Anchorage School District is a dues-paying member of the Association of Alaska School Boards. It should get a gold-plated certificate, considering how much it pays for its membership.
The school district also pays dues to the National School Board Association, which recently was caught collaborating with the White House to start treating parents as terrorists and have protesting parents investigated by the FBI.
The cost of belonging to these two organizations has been growing over the past decade in a state where the average annual education spend per pupil is nearly $18,000, more than 46 percent higher than the national average of about $12,200.
The dues Anchorage pays to the Association of Alaska School Boards has been exploding: It went from $1,954 in 2011 to $146,599 in 2021, a growth of more than 7,400 percent.
Payments to the National School Board Association have seesawed, according to the chart below, which has information obtained through a public records request. In the chart, it appears the small 2021 payment of $225 is simply because the payment has not yet been sent, received, or recorded.
The average cost of dues to these two school board associations is over $71,000 per year over the past 10 years, even as the number of students has dropped from about 50,000 to just under 43,000.
In fact, over the past five years, when student numbers have fallen fast, the Anchorage School District has paid the Association of Alaska School Boards an average of more than $95,000 per year.
In 2017, the AASB collected $547,541 as dues from public sources, and the AASB also received $598,107 in government grants that same year, according to the Alaska Policy Forum, which conducted a survey of these costs.
In terms of being represented on the association, Anchorage in a minority position compared to the other districts that are members. Anchorage School District may be the biggest, but has just five voting positions in the Association, which has 51 member districts in Alaska.

AASB is not without controversy. Last week, the AASB met in Anchorage to discuss incorporating the concept of “systemic racism” into its overall goals and objectives for the organization. And it booted out a citizen who was trying to film the proceedings, which inform school board policies across the state.

The Anchorage School District also belongs to the Council of Great City Schools, which is targeted toward the largest school districts in the country, and which pushes a radical leftist agenda, including Critical Race Theory, the theory that whites are inherently racist.
The dues Anchorage taxpayers pay for membership in CGCS are more than $40,000. See their dues sheet at this link.
But wait, there’s more: The Anchorage School District belongs to a group called the Coalition for Alaska Education Equity, for which there is a fee of more than $27,000 a year. In 2016, the group collected $160,571 in dues.
According to the Alaska Policy Forum, CEE collected $145,000 in membership dues, and an additional $171,982 in government grants. It’s main purpose is to sue the State of Alaska to get more money for rural school districts.
“Under the CEAAC banner, the organization focused on the perception of school inadequacies in rural Alaska by filing lawsuits asserting inequitable state funding, with two lawsuits being settled in CEAAC’s favor after years of legal wrangling,” the Alaska Policy Forum wrote.
“Despite a significant funding advantage over other states, Alaska has continued to produce very disappointing results in national standardized testing. Scores from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) between 2003 and 2019 showed that Alaska’s combined math and reading standings sank more than any other state—ranking 49th or lower in six of eight categories by 2019,” APF wrote.

