The campaign signs of conservatives in Fairbanks have been targeted by leftist vandals. Perhaps they took to heart Sen. Scott Kawasaki’s request that they “Be Gay. Do Crime.”
Signs posted for Mike Cronk for Senate, Leslie Hajdukovich for Senate, and even Tammie Wilson for Assembly have been destroyed in what looks like a concerted and coordinated campaign of destruction. Reports have been made to the police.
In the case of Hajdukovich signs that were loaded up and hauled away from a private business, there are videos of the signs actually being stolen by thieves. Republican House candidate Bart Lebon’s sign was stolen along with Hajdukovich’s; they had been placed next to each other at that location.

A portion of Hajdukovich’s sign was found on the side of the Richardson Highway on Sunday. Wilson’s sign was found on the side of the Steese Highway.
Here’s one video of the crime in action:
This is low and un-researched, even for you! Can you show a shred of evidence of the “leftist vandals”? I see a sign that fell over and a truck that could be owned by anyone removing the sign. Why would these “leftist vandals” destroy one of the signs and carefully drive away another???
It’s more than one vandal. The one carefully removed was done by a Leftist that is probably law abiding in any other situation. The hate displayed by Leftists knows no boundaries. We’ve had two assasination attempts on a presidential candidate, can’t remember the last time that happened.
No one even thought that maybe these people have their own enemies? Silver Spoon Hydukavich, Tax and Spend Tammie, and friends are not well liked by anyone in the community. Think about that.
Buck. The Hajdukovichs are good people. They are very hard-working family. Here is your choice. Useless Kawasaki who lives in his mom’s basement or Leslie a Fairbanks business person. Your choice there stud.
Not well liked by psycho commies… They have friends and will win their races. 🙂
Again, prove that it was a “leftist.” We’ll wait for your proof.
Neither of Trump’s wannabe assassins were democrats or leftists.
The first was a crazy kid who wanted to be famous for assassinating either Biden or Trump and leapt at the opportunity to target Trump because Trump was holding a rally near his home town. Talking to his classmates, he was a loud conservative, not a “leftist”
The second wannabe assassin has a long history supporting Trump before the war in Ukraine.
And for your information, Gerald Ford was the target of two attempted assassinations within three weeks of each other in 1975, both in California
The delusion runs wild in you folks!
prove me wrong. Ill wait
Prove you’re right. I’ll wait.
when you make a sensational claim that the violence or sign stealing was done by “leftists,” the burden of proof falls on those making the claims. Not the other way around.
I could say that those folks stealing/vandalizing the signs were not human, but lizard people and have the same proof as those saying they are “leftists.”
Both claims are laughable without any shred of evidence
I will be the first person on here to say I was wrong if I am shown some sort of proof that these actions were taken by “leftists.”
Yeh, and both of Gerald Ford’s attempted assassins were purebred leftists.
I never said they weren’t. The question was when was the last time a president or candidate had two assassination attempts on them and I stated that it occurred in 1975.
Political violence is NEVER acceptable or ok. NEVER. I wont vote for Trump and do not like him, but would NEVER wish death upon him. NEVER
Ill wait for your proof that the sign vandals are “leftists” and that the two wannabe assassins of Trump were as well
I guess that makes shooting at a presidential candidate ok then anchorage voter. .?? And you are part of the problem.
What do you have a kindergarten education.?? Actually your comment isn’t worth wasting my breath on.
Where do you see me defending attempted assassinations?
I’m just trying to counter Jim’s post that the assassination attempts and the sign vandalization was done by “leftists.” Which there is no proof. Only assumptions. And you know what assuming makes one right?
For your information and for the record: I will unequivocally state that political violence is NEVER acceptable or defendable. NEVER. Never ok from either the left or the right. NEVER.
Uhhh….the dude from the golf course literally has a Biden/ Harris sticker on his truck and is all over social media praising the current administration.
What are you smoking or drinking it’s been proven that the golf course shooter was from Hawaii with Biden-Harris supporter stickers on his truck. The boy worked for Black Rock was in a Black Rock commercial it 20 years old he had three offshore bank accounts with millions in each one he also had sophisticated explosive and a definite tie to a FBI phone that pinged off the FBI location in his location for weeks before the assassination attempt
Yes, Anchorage voters live in their own little reality of their own making.
Lafrance WOW you seem to have brought evil with you how shameless of you ma’am. it’s funny how time is a blink of an eye & we are back home in our spirit bodies to see how we all did together. Ma’am be a leader get off the evil ship & do the right things immediately SO HELP YOU GOD. GOD uses all how he wants be wise all. MAGA
I’m no fan of the current Anchorage Assy…but, this vandalism took place in Fairbanks.
Zaletel bailing out. Lafrance WOW gone. Spirit bodies same. Evil ship at the ready.
That is all.
Isn’t this federal crime?
Only if conservatives are doing it.
The left is nothing but a bunch of freaks, thieves, and immoral defectives. These vehicles they came in have these awesome things called LICENSE PLATES! Find them and fine the c— out of them. Take their PFD! Do not allow this to continue Fairbanks!
Looks like my comment was too spicy. I wonder what it was I said?
I began to fathom the real stupidity of some of the Fairbanks Democrats when Sarah Palin was running for VP, and people claimed she was using her children to get votes. There was a display set up outside of her campaign rally, with a large sign that read, “Children are people, not props.” Of course, they had a group of children there to illustrate the point….
It is only bad when my opponent does it.
Surveillance on Savanna Fletcher’s home, and her pals Schupp and Burgess. Check their activity. Use cell phone cameras.
Dishonest people continue to think and act dishonestly. It’s in their DNA. Yard sign stealing is their new low.
The same people who steal out of everyone’s mailbox.
This article did not surprise us in the least. We lived for many years in a Democrat run city in another state. This was common behavior during election seasons whenever Republican candidates were on the ballot, especially if it was a local Republican challenging the status quo.
I’ve had signs stolen 3 times on Yankovich Rd, last incident was last night. They take all the republican candidates and Vote YES on 2. I’m tired of it, will try to catch them in the act.
Good on ya, Libby. Bring your Rottweilers and Belgian Shepherds along for back-up.
Just goes to show you that the left will do anything to win: cheat and steal!
Go, Mike Cronk! I’m going to wave a big 4X8 for you at Univ Ave. and Geist. That’s where the wacked-out commies congregate. I carry.
It looks like voter intimidation where is the DOJ.
Looks like voter intimidation where is the DOJ.
Not new.
Remember the Amy Dembroski sign vandalism.
When a child… errr… I mean a leftist hears or sees something they do not like they have to prevent anyone else from seeing it. They cover their ears and yell loudly, or tear up the offensive matter.
Leftists, the tantrum throwing toddlers of the political world.
Does anyone know what Burgess and Schupp do after midnight? Hint: they go out sign waving in their undies and get Fletcher’s trolls to pull down Cronk signs.
Do you guys really need those signs anyway ??? Just look at any of the union buildings… They tell you right away who not to vote for… ^^^
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