Lekanof: I got busted for OUI

House candidate Anthony Lekanof issued the following statement tonight:
“Following a situation last Friday, I was arrested on suspicion of OUI while attempting to recover my stolen wallet and cell phone from an event I was attending.
“As a candidate for office, I’m aware of what this situation looks like from the outside.
“While some will use this to diminish my campaign and my ability to lead, I hope that, over the coming weeks, I’ll be able to earn back the trust that I may have lost as a result of this decision.
“On the advice of my mentors and campaign team, I’ve chosen to focus on the issues at hand, and will let the process run its course. I greatly appreciate your support and prayers.”
Lekanof is running for House District 18, a seat now occupied by Democrat Harriet Drummond. He is 21 years old and has been a rising force in the Alaska political scene as an Alaska Native and a Republican.


      • thank you, I had the ‘under the influence’ but couldn’t figure out the ‘o.’ I’ve seen DUI and DWI, guess you’re never to old to learn. Luckily I never had to learn the hard way on any of those. LOL

  1. I was arrested on suspicion of OUI while attempting to recover my stolen wallet and cell phone from an event I was attending. So he was driving? What does the wallet and cell phone have to do with it. Is that like “I got got a DUI going to the store to buy a loaf of bread?” So his campaign manager must have said he had to get out in front of this.

  2. Welcome to the real world, kid. In all likelihood any hope of a political career in the future just ended. Unionized cops are the law enforcement arm of the Democrat Party. I would have crawled home on my hands and knees before I would have driven home from dinner or drinks in a Downtown Juneau bar or restaurant when I was an appointee. Call my wife or take a cab; take a cab even if I only had dinner with my wife and shared a bottle of wine. Unless you weigh about 200 pounds, you can’t blow legal after even two glasses of wine, and if you’re a Republican elected or appointed official somebody WILL call the cops. If you’re running for office as a Republican, Uber is your friend!

  3. So I take it that OUI is different than a DUI or DWI. Is it safe to assume that this person was OUI under the influence of some other newly legalized substance? Or are we speaking a new millennial language to soften the blow of what that is going to cost him? I am assuming that he got high, got caught driving and still wants us to vote for him.

  4. OUI unfortunate can be earned on a bike or anything other than your own two feet. I’ve met this young man. He seems to have high integrity and I commend him for owning what he’d done.

  5. Wow !!!! So many Judgemental comments . Anthony keep your head up don’t give up and stay in the race!!!!!

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