127 Washington State Patrol workers — nearly 6 percent of agency — fired over refusal of Inslee vaccine mandate


127 Washington State Patrol employees have been fired following the state of Washington Gov. Jay Inslee’s vaccine mandate.

Washington State Patrol announced Tuesday morning it “separated” the employees who were not vaccinated by the Oct. 18 deadline set by Inslee, which was announced in late August.

Those fired include 53 civil servants and 74 officers. The officers include 67 troopers, six sergeants and one captain.

“53 civil servants and 74 commissioned officers (67 troopers, 6 sergeants, and 1 captain) have, for varying reasons and in varying ways, separated from employment,” according to the Washington State Patrol.

WSP has approximately 2,200 personnel in eight districts and multiple geographic detachments and operational divisions. The firings amount to nearly 6 percent of the agency, and they are spread across the state, impacting some divisions more than others, according to the Washington State Patrol.

“As the agency moves through the next several days, leaders will gauge the immediate actual impact for short-term mitigation. In that time, the agency will move resources where necessary and specific personnel losses demand adjustment. In the mid and long term, WSP will continue its ongoing efficiency reviews and vigorous recruiting that will fill three new academy classes in the months to come. On the civilian side, the agency will make similar adjustments and look to fill vacancies with the best candidates possible as soon as possible,” the agency said.

“As for the more than 2,000 individuals who elected to stay with our agency, I am forever thankful. We have the responsibilities of the agency to carry forward and I am not going to ask you to do more with less. We shall do our very best to keep our remaining staff from becoming overburdened by these temporary losses,” said Chief John R. Batiste.


  1. They may feel penitence when they realize the federal Presidential authorizing Emergency Executive Order signed by President Trump expires October 21, 2021 doesn’t it and may NOT be extended. No federal authority available apparently for any of this.

    • Say. What item would Anchorage-ites at large like to assemble to discuss for the public good in your town? What percent of items are placed on the weekly agenda by the people? If we can’t put . 2 percent of the items in the agenda haven’t the agenda items become a ore or less captured item by our servants? I would like to place on the agenda public service and have an hour seminar service training. Would you like that? WHO WRITES THE AGENDA NOW. The Mayor? DID THE TEMP mayor last year this month define all agenda items? I would like an agenda item to discuss the nullifying of catering contracts as a reminder to the assembly employees of the public that their legislative scruples are not meeting expectations and a rewrite of their contracts may be reconsidered. (This is a really great comment btw)

  2. How utterly sad and pathetic that only 6% of the state patrol were willing to stand up for what was right, stand up for their individual health and bodily autonomy, and refuse to knuckle under to insanity and tyranny.
    We live in a nation of blind, ignorant and idiotic sheep.

    • Jefferson, I’m betting that most of those that remained love what they do, have limited opportunities elsewhere, may not be eligible for early retirement, have families to feed and mortgages to pay. Be real, are you willing to sacrifice your profession, lose your home, and make your family suffer for a principle? Are you in the service to others?

      Yep, didn’t think so.

      I wager alot of these folks were eligible to pop smoke already

    • The ones leaving are the individuals who took the stand for Freedom. The one staying chose the same freedom and got the shot. That is a personal choice as it should be not a government mandate.

  3. I’d hope most of these people have hit retirement.
    However, Lori Lightfoot in Chicago has already stated she will go after retirement benefits of anyone who dares defy her or her corporate sponsors (masters) Pfizer & Moderna.

  4. It’s a purge to consolidate the agency leaving only obedient cops willing to go after lawful citizens. Tyrannies are very legalistic, just not based on constitutional principles.
    Parents who oppose CRT, citizens who refuse masking, lockdowns and showing covid passports will be dealt with “legally”.
    Cops are in high demand who are fine with clubbing Grammas and fathers wanting to complain about their daughters raped like baby seals.
    Can’t have cops who have no stomach for what is coming to enforce the new normal.
    See what is happening in Australia, it’s coming here too. This has zero to do with health.

  5. This is a period of our history future generations will look back on in shame. Or it’s the end of days. Whichever.

  6. Another move to assure elimination of independent thinkers and for all remaining to be sheep. The leftists work to isolate and eliminate any deviating from their dogma. In the military there used to be a phrase of ‘lawful orders’ which must be obeyed. Today they demand unquestioning amoral lock step for the people carrying weapons. It will end poorly.

