With 17,000 ballots in, Anchorage opens voting centers for in-person voters


As of Thursday, 16,984 ballots have been cast in the Anchorage municipal election, which ends April 2. That’s slightly more than had been received at the same time during the 2021 mayoral election.

On the ballot, Republican Mayor Dave Bronson is trying for a second term. Former Assembly chair Suzanne LaFrance, endorsed by Alaska Democrats, left office last year to mount a campaign against him. Also in the hunt is Chris Tuck, Democrat, and Bill Popp, unaligned. Several other lesser-known candidates are also on the ballot.

Anchorage residents have an opportunity to replace three liberal school board members. Another conservative member of the school board would allow conservative member Dave Donley to at least have a second on his motions, rather than have them completely ignored by the liberal majority running Anchorage schools.

School Board – Seat E

Higgins, Pat– liberal incumbent

Schuster, Kay 

School Board – Seat F

Wilson, Dora – liberal incumbent

Frank, Angela

School Board – Seat G

Jacobs, Carl – liberal incumbent

Pohland, Chelsea

Eagle River voters will be replacing Assemblyman Kevin Cross, who is leaving the Assembly early. The only candidate on the ballot is Mark Littlefield.

There are numerous bond propositions and road service area seats on the ballot.

Of the ballots received by the election office, 1,088 were mailed, 1,448 were dropped in the election drop boxes. All ballot envelopes (including military and overseas envelopes) must be postmarked on or before Election Day, or returned to a drop box or Anchorage vote center.

The voting centers opened up Monday, Seward’s Day, for in-person voting.

Anchorage vote center locations

City Hall 
All municipal ballots are available at 632 West 6th Avenue, Room # 105

Loussac Library 

All municipal ballots are available. at ​3600 Denali Street, First Floor 

Eagle River Town Center

Only Chugiak-Eagle River ballots are available at 12001 Business Boulevard, Community Room #170 (same building as the library)

Vote center hours

Weekdays, March 25 – April 1, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Saturday, March 30, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Election Day, April 2, 7 a.m. – 8 p.m.


  1. Angela Frank didn’t answer the questionnaire or Alaska Family Council’s voting guide so we voted write in so none of the two receive any vote. How were we supposed to know Angela was the more conservative candidate. Just a lesson to candidates you don’t work and you get no votes. Chelsea and Kay received our votes because of their work making themselves and their values known better. Voters can’t assume but if a candidate doesn’t work hard to set themselves apart I’ll assume they are a democrat and leftist.

    • I did the same thing for the same reasons. I’m not sure Angela Frank is more conservative than Dora Wilson – this article just says voters have the chance to replace 3 liberal incumbents. She could be even more liberal! But like you, if a candidate chooses not to respond to the AK Family Council questionnaire, then they are a “No” on my ballot.

    • Not exactly, the counters open the ballot, throw away the ones not for lafrancid, then print new ones for her. I know it sounds complicated but they’ve perfected it in Anchorage through the last few assembly election/recalls.

      • Is this your personal view or have you seen this in person, Yes, we think they do something this, but in reality, is this the truth or are you expressing your fictional view of the truth.

          • Yes, my sarcasm, which is about as subtle as a train horn, does fly over some people’s heads….luckily they self identify regularly.

        • Did you seriously have to ask?
          On thing that Floyd is not wrong about is the potential for shenanigans in the counting. When the assembly passes laws to make it extremely difficult, potentially impossible to observe the ballot counting, one really has to wonder why.

  2. Politicians are currently paying satanic cults to protect elections or bills the politicians want passed using child sacrifice.

  3. In person voting centers are handy for the homeless and illegal crowds who lack good mailing addresses. Also for Democrats who might want to submit multiple ballots. And if there aren’t actual physical locations available for those midnight to 3am drop offs all of those prefilled ballots would be wasted. Anchorage is a messed up town and it’s tempting to gloat about how you get what you vote for but does anyone actually think that’s how elections work these days?

  4. I hand in person my vote at the Loussac. Library.. That’s the only way I know my vote gets in. DO NOT DROP IN THE BALLOT MAIL BOXES. Do not drop in your mail box.

    • you hand it in, and it goes into a drop box.
      It is no different than dropping it into the drop box anywhere else.

  5. I wouldn’t trust these sham, opaque, intermediated mail-in elections of Anchorage’s as far as I could throw the municipal clerk — which, judging from the looks of her, is not very far at all.

    Elections in Anchorage have little to no legitimacy.

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