm and drug trafficking...

‘Keep Dunleavy’ group forms

A group calling itself "Keep Dunleavy" has registered with the Alaska Public Offices Commission. Chaired by Cynthia Henry, national committeewoman for the Alaska Republican Party,...

Murkowski, Collins vote ‘nay’ on pain-capable unborn, but yes for abortion survivors

(Corrected - Murkowski voted yes on the born-alive bill) On Tuesday, two bills relating to abortion were on the Senate floor for a vote. As...

The ferry necessity: Haul sh*t away, make State pay

And so it came to pass that one of the most compelling reasons that rural Alaska communities in Southeast need ferries is because their...

Justice Bolger’s neutrality is in question, so he needs to sit this one out

By ANN BROWN Alaska Supreme Court Chief Justice Joel Bolger’s ability to participate impartially in the recall case has been called into question by a group opposing...

Loophole hides campaign treasure of Senate president

How much has Senate President Cathy Giessel stockpiled for her reelection campaign over the past few months? There's no way of knowing. Giessel filed her...

CDC finally concedes: USA outbreak isn’t if, but when

COVID-19 IS LIKELY TO 'BE BAD,' HEALTH OFFICIALS WARN "Americans should brace for the likelihood that the coronavirus will spread to communities in the United...

50th anniversary of Samaritan’s Purse

GROUP HAS BEEN ACTIVE IN ALASKA RURAL COMMUNITIES Today marks the 50th anniversary of Samaritan's Purse — five decades of responding to disasters, wars, and famine. The...

Red flag law could have social workers, counselors gunning for Alaskans’ guns

Democrats in the Alaska House of Representatives plan to put counselors, social workers, and even someone with a master's degree in psychology into the...

JP Morgan Chase to stop lending for Arctic oil

The Washington Post reported that JP Morgan Chase will stop lending to companies doing oil exploration or drilling above the Arctic Circle. That would include...

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