Yes, December was cold in Southeast, even while it was warm in Western Alaska


In Ketchikan, December 2021 was especially cold — a full 10.5 degrees colder than normal. The First City had an average temperature of 25.7F, the coldest month in the calendar year since January of 1972, which averaged 25F.

On Christmas, Ketchikan set a record low temperature of zero. The old record was 6 degrees in 1964 on Christmas Day. Ketchikan is the largest city in southern Southeast Alaska, at about the same latitude as Copenhagen, Denmark.

Juneau also had a bitter cold December, and is starting 2022 with a blizzard, with snow and a high wind warning for Downtown Juneau, Douglas, Thane, Skagway, and the Klondike Highway beginning midnight Saturday and going through 6 am Monday, the National Weather Service said.

Other parts of the state had weather events in December. Fairbanks had the fourth snowiest month in a century, with nearly 50 inches of snow, as measured by the National Weather Service Fairbanks.

In Cordova, snow was scarce in December, tying a record with 1965 for having the lowest amount of snow — 1.87 inches, which is about 24 percent of of the normal snowfall for the month in the past two decades.

In Bethel, December was markedly warmer, with temperatures nearly 18 degrees higher than they were in November. Aniak was nearly 20 degrees higher in December than November. Rain and ice made conditions difficult for Western Alaska all month.

Unalaska’s average December temperature was 41.5F, about 6.5 degrees above normal and setting a high for the month. The Aleutian Chain city had 11 days in December when temperatures reached at least 50 degrees.

December in Nome set records for the greatest amount of precipitation. The Norton Sound city ended December with gale force winds on Dec. 28, which took out the power for most of the city overnight. Earlier rain had caused icing on the power lines, and the wind actually broke some of the crossbars on the poles. Crews worked throughout the night to restore power.

Fairbanks is starting the New Year with snow and wind, with wind chill temperatures as low as -45.

In Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, it was the snowiest December since 1980, according to Environment Canada.


  1. And all of these wild weather swings are certainly the fault of the unvaccinated (sic).
    This message brought to you by Pfizer — depopulating the world one jab at a time.

    • Silly me, and I thought is was because of limousine liberal John Kerry’s old ladies private jet zooming around the trophosphere. #thehypocrocsyexpress

  2. Just read the Farmer’s Almanack to see wide differenced in weather. That is why it has been around for a few hundred years as Farmers need to know coming weather (if possible) Marxist Democrats use Race, Sex and Weather and now Covid (all make believe and contrived) to try to divide America and are responsible for most of the crime, and will not shut up until they get anarchy.

    • So, farmers are able to predict the weather hundreds of years in advance? Who knew?
      So, Race, Sex, Weather, and Covid are all make believe, Marxist, and meant to divide America, as well as being responsible for most crime (for what crime is Marxism not responsible?) as well as advocating for anarchy? Who knew?
      I think Mr. Marx would be confused as to how this all got laid on him. And so would his brothers, Harpo, Chico, Zeppo, and Butch (long lost). I’m thinking he would say, “Who knew?”

      • I’d bet an Impossible Burger and fur trade soy latte from Corporatebucks that you drive a pick-up truck and live in a single family home. #yalldontwalktheenvironmentalwalkdoyou #globalmoaningtax

  3. Suzanne, Thanks for the weather report above. The bit concerning Ketchikan was most interesting. I recall being a passenger on that beautiful ship Wickersham coming into the First City by way of Dixon Entrance in January 1972. The icing was so severe that the Captain had all exterior doors chained shut in order to keep everyone inside. The entire front of the ship from Bow to Bridge was sheathed in a thick coat of ice. As we docked in Ketchikan crews appeared and started the process of breaking off ice with baseball bats. Juneau, we were to learn had just suffered a Biblical Avalanche on that same day. Old folks might recall that Avalanche, it came down into Silver Bow Basin and destroyed the trestle bridge leading up to the start of Perseverance Trail. The popular media was full of stories about Scientists, who were warning of an impending new “Ice Age” back then. I guess the more things change the more they stay the same?

    Happy New Year to you and all Must Read readers! My advice is to stock up on the essentials going forward into 2022. Things like Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, Rice, Beans, Flour, Ghee, canned milk, 9x 19 ammo, 7.62 x 63 ammo, (180 grain), Coconut Milk, Yellow Curry, Butter and Baking Soda! Get that Sourdough Start bubbling and keep it warm!
    As Doctor Soboloff was told me,” we don’t need to be dependent upon anyone, remember, my people survived the Ice Age without Government help!”
    Cheers and here’s to a renewed Spirit of Independence!

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