What will Phase 3 look like in Alaska?


Alaskans appear to be done with the closures and the ever-changing mandates, and the governor of Alaska appears to be right there with him.

At a news conference on Tuesday, he said he’s ready to move to Phase 3, which is a sort-of normal economy, but not quite.

There won’t be concerts or big crowds allowed in Phase 3, that much was said by Gov. Mike Dunleavy.

Beyond that, the public will have to wait until he makes his announcement on Wednesday about things like quarantines and crowd sizes. But by looking around the country, Alaskans can get a sense of how open is open.

Here’s what Phase 3 recommendations look like from the White House perspective and from the state of Indiana:


VULNERABLE INDIVIDUALS can resume public interactions, but should practice physical distancing, minimizing exposure to social settings where distancing may not be practical, unless precautionary measures are observed.

LOW-RISK POPULATIONS should consider minimizing time spent in crowded environments.

EMPLOYERS may resume unrestricted staffing of worksites.

VISITS TO SENIOR CARE FACILITIES AND HOSPITALS can resume. Those who interact with residents and patients must be diligent regarding hygiene.

LARGE VENUES (e.g., sit-down dining, movie theaters, sporting venues, places of worship) can operate under limited physical distancing protocols.

GYMS can remain open if they adhere to standard sanitation protocols.

BARS may operate with increased standing room occupancy, where applicable.

INDIANA – Stage 3 begins May 24

  • Indianans (Hoosiers) 65 and older and those with known high-risk medical conditions should limit exposure at work and in their communities
  • Continue remote work when possible
  • Face coverings are recommended
  • Social gatherings of up to 100 people
    may take place following the CDC social distancing guidelines. The coronavirus
    is often spread among groups of people who are in close contact in a confined space for an extended period of time. This limit applies to wedding receptions, parties,and other events where people are in close physical contact for extended periods of time
  • Nursing homes remain closed to visitors; nursing home guidance will continue to be evaluated
  • No travel restrictions
  • Retail stores and malls may move to 75% of capacity while maintaining social distancing
  • Mall common areas, such as food courts and sitting areas, are limited to 50% capacity
  • Gyms and fitness centers may open with restrictions. Class sizes and equipment must be spaced to accommodate social distancing. Limited class sizes. Equipment must be cleaned after each use, and employees are required to wear face coverings
  • Playgrounds, tennis courts, basketball courts, and similar facilities may open with social distancing guidelines in place
  • Community pools may open according to CDC guidance
  • Campgrounds may open with social distancing limitations and sanitation precautions
  • Movie theaters may open at 50% capacity; some theater companies have identified specific hygiene and social distancing guidelines
  • The CDC will provide guidance about day camps and overnight camps


  • Bars and nightclubs
  • Cultural, entertainment, sports venues
  • K-12 facilities and activities


  1. Mike is becoming more of a whipping boy, than a leader. Nice guy. Just can’t lead. It doesn’t take a high testosterone count to lead. Just a backbone and fortitude.

  2. I don’t care. I listened to at least two briefings yesterday. Same old same old. The governor telling us how wonderful it is to be less restricted and lifting the remaining restrictions is in the near future if only if only . . . Dr. Zink, his Oracle in a Yurt, then pours water on the governor’s enthusiasm by telling us we could all die!!!! We could all be infected!!!!! Maybe! Might! Probably!, Could! Another of Zink’s titles is Fauci Repeater, which means that she merely mouths the same lines coming out of DC–maybe! might! could! probably! So, Dr. Zink, the Oracle in a Yurt, so named because she prognosticates gloom and doom and nothing else, I guess she tosses bones, or something. Anyway, she is not dealing with the reality of Alaska or the actual impact of this supposed pandemic. Mass casualties were imposed upon NY’s nursing homes, because of the failure to quarantine the patients and the requirement to move those still contagious from hospitals to nursing homes by order of Gov Cuomo and others. Politicians are responsible for those decisions and their medical advisors. Here, we don’t have that problem, but there has already been layoffs in our medical system, notably in the Bush. Can we just OPEN ALASKA, Mr. Governor and silence your Oracle and Fauci’s Repeater by having her go back to work in her office?

  3. Ah, yes, but it may be an entirely different scene in Anchorage where Comrade Ethan is following his own science and making his own judgment. Those of us in Anchorage may be shut-down, out of work and completely masked for quite some time.

  4. The Gov better lift the 14 day quarantine soon. Real soon!
    With out tourists there is no tourism, which is probably the biggest economic engine in Alaska. Countless businesses will fail and the damage to Alaskans will be dramatic. Nobody who wants to see Alaska’s sights and participate in tourist oriented activities will come to Alaska only to have to quarantine for two weeks in a hotel.

  5. Fire Fauci wannabe Dr. Zink & lift the 14 day quarantine. Time to get back to work!

  6. Gov. Dunleavy is opening Alaska May 22.
    However will Mayor Berkowitz open Anchorage? Maybe in June….2021

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