Gov. Walker: LNG, seafood, beer, baby food to balance China trade



Could Gov. Bill Walker become the new China-U.S. trade negotiator for the Trump Administration?

President Donald Trump upped the ante in the tariff war with China today, ordering U.S. officials to add another $200 billion worth of Chinese goods to the list of those that would be hit with an additional 10 percent tariff.

Last week, China said it would retaliate against the first round of $50 billion in announced U.S. tariffs. China issued a list of nearly 550 U.S. products that will be hit by a 25 percent tariff starting July 6. It included Alaska seafood.

“This latest action by China clearly indicates its determination to keep the United States at a permanent and unfair disadvantage, which is reflected in our massive $376 billion trade imbalance in goods,” Trump said today.

“This is unacceptable. Further action must be taken to encourage China to change its unfair practices, open its market to United States goods, and accept a more balanced trade relationship with the United States,” Trump said.

[Read: Alaska salmon, halibut hit by China tariffs]

Meanwhile, Gov. Bill Walker of Alaska also made a statement today about the trade war, but it was soothing, and   indicated that Alaska can “dramatically” soften the trade imbalance with the state’s natural gas, baby food, beer, and seafood. His statement in full:

“Alaska has abundant resources, from natural gas and seafood to beer and baby food. These resources enable our state to dramatically reduce the trade deficit between the United States and China, if we can finalize agreements to increase exports of our products. Trade negotiations between leaders from both countries are ongoing. I am confident that we will, in the end, embrace the opportunity for mutual economic growth that we can achieve by working together. Next week, I will meet in Washington with leaders from both governments who have been at the table leading the efforts to avoid an unnecessary trade war. I will continue to work directly with both sides to make sure Alaska’s interests are protected.”


  1. Did he really say BEER is a resource? Does anyone have information on were one can drill, mine or whatever one would do to develop that resource?

  2. Reads like it’s time for somebody to resign his position as Peoples Governor and register as a lobbyist for the Peoples Republic…
    One assumes, once money changes hands, that the Communist Chinese will get from Alaska what they want, when they want, or else…
    Can’t wait to see what that might be…

  3. Abundant seafood? Oh ya that’s why all the emergency closures. I guess he is counting only pink salmon.

  4. I had no idea that Alaska made baby food!!!!! That is news to me. Has he lost his mind? I have never seen fish baby food. That is the only thing I can think of that could be made into baby food from Alaska. Peas make baby food. I didn’t know that Alaska had a large agricultural sector in peas. And, also, I didn’t know we exported Alaskan beer to China. I know that precious little of it makes its way to the lower 48 in a limited capacity, but some of it is traded to China? I get that the point to this article is to show how out of touch the governor is in making a legitimate trading plan for Alaska, but on some of this stuff I think that Walker is just plain old lying about the statistics..

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