Watch video: Christmas party at Governor’s House


This short video of the Open House at the Governor’s House in Juneau on Dec. 10 says it all, and it’s full of Christmas goodwill:

The first open house was held 106 years ago by Territorial Governor Walter Eli Clark and his family. He invited the community to visit the Governor’s House on New Year’s Day 1913, the first New Year’s after the house had been completed in 2012.

It’s an annual tradition has been held every year since, with the exception of two years during World War II.

More than 15,000 cookies were prepared for the event, and more than 100 pounds of fudge and chocolate candies were served. Members of the governor’s cabinet couriered hot apple cider and holiday treats to guests waiting in line outside the residence, while entertainers from local community and school groups performed.


  1. Suzanne,

    Adele and I want to say Merry Christmas to you and to thank you for doing what you are doing.

    Happy New Year as well!

    God bless you my friend.

  2. Thank you, Suzanne, for being the Conservative voice of the news and for filling a big void in the hearts of Conservative Alaskans. As for the news, you have truly made Alaska great again! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family.

  3. Suzanne, May you be full of Christmas joy! Jim and I are so grateful for what you do and how hard you work. You bring necessary and insightful journalism to thousands of Alaskans. May God give you strength, health, and many new advertisers in 2020. Cheers!

  4. Suzanne, Merry Christmas. Keep up the excellent reporting you do on so many things. Seymour Marvin Mills Jr. sui juris

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