How will Alaskans fare under tax reform bill?



As Indivisible and saturate Alaska’s airwaves with #killthebill messages warning of dire consequences if the Senate’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passes, a look at the actual impact on Alaskan taxpayers shows they’ll keep more of their income in most tax brackets.

[Read: ‘Not One Penny” ads linked to’]

Here’s how the Not One Penny movement describes the tax reform bill:

As President Trump and congressional Republicans push their plans to give massive tax breaks to the rich, progressive groups and grassroots organizations are mobilizing across the country to demand that elected officials provide not one penny in tax cuts for millionaires, billionaires, and wealthy corporations.

The last thing working-class Americans need is a tax code that further rigs the system in favor of corporations or gives another leg up to the top one percent.
+ Trump’s so called ‘tax reform’ plan uses the same trickle-down economics that has left working families and small businesses behind as corporate profits skyrocket and wages stagnate.
+ We should call these efforts what they are: a scheme that will pad the pockets of the wealthy at the expense of working families.

In fact, the Senate tax bill does not increase taxes on Americans at any income level.

The average Alaska individual filer makes over $33,000 a year, and according to calculations from the Tax Foundation, they will see a 3 percent decrease in their IRS tax bill, should the legislation be signed into law.

The median income for joint filers in Alaska is over $73,000, and they, too, will see their tax bills cut by 3 percent.


  • The child tax credit increases from $1,000 under current law to $2,000, which is more than the original proposal of $1,650.
  • The Obamacare individual mandate penalty would be eliminated, meaning there will be no penalty for not purchasing health insurance.
  • Graduate tuition waivers are restored. Under current law, students who get a tuition waiver must declare that as income.

BUSINESS TAX PROVISIONS (Source: Tax Foundation.)

  • Pass-Through Income: The proposal expands the number of businesses in service industries that claim a  special 17.4 percent deduction. Most service industries are disallowed the deduction, but there is an exception for smaller businesses by which they can claim the deduction regardless of industry classification. The new limit would be $500,000 for married filers and $250,000 for individuals, increased from $150,000 and $75,000 respectively in the introduced bill. The Chairman’s Mark makes the bill’s W-2 provisions more generous, and expands it to include sole proprietors. This provision has been opposed by Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisc. — his family business would be affected.
  • Net Operating Losses: Starting in 2024, net operating loss carry-forwards would be limited to 80 percent of taxable income, down from 90 percent.
  • Research and Experimental Expenditures: These expenditures would need to be amortized instead of deducted, starting in 2026.
  • Business Tax Trigger: The proposal has a federal tax trigger so that if federal revenues from Oct. 1, 2017, to Sept.  30, 2026, exceed $27.487 trillion by more than $900 billion, several business tax increases would not take effect for the 2026 tax year.
  • Reduced Alcohol Excise Taxes: The proposal lowers excise taxes rate on alcoholic beverages.

Clearly, neither the House nor Senate versions of the tax bill represent radical departures from current law. Rather, they make U.S. companies more competitive internationally, improve the tax treatment of many small businesses, and deliver modest reductions in marginal tax rates across the individual income spectrum.

Setting aside the economic illiteracy of the “Not One Penny” movement, both versions hold the promise of accelerating economic growth and rising incomes. We are hopeful that Sen. Murkowski will not be swayed by the recent barrage of left-wing advertising and pressure tactics.


  1. Alaskans should understand, and I believe Senator Murkowski “gets it”, that should she fail to support the tax bill, the opening of ANWR is dead. That should be enough to hold her, but there is a risk she will throw ANWR away to make her trendy friends happy.

  2. I much prefer the House version 12% bracket goes from 24,000-90,000 before going to next tax bracket of 25%. Lot’s more room for pay increases, promotions, etc.

    I agree with JMARK, Lisa must vote yes or she votes against ANWR!

  3. Except both versions add more than 1.5 trillion to the debt our children, grandchildren and more future generations have to pay. No one talks about the actual effective tax rates business pays. Boeing 0, GE 0 and it goes on and on. Trickle down economics is a selling point that has not worked.

    • Nobody talks about what taxes non-profit organizations don’t pay and what effect payments in lieu of taxes might have on the debt.

      We have no idea about the debt our children, grandchildren and more future generations have to pay because the expected economic growth from the tax cut apparently was not factored into the calculation.

  4. “the same trickle-down economics that has left working families and small businesses behind as corporate profits skyrocket and wages stagnate.” The same old leftist talking point about trickle-down economics not working. I guess they weren’t paying attention during the Obama Administration and how trickle up crony capitalism is what has lead to the leaving behind of working families and small businesses as corporate profits skyrocket and wages stagnate, that was due to the implementation of known failure “progressive” policies.

    History has shown trickle-down economics is far superior to anything the left has ever come up with, look at any socialist/communist country anywhere at anytime.

  5. Will anyone really be surprised when Lease-A (effectively) votes with her Democrat friends to keep ANWR nailed shut? No, I mean REALLY?

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