11 senators call for investigation of collusion by teachers union, Biden’s DOJ and DOE, against parents opposed to Critical Race Theory


The Biden administration and the nation’s largest teachers’ union appeared to have colluded to target parents who questioned radical school policies, according to two Republican senators, who have called for an investigation.

“It also looks like they attempted to pressure social media companies to censor parents’ social media profiles as well. Senator Marco Rubio and I are calling for Inspector General investigations at both the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Justice into this matter. We need answers,” said Sen. Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming.

Lummis, Rubio and nine other senators sent a letter to the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Education, describing the collusion and calling for an investigation.

As they described it, on Oct. 8, 2021, the nation’s largest teacher’s union, the National Education Association, sent a letter to social media companies such as Facebook requesting that they remove “propaganda” and “disinformation” posted by parents who were protesting school policies regarding Covid-19 and Critical Race Theory.

“There is reason to suspect the NEA worked with Biden Administration officials to write this letter after email evidence revealed that the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education colluded with the National School Board Association (NSBA) to produce a letter sent to President Biden a few days earlier, on September 29, 2021,” Lummis and Rubio wrote.

Parents Defending Education, a grassroots organization advocating for non-political education and the prevention of indoctrination in the classroom, obtained NSBA internal emails through the Freedom of Information Act. The documents show that in September the NSBA coordinated directly with Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona in writing a letter that equated parents‘ concerns about Covid-I9 regulations, school curriculum, and other policies, as “terrorism.” The NSBA almost immediately requested the Biden the Administration use federal law enforcement agencies to address “threats“ and “acts of intimidation“ by parents against school staff and boards.

“The issue first garnered national attention when Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a memo on October 4. 202l, directing the Federal Bureau of Investigation to go after these parents. After receiving significant pushback from many state school boards, the NSBA issued a public apology on October 22, 2021. At least I9 states have since withdrawn their membership from this organization after the release of the troubling statements,” the senators wrote.

“While we remain concerned that parents whom are peacefully protesting continue to be threatened by the failure of the Attorney General to rescind his memo, we are equally disturbed that the NSBA and NEA used taxpayer dollars -collected as dues from member schools – to carry out politically motivated attacks against concerned parents at the direction of the Biden Administration. These actions must be investigated, as threatening and intimidating concerned parents should never be tolerated,” the senators wrote. “Parents deserve to know the complete truth on this matter. Just because someone disagrees with you does not give you the right to silence them. These fundamental and constitutional freedoms must be upheld by every American and every organization.”

The signers on the letter were from Sen. Cynthia Lummis-Wyoming, Marco Rubio-Florida, Roger Wicker-Mississippi, Joni Ernst-Iowa, Mike Braun-Indiana, Steve Daines-Montana, Roger Marshall-Kansas, John Barrasso-Wyoming, James Inhofe-Oklahoma, Cynthia Hyder-Smith-Mississippi, and James Lankford-Oklahoma.


  1. How about a comment from our Senators on this important matter ..??…certainly they will want to sign on to this demand..!!!

    • This has become important because it has been blown all out of proportion. The Right has made a game of running us around in circles and saying we aren’t chasing our tails.
      The only Critical Race Theory that is being taught is being taught in universities, not high schools. What is being taught in high schools is American history. We ignore that at our peril.

    • I was just going to write the same thing!
      If anything, our dear Princess Lisa will probably condemn these other senators for standing against the lawless tyranny of the Usurper PotatoHead regime.

    • Yeah, Greg, just sweep radical abuses of power, and crimes, under the rug. “We have to move forward”, a la Obama upon coming into office and in regards to the multitudinous crimes of the Bush regime, right?

  2. They have apologized. The congruence of thought this union and the leadership in our national DOE is well known to be entrenched as bureaucratic norm. Both entities, mistakenly or not, thought it normal enough to publish for the general populace to swallow. The largest monopoly on earth will crumble like Rome.

  3. “These fundamental and constitutional freedoms must be upheld by every American and every organization.” Show me in the Constitution where it mentions public education?

  4. I’m definitely tired of rarely seeing Sen Sullivan attached to any of these efforts. No expectations regarding Murkowski but Sullivan has not proven to be a stalwart conservative in terms of taking a stand and leading on really important issues. On so many occasions, it seems like a no brainer to join with Rubio, Ernst, Langford, et al. Why is he so often absent ? ?

  5. Lisa would never sign such a letter unless it was concerning an investigation into Trump’s actions.
    Danny Boy pretty much always takes the path of least resistance.
    Both ” fighting for Alaska” Senators!

  6. It’s not about the education of your children, it’s about their indoctrination and molding them into faithful government drones. Our schools are pumping out kids that cannot do the “three R’s”. It looks like a very very poor investment of our money.

  7. It doesn’t make me happy how many of my tax dollars go to these groups and their political donation recipients.

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