You have to wonder


In the world of politics, you have to wonder sometimes.

When the late Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott abruptly resigned and vanished amid rumors he made “inappropriate,” unspecified comments to a female, effectively ending Gov. Bill Walker’s re-election hopes, Walker’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Grace Jang, asked the news media to stand down.

The news media asked a few questions and went home.

Of course, many of the scandal’s details were aired out a year later in the Anchorage Daily News, but the immediate furor and any clamor for information was short-lived. It was a thing one day; history the next.

Fast forward: Since Attorney General Kevin Clarkson abruptly resigned Aug. 25 after sending hundreds of “uncomfortable” text messages to a junior state official, the news media has been in constant full throat.

That is not a bad thing, not a bad thing at all, but we wonder: Why the difference?


  1. The difference is the Propaganda Corps is interested in a story, not the story. Especially when leftists are involved.

  2. I watched the news with their “investigative reporter” on the Clarkson issue and the feeling I had was of embarrassment. I was actually embarrassed for them that they are either forced into “making” news or that they truly believe we can’t see their blatant double standard. Byron tumbles an entire administration and its crickets. Clarkson sends creepy texts and they have an “investigative reporter” hammering the Governor.
    I say let the MSM have ALL the dirt on Clarkson and while they’re at it open up ALL the years of the “Mallott Files”. Fair is fair!

  3. The answer is obvious. Democrats and liberals are sex perverts. Republicans and Trump supporters are moral, law abiding and worship God.

  4. Jody Potts could have been Lt. Governor by now. She could have Kamala’ed her way to the top. Whether you agree with her politics or not it shows she has virtue.

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