School Board member Dave Donley has in the past attempted to have the district end its membership in the Coalition for Education Equity because the Anchorage School Board is paying far too much for the value received. But it has since been added back to the budget.
Although the Coalition for Alaska Education Equity is a fringe group, the National School Board Association is a heavyweight and most Americans might see it as mainstream. And yet, after its recent missteps in trying to characterize parents as terrorists, nine state school board associations have pulled out of that national advocacy group.
According to Fox News, newly released internal emails reveal that the National School Boards Association actually coordinated with the White House and the Department of Justice before sending President Biden the “notorious letter that compared concerned parents to domestic terrorists. Emails provided to Fox News show that NSBA had coordinated with the White House for weeks beforehand,” Fox wrote.
“Viola Garcia, the NSBA president whom the Department of Education later named to a federal board, sent a memo to NSBA members on Oct. 11 (but dated Oct. 12), providing a timeline of the NSBA’s interaction with the White House ahead of the letter to Biden, which the NSBA sent on Sept. 29,” the story continues.
“Five days later, on Oct. 4, the DOJ issued a memo directing law enforcement to investigate threats to school boards. On Oct. 22, the NSBA issued an apology for the letter,” the News group wrote.
Board member Donley has asked the Anchorage School Board to censure the National School Board Association for its actions to cause the FBI to investigate protesting parents. His resolution was referred to the Governance Committee and it has not been seen since by the left-dominated Anchorage School Board.
Parents were asleep at the switch, pre pandemic. Zoom? You mean I get to actively listen to the bullshit the district is peddling. Liberal indoc is pre K, they want them to blossom into a woke, anarchy regime.
It seems as if most of these so-called public education advocacy groups only advocate for themselves and don’t really care about parents or students. This is a huge cartel, NEA-Alaska, AFT-Alaska, AK Association of School Boards, AK Superintendents’ Association, AK Principals’ Association, Coalition for Education Equity, AK Association of School Administrators, AK Association of School Administrators, et al. And student achievement is in the basement.
What happened to spending the money in the classroom?
Witness three new elementary schools proposed to be built and the school bonds for the taxpayers to fund the projects. The $$$ goes to the contractors, and who know who else, not the classroom. Sarc intended.
My elementary school education took place in a 50-year old beautiful school that lasted another 40 years. The wonderful teachers back in the 50s made education magic. I still love them to this day.
Dave Donley appears to be a lone voice of reason on the Anchorage school board. He should not be alone.
It is past time to censure and fire the rest of them for their fraud, waste and abuse where it comes to our children and our city taxes.
What is this money used for if our children are doing worse?
Let’s dig in a lot deeper to this awful story.
That is just awful! Alaskan school board members don’t care anything about the kids. Which most of the H.S. graduates and GED graduates are either TRYING to stay sober, clean, and healthy OR trying to find what they are supposed to be doing; while executives continue ripping off the next generation who’d soon be joining the young adults and millennials.
You know what! Children are smart. Maybe smarter than our parents. We been saying the schools are all about the money since 1989, and schools are wasting our time. You parents hadn’t listened to us.
So…some of the monies that the district gets from taxes is spent and redistributed to other like thinkers to teach kids, white ppl are bad and parents who condemn that teaching that white ppl are bad are terrorists and this is totally supported by the resident in the White House? My! How far we’ve fallen. I hope there’s major voter remorse over this despicable president. We all pay the cost of idiocy.
Vote in ppl who actually love God and country & family for school board and other local offices.
Unfund school districts that include this ludicrous thinking. ( ya, I know. Pie in the sky thought)
Next best thing, pull kiddies out of communistic education and school them with your values and those 3 successful R’s
CASEL, the organization pushing social emotional learning, states outright in their website that they are trying to take control of the human resources departments in school districts in order to implement preferential hiring of Woke people.
Thought you oughta know.
That’s how and why ASD has gone so far out into left field and why it will remain there no matter what we say or do. It’s nearly impossible to fire public employees so purging the Woke just isn’t going to happen.
The National School Board Association, the Alaska School Board Association, the Alaska Municipal League and other quasi-government organizations are just another way local school boards & local governments are coerced into following the tenets of “group think”. These groups stifle independent problem solving & innovative , critical thinking skills and have no place in a vibrant society. They certainly are not worthy of taxpayers dollars!
Spot on! Just crony groups subsisting off the state and tazpayers
Also frustrating to see all the government grants going to associations focused on politics rather than child welfare.
Wasting money on communist groups instead of our kids. Shame on you petty tyrants!
I love the headline. But this article simply doesn’t give me anything to be concerned about. It doesn’t even mention what that money provides for the school board. This is a democracy. Vote out the people you don’t want on the board. Oh wait, it was already tried and lost. Losers do not make policy, they get to complain. Which is what this article is proof of.
We need to elect school board members from districts, not Muni-wide, just like we elect Assembly members. Currently, the setup is so that the union backed candidates usually win. That is by design. Even the polls are in the “union halls” aka schools.
You don’t know the half of it!!!!
Vote yes on all school bonds. It’s for the children!
Sure thing – throw some more taxpayer money at the failing system! When the bonds to build three new elementary schools are voted in, take a look at the winning contractor(s) and follow the money. Meanwhile, open your wallets and pay up taxpayers! Who doesn’t smell a rat here? West High was two stories before the 64 earthquake – it is now one story and still standing. Oops don’t give ‘em any ideas or they will start hammering the taxpayers for a new West High. Snort!
Why do you think Biden and the Dems want Federally-funded Pre-K?
Fed funding means they set requirements.
Like College degree required. Who do you think sets those program requirements?
Like program materials. Who is going to design those?
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