Way-back machine: Hillary led Trump in October, 2016


In a report on Oct. 24, 2016, the Associated Press-GfKpoll said that Hillary Clinton had widened her lead over Donald Trump and that she was 14 percentage points ahead.

Twelve days before the election, it was Clinton-51 to Trump-37, “a significant lead over the Republican candidate.”

The poll had been conducted after the final presidential debate.

According to the poll, Clinton had support of 90% of likely Democratic voters, and 15% of moderate Republicans.

As for Republicans, 79% said they would vote for Trump.

“The poll finds that Clinton has consolidated the support of her party, while even managing to draw Republican voters,” according to Time Magazine.

Fast forward to 2020, and Trump is supposedly 10 points behind in the polls.

According to the FiveThirtyEight statistical group that aggregates national polls, Joe Biden has 52.8% support and Trump has 42.8% support, if the vote was held today. There are 30 days until the election is over.

According to a recent Rasmussen Report poll, enthusiasm is growing over the presidential election; Republicans in particular are more fired up since President Trump’s latest U.S. Supreme Court selection.

The survey found that 73% of likely U.S. voters now think the choice between Trump and Democrat nominee Joe Biden is a choice they are excited about. Just 22% still said they will vote for the lesser of two evils.

To see survey question wording, click here.


  1. I am absolutely terrified by the Left’s agenda for America should Joe “who am I?” Biden win. That said, the President’s approach at the first debate was completely irrational. I would have thought he would have been trying to convince undecided voters to support him — not drive them away. Was he trying to make creepy Joe look good?

    • If that’s what you took out of that debate, then you weren’t paying attention. There was a liar on that stage that night but it wasn’t Trump and Biden ignored some important issues and got away with it with some help from Chris Wallace. If you want America to that shining light on the hill then there’s only 1 choice this election and it certainly isn’t the Democrat.

  2. Polls and stats are only as good as the person compiling them. I have seen way too many polls showing Biden in the lead, where the weighting of the answers was skewed too far to the left. The dems get a +8 when the actual respondents justify a +3 or +4 at best.

    And, in my opinion, good. Let the mainstream media convince the folks on the left that Biden is a shoo-in. The more people who either choose not to vote, or vote stupidly (yes, someone wrote in Mickey Mouse for President in 2016, and was then devastated when Trump won) the better off we are as a nation.

    However — important point here — the Senate and House races are vitally important, as are the State legislature races. If Biden wins, but does not have a compatible House and Senate, his agenda will be stalled.

    Same across the State. Get out there and make sure you vote on every line of the ballot. The president is important, but only has so much impact on your life. On the other hand, if the Alaska State Legislature goes full SJW, your day-to-day life will be a nightmare.

  3. Polls are just like the “science” liberals are always touting. If enough money is paid to the right person you can get any result you wish for.

  4. Lol
    This is my first time on this website and I love it. I am finally starting to understand the political spectrum of our country. I’m not a Democrat or a Republican, but if I was to choose I would pick Republican. Hard-core Trump Supporter by the way!

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