Walker issues warning to Begich groups: ‘Far beyond the scope’



Gov. Bill Walker endorsed Mark Begich for governor on Oct. 19, but now he’s not happy with the liberties being taken with that endorsement.

Walker sent a letter to his email list this morning, disavowing the various Begich groups’ claims made on his behalf:

“Due to advertisements by independent expenditure groups, I find it necessary to clarify my statement made at AFN on October 19th when I announced the suspension of my campaign for Governor.

“I stated that despite my many differences with Mark Begich, his stance on specific issues important to me-the Alaska LNG Project, maintaining Medicaid expansion, building a sustainable fiscal plan, and bridging the historical divide with our Alaska Native friends and neighbors- more closely aligns with my vision for Alaska than does the campaign rhetoric of Mike Dunleavy.

“Independent expenditure groups are running advertisements that go far beyond the scope of these areas of alignment into areas where I am not necessarily aligned with Mr. Begich. I have asked that these ads be immediately edited or removed. However, anyone with questions as to where I stand on the issues of this election should look solely to my statement on October 19.”

Walker issued his warning on his Walker-Mallott campaign e-mail letterhead and he did not specify which group had taken advantage of his endorsement or what the nature of the truth-stretching was.

Unite Alaska for Walker-Mallott changed its name to Unite Alaska; it is a union-funded super-PAC that has pushed the edge of decency in its messages.

Another group, Begich for Alaska, has registered with Alaska Public Offices Commission, and Defeat Dunleavy has also popped up on the scene.

[Walker-Begich group weaponizes Bree’s death]

Mike Dunleavy is the Republican nominee.

Walker is a registered nonpartisan.

Begich is a registered Democrat.


In other endorsement news, Hillary Clinton today tweeted out her endorsement of Mark Begich. Clinton won 36.5 percent of the Alaska vote in the presidential race in 2016. Donald Trump won over 51 percent of Alaska votes; he has endorsed Mike Dunleavy.

Both Clinton and Trump announced their endorsements via Twitter.

On Friday, state Sen. Lyman Hoffman endorsed Begich, although in 2014 he endorsed Dan Sullivan for Senate instead of the incumbent, Begich.


  1. The 1st lady ended the love fest for Gov Walker at AFN by leading a prayer that ended w/…. “through Jesus Christ Our Lord, Amen”

    AFL-CIO & Vince Beltrami are opposed to ballot measure 1 & are urging voters to vote NO on 1

    How can they back uber liberal, green, P. Parenthood Mark Begich…..what’s wrong w/ these people?

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