  7. They should hire the MAGA warrior from Alabama the FBI picked up a few days ago in Wasilla. He was all ready and dressed up on insurrection day.

      • Jeff,
        Speaking of reality, have you found that missing executive order in your reality yet? Here in this reality it’s looking like 2-6% of people facing these mandates are choosing to give up their jobs instead of being vaccinated, that’s a very personal decision and for those 2-6% probably not a very hard one.
        And I agree that the mob action on Jan 6 wasn’t an insurrection, there were maybe 2-6% of the people at the gathering who took part in criminal acts that made the rest look bad and sullied the entire day. There are very small and vocal minority groups on either side of the political spectrum that have an outsized voice, these groups are not mainstream or representative of the body politic as a whole…well you know that already.

    • Naw. You’re confused. That was another “break down the door with 40 agents” mistaken identity in North Carolina. But you commies sure are paranoid about an insurrection. You guys must feel how the plantation owners of Haiti felt right before the slaves revolted and got their independence. Funny how history likes to repeat itself, isn’t it?

  8. Say. What item would Anchorage-ites at large like to assemble to discuss for the public good in your town? What percent of items are placed on the weekly agenda by the people? If we can’t put . 2 percent of the items in the agenda haven’t the agenda items become a ore or less captured item by our servants? I would like to place on the agenda public service and have an hour seminar service training. Would you like that? WHO WRITES THE AGENDA NOW. The Mayor? DID THE TEMP mayor last year this month define all agenda items? I would like an agenda item to discuss the nullifying of catering contracts as a reminder to the assembly employees of the public that their legislative scruples are not meeting expectations and a rewrite of their contracts may be reconsidered.

  9. In total about 3% of Washington State employees have been fired as a result of not being vaccinated. With all of the people on this website who are in favor of small or no government, I’d think that they would cheer this development!

    And if the same happens in Alaska, all the better, because as everyone her knows, the State’s budget needs to be drastically cut, and lots of excess employees need to go. How fortuitous!

    • Many of those good folks will find jobs where they are appreciated and respected and most importantly they will still have their self respect unlike yourself.

      • Fire, it’s always so nice to hear from you.

        Maybe the folks who are fired will find new jobs, but they sure won’t be as cushy, well paid, or with benefits equal to those they had with the State. Getting vaccinated to keep a plum State job is an intelligence test, and digging in just to prove a point hurts no one but themselves and their families. They will quickly be forgotten, and will soon regret that they acted so irrationally. These folks are collateral damage in the Left vs Right war being promoted and fought out in the modern media. They have been used, and some day they will realize it.

        Now, with regards to your snarky comments, I’m vaccinated and I wear a mask. In doing so, I help myself, my family, those around me, and society at large. Furthermore, my actions help to stop the pandemic, promote the restart of the economy, and in doing so are among the most responsible and patriotic things I can do. So my self respect is 100% intact, which I’m pretty sure is a lot more than you can say – embittered, angry, and desperately swiping away at your Tinder app.

        Now, you have a nice day, if that’s even possible.

        • Nope. Unfortunately you don’t see the real effects of COVID…let me help…

          for a malady with a less than 1% mortality rate even under the most generous of measure we have: de-legitimized elections, restricted freedom of assembly, by restricting freedom of assembly we’ve restricted freedom of speech, and we’ve seriously damaged our judicial process.

          That’s just a start.

          So as for “re-starting” the economy,…no, the social training that’s occurring is the strengthening of the social state and scapegoating certain productive classes. Sorry, but as a productive taxpayer I’m unwilling to fund a diminishment of my own rights.

          How far are you willing to do and what price are you really paying for that $10 toaster? Spend some time and think about what you’ve already lost even if you hadn’t used it much previously.

        • Aww, Nom, are you crushing on me? Well honey, if you ever want to make 15 bucks the hard way, you know where to find me. ?

    • While I agree that we need to down size personnel in AK state government, the problem with your approach, is that the dead wood would still be there, while the actual worker bees get fired. Firing/down sizing should be related to the job you do, not if you get a jab that has nothing to do with your performance or qualifications. For the record, I have not read here anywhere that anyone wants NO government. You are thinking of Antifa…..not MRAK

  10. The WSP provides security for the governor, his mansion, and the capitol grounds. I don’t imagine Insley will take any troopers from his security detail to fill in the gaps. The goal of all this is to replace local police with one federal bureau, like the FBI.

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