Sunday, September 1, 2024

Yearly Archives: 2018

No airplane tax — for now

The Aviation Advisory Board has pursuaded the Walker Administration to hold off on the proposed airplane tax and registration program. At least this year,...

‘Unaffiliated’ Lincoln picked for District 40 seat

JOHN LINCOLN IS GOVERNOR'S PICK TO REPLACE WESTLAKE Gov. Bill Walker appointed John Agnaqluk Lincoln of Kotzebue to represent House District 40 in the Alaska...

‘Bernie Sanders Democrat’ files against Don Young

A man who was the subject of controversy in 2016 over his affiliation with a Muslim group has filed to run against Congressman Don...

Heads and Tails: Distilleries on ice, babies on parade

P-FUND'S HOT HAND The Alaska Permanent Fund corpus is now worth $66.2 billion. It has grown by more than $2 billion in the past 23...

Loren Leman: Never give up on sanctity of life

The transcript of former Lt. Gov. Loren Leman's remarks for Sanctity of Human Life Day, given on the steps of Alaska's Capitol to a...

Has governor found a ‘Lincoln’ for his District 40 man?

JOHN LINCOLN OF KOTZ GETS INTERVIEW It appears, although nothing is certain in District 40, that Gov. Bill Walker is going "off list" in the...

New Dunleavy group stands up to bring support

"Dunleavy For Alaska," a group of Alaskans that plan to work toward the election of Mike Dunleavy as governor, filed its paperwork with Alaska...

Took a knee? Four House reps refuse moment of silence

DRUMMOND, TARR, SPOHNHOLZ, GUTTENBERG SAT IT OUT Rep. David Eastman asked for a moment of silence for all the babies who had lost their lives...

Listening to Larry

OUZINKIE MAN WAS CALM VOICE ON TSUNAMI WATCH Maybe you just woke up to check the time. Or maybe your phone alarm went off and...

Can His Mayorship be saved?

Leadership addressing Anchorage's woes isn't coming from City Hall. It's coming from residents who have had enough. Crime has the community on edge. Even union boss...

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