Wha-a-t? United Nations insists that trans-lesbians are lesbians too


On Monday, the social media account for the United Nations Women made a bold statement: Trans lesbians are still lesbians.

On the day of Iran-sponsored horrific attack on Israel by Hamas, the United Nations Women’s unit was obsessed with lesbians. It was, after all, International Lesbian Day.

“Trans Lesbians are Lesbians too,” the women’s arm of the United Nations said, while women were being murdered, kidnapped, and tortured in Israel.

To be clear, a trans lesbian is a man who has gone through treatments to look more like a woman and who is attracted to other women.

UN Women is the United Nations entity for gender equality and women’s empowerment, says the international group. UN Women delivers programs, policies, and standards that uphold women’s human rights and ensure that every woman and girl lives up to her full potential, the organization says. Read more about the UN sub-organization here.

Of the 19,000 or so comments, not that many were impressed with UN Women’s attack on womanhood.

“At this point, the UN is really just trolling us,” wrote Jeremy Carl, a conservative thought leader associated with Claremont Institute and Hoover Institute.

“The very act of a man calling himself a ‘lesbian’, and thereby expecting lesbian attraction, is predatory. All ‘trans lesbians’ are predatory men. Without exception,” wrote Sam Morgan.

“Trans lesbians are straight men,” wrote several commentators who reflected the views of many on X/Twitter.

“Women were just kidnapped, raped, murdered and paraded around on camera as trophies. UN Women has said nothing at all about it. Instead they’re tweeting their support for pervert men with autogynephilic fetishes,” wrote Matt Walsh.

The UN does not appear to have a “mens” unit, nor has it ever commented about how “trans homosexuals are still homosexuals,” regarding women who undergo treatment to appear as men, but who are still attracted to men. Nary a peep about that.


  1. This stuff is a form of mental illness. Don’ rationalize it or excuse this nonsense. It just isn’t true. I reject all of the “identity” stuff. This truly is a “just say no” moment for our society.

  2. These fools do not understand that with this bundle of bs only conservatives will reproduce. The Democrats will destroy themselves before they can destroy America. They will be a bit speed bump in history.

    • Yes Hope Remains while Christians of the Church (capital C) pray and serve in their various missions and occupations; as well when you see ‘19 yr old Builds Mini Van Home for less than $2k | TIMELAPSE & Slideshow’ from YouTube channel Hunter Matson or YouTube Channel Solar Camper Car coming out of GenZ. Their ingenuity comes straight of their Great or great great grandparents as my GenZ co worker said about her generation “when there is a problem, they want to fix it” some by their upbringing aim just to do that. It’s the American and human spirit to want to build with their hands. While the cost of living is going up, YouTube shows the evidence of that good ol American spirit how American’s can build a comfortable sleeping, cooking, living, and working space being inventive and using the available tools on a fixed budget.

  3. So does this mean that every straight male is just a lesbian trapped in a man’s body?

    To paraphrase Richard Nixon: “We are all lesbians now”.

  4. I didn’t know what is a trans-lesbian was until Ms Downing defined it out for me s l o w ly. I still don’t get it. if man is born a man and he still holds a preference for women (the opposite gender), and he wants to be thought of as a woman? I don’t get it. When a man dresses up as woman it’s supposed to be he trying to attract a relationship with men. Its biology. Opposites attract. It goes against logic and science.

  5. “and ensure that every woman and girl lives up to her full potential”- Does that include being trafficked to U.N. peacekeepers?

  6. Quoting the UN: “Lets uplift and honor EVERY expression of love and identity.” Notice they wrote “EVERY” is all-capped for extra emphasis. Many people say they “love” their pets. So the UN is contending it will be acceptable for someone to marry their German Shepherd? In literal UN-speak, the word “EVERY” also includes pedophilia with young children. Right?

    The lines are being drawn. Be sure you are standing on the right side. See 2-Chronicles 7:14.

  7. Quoting the UN: “Lets uplift and honor EVERY expression of love and identity.” Notice they wrote “EVERY” all-capped for extra emphasis. Many people say they “love” their pets. So the UN is contending it will be acceptable for someone to marry their German Shepherd? In literal UN-speak, the word “EVERY” also includes pedophilia with young children. Right?

    The lines are being drawn. Be sure you are standing on the right side. See 2-Chronicles 7:14.

  8. The public restrooms used by medically maimed bodies will need greater sterilization. The wounded tissues, pain with seeping tendency to host bacterial colonies will expand opportunity for infections. Lawsuits await over facilities sterilized to scientific standards or not. A chopped off appendage will never be forgotten as the healing process goes from acute to less energetic. How does that comport with healthy sports activities per se?

  9. How long before bestiality becomes the “norm”?
    Looking at how Sam Brinton (Chris Constants cheerleader) was treating that poor muzzled dog on stage
    I would have to say we are there.
    How soon will it be normal for someone to marry the love of their life even if it is a goat or a sheep.
    When fiction becomes real so does the “Tuttu man”…

    • The left, in order to prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that they do not discriminate in any way, will obviously promote bestiality. They are already done with gay rights, trans rights are next to fall to the wayside. Minor attracted persons is the next thing to normalize. (They have already started this one.) Sex with animals is next. Give it time.
      Invariably, this compulsion against any form of discrimination will lead to destroying the good and promoting the bad. If all are equal, and every practice is equal, then no one and nothing could possibly be better than anyone else or anything else. If straight people are happier than the LGBTQWERTYWHATEVER+ folks, it must be some kind of vast global conspiracy (or instutionalized/systemic). Thus the system must be destroyed.
      And, here we are. Not only is lesbianism being promoted, men who claim to be lesbians are being celebrated.
      All the while, woman and girls are being beaten, raped, and killed by islamic terrorsists. Which the UN seems to think is not worth noting.
      Yeah for women’s rights!

  10. Can’t help wondering if the UN is doing anything to protect “trans women” in Israel right now.

    • You’re right. The men pretending to be women and then calling themselves lesbians are pigs.

      This goes well beyond the bedroom. This is about redefining humanity on their terms, denying science and forcing you to accept it all as unquestionable fact.

    • Dan, there is nothing private about the insane and divorced-from-reality ‘woke’ political and social agenda, particularly when it is being shoved down everyone’s throat, non-stop, even and especially the children.

    • When they have children and what the neighbors do publicly affecting those children. If you had children and a pedophile lived nextdoor would you even bat an eye?

  11. True story. Two biological males who claim to be homosexual marry each other and attempt to appear as women both cosmetically and surgically. My obvious question is “What, why?”? I thought homosexuals were by definition attracted to other males only? In my mind it’s a paradox. They claim to not be sexually attracted to women but both want to appear as women, and they cohabitate and identify as women. Huh? Mental illness is real.

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