Watch video: Russian jet nearly peels the paint from Air Force jet as it buzzes by near Alaska airspace


In a heart-stopping video released by U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan, a Russian fighter jet recklessly came just a few feet away from an American Air Force jet patrolling Alaska’s coastal defense zone on Sept. 23.

“The reckless and unprofessional maneuvers of Russian fighter aircraft—within just a few feet of our Alaska-based fighters—in Alaska’s ADIZ on September 23 put the lives of our brave Airmen at risk and underscore the escalating aggression we’re witnessing from dictators like Vladimir Putin,” Sullivan noted on social media. The video demonstrates that the act was an intentional provocation.

“These tactics stand in stark contrast to the skill and discipline of our Alaska-based service members who are on the front lines at all hours in defense of our entire country. I want to commend our Airmen for consistently and professionally executing these complex intercept missions. We need to answer force with force and continue building up America’s military presence in Alaska and the Arctic with more infrastructure, like the strategic Arctic port at Nome and reopening the Adak Naval Base, and more military assets,” Sullivan said.

The video was also provided by NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command.

“The conduct of one Russian Su-35 was unsafe, unprofessional, and endangered all – not what you’d see in a professional air force,” Gen. Gregory Guillot, commander of the United States Northern Command and North American Aerospace Defense Command, said in a statement.

NORAD deployed jets to fly a “safe and disciplined intercept” of the Russian aircraft in the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone, an area beyond U.S. sovereign air space, but where pilots are expected to identify their aircraft.

The video was released a week after NORAD said four Russian military planes were detected and tracked off the coast of Alaska. About 130 U.S. soldiers and a mobile rocket launcher were deployed to Shemya, a remote Alaska island, as an increase in Russian military activity off the coast has caught the attention of the Pentagon.

Eight Russian military planes and four Russian Navy ships, including submarines, have spent the month patrolling close to Alaska during joint Russia-China military drills. None of the jets came into actual U.S. airspace but have bee detected several times before this Sept. 23 incident — Sept. 11, 13, 14, and 15.


    • David, NATO’s primary goal is to protect the freedom and security of its members through political and military means. Article 5 of the Washington Treaty states that an attack on one member is an attack on all.

      The US is a member of NATO. That means WE get help when/if needed, and due to the many nations that are members, an attack is less likely. (Deterrence.)

      And before you embarass yourself as a lap dog for Putin. Recall Putin is a state sponsor of terror.

  1. Had we used the money and resources sent to Ukraine on border security to turn away the UN supported flood of illegal aliens that has freely flowed into this country, consider how much more safe we would actually be. Why is Ukraine’s border so much more important than domestic borders and domestic security?

  2. That looked more like a Mig-29 fighter. The US pilot was taken fully by surprise, as the reaction clearly shows. Another reckless Russian playing the bandit for a free bottle of vodka from his commander.

  3. Reckless and unprofessional. What are you talking about . ??? These are hostile forces. I would not expect anything else.

    It bothers me that you are surprised after all they are in FIGHTER JETs those fighters have but 1 purpose.

  4. War mongering for Israel and Ukraine is really paying off. Just what we need, more displaced Muslims flooding western nations. Awesome plan from the uniparty.

  5. Sullivan publishing that on social media? Trying to drum up the fear in people? I am not saying that it did not happen; but, what would be Sullivan’s goal if he is posting this on social media? Are not he and Lindsey Graham the ones that love a good war?

  6. This is why faint of heart, extreme right wingers need to think twice about retreating from Ukraine and gather up some American can do spirit, stand with our Allies and quit advertising themselves as Republicans.

  7. Strange, when I watched “Top Gun”, it seemed that any aircraft in the immediate area was viewed and tracked with onboard radar. Not to take away the immediate threat the pilot(s) felt. I will hold back on thoughts of Sen. Sullivan’s apparent desire to face off with such threats. All well and good, but until the mentality is that of Israel in not fighting on “Feelings” but accomplish the destruction of the enemy, we are wasting our wonderful youth in self serving, not National needs.
    Patton said it best: “We need to break things and kill people” Or something close to this.

  8. Not nearly as reckless as perpetuating the brutal war in Ukraine or provoking Russia. Not to mention our reckless blind support of Israel. Sullivan is a war-monger and traitor to our nation. Alaska deserves better.


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