Welcome to Anchorage, where we have ‘socioeconomic outcomes’ galore


Mayor Ethan Berkowitz’s efforts to be more proactive in protecting illegal immigrants from evil federal immigration authorities appear to be paying off – at least in some quarters.

If you will recall, he told KTUU some time ago, “I think the whole term sanctuary city is a massive distraction. It’s one of those terms that means different things to different people. And rather than get sucked into that debate, and have the political rhetoric heat up without providing meaningful discussion or ability to protect, I’d just as soon move past it.”

And move past it, he has. “Sanctuary city” is now passé. The new buzzword for protecting illegal aliens is “welcoming.”

Berkowitz recently announced on Facebook that the: “National non-profit New American Economy (NAE) released its first Cities Index today, putting Anchorage in the top 30 of America’s largest cities for welcoming policies, practices, and socioeconomic outcomes.“

The NAE, it should be noted, was co-founded by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and is described by InfluenceWatch.com as a “Left-Wing immigration advocacy group.”

[Read more at Anchorage Daily Planet]