Walker era ‘hold’ music put on hold



The Dunleavy Administration has put on hold a music project for the State’s phone “hold” selection that was advanced by the Walker Administration as a way to highlight Alaska musicians.

The project was written about last year by Must Read Alaska, which raised a question about one of the songs, which had discordant sounds and lyrics that referred to self-harm, eating disorders and other unhappinesses:

[Listen to the selection “Mother Carries” here by the Fairbanks band “Harm.”]

The original Must Read Alaska story is here:

State’s ‘on hold’ music: Is Alaska open for business yet?

Now, one of the bands featured in the project has taken to Twitter to object to the Dunleavy Administration putting the “Hold” project on hold. Portugal.

The song selection needs more thought, according to State sources contacted this morning by Must Read Alaska.

Portugal. The Man, the band that freely endorsed Mark Begich for governor last year on Twitter, said this delay is political.  And then the band used the delay to advance the band’s anti-Dunleavy agenda:


Later, in respond to the social media discussion that ensued underneath that comment, the band tweeted:

Politics is a specialty of the band, which says it is based in Willow, but whose members now live in Portland. The musicians evidently believe they are entitled to being the State of Alaska official hold music in perpetuity.

[Read the Associated Press story on the project delay]. (The Associated Press goes to great pains to not name the news site Must Read Alaska):

Dunleavy officials said today that whatever the ultimate selection is, none of the music should be considered permanent in the rotation.

Do you have any suggestions for hold music for the State’s phone system? Any cookie recipes to share? Add them below.


  1. What? I thought the state was playing, “Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places,” after Walker scooted out of the campaign because of Byron Mallott.

  2. Pavement was one of my favorite 1990s bands. Every time I hear “Feel It Still”, a variation of a certain Pavement lyric comes to mind:
    What about the voice of John Gourley
    How did it get so high
    I wonder if he speaks like an ordinary guy
    Actually, I wonder if he’s been lacking something in his nether regions since 1986 now. Anyway, I’ve never seen the music video for that song, but I did find this gem on the web:
    “The music video features a striking image of a Sikh man burning a newspaper version of the fake news website Infowars, which is run by conspiracy theorist and radio show host Alex Jones. The band was unaware, at the time the visual was filmed, of Jones’ fervent following.” If you’re the sort of person who drinks the Mark Begich flavor of Kool-Aid, of course you wouldn’t know that.

  3. I thought at the time, when I read the original story a few months back, the idea to feature Alaskan artists while being placed on hold was decent one. On second thought such music should be upbeat and as pleasing as possible because who needs suicidal suggestions when your on hold? Much ado about nothing really!

  4. If I’m going to only confer with bloggers on cookie recipes what am I going to listen to “musicians” on? How much pot to add to them?

  5. I was banned from ADN because I criticized Portugal the Man for their political BS.

    And when do we get to discuss Creepy Ol’ Joe? I have a different take on this. It is totally a power thing like disrobing in front of female secret service agents. They are helpless to stop his behavior.

    • Joe thinks his hair and ear kisses are a sort of papal blessing. He gets his rocks off too at the same time so it is good for “everybody”.
      On the other hand, Trump has exhibited “normal” behavior one would expect from a rich and powerful entrepreneur. I haven’t seem Trump make the same creepy moves since – he has Melania and Ivanka to rein him in.

  6. If you would like to continue listening to this song, press 1. If you would like to listen to a crappier song, press 2. Or, if you would like to listen to Jazz, press 1; hip hop, 2; classical, 3. I’m just kidding.
    I have an idea: how about when you call, they just answer the phone? Or, play the Alaska Flag Song – then we can learn the lyrics while we wait. They voted down being able to sing it in the Anchorage school system.

  7. BTW, My analysis projects Kamala Harris will be the anointed Democrat candidate against President Trump.
    Bernie is just wasting D dollars. Beto is a fraud and will fail when exposed. He is in favor of open borders.

    • Kamala Harris, not to be confused with Jim “Sugarbear” Harris aka Kamala the Ugandan Giant. What’s the likelihood of a certain demographic making that connection?

  8. “Fat Jerry” Nadler (give him credit for losing the weight except in his fat head) will soon find out he can launch his own investigation but he cannot force Barr to release an un-redacted Mueller report. Looks like Rod Rosenstein is a good guy after all.

  9. How about some Alaskan Native music?
    Music by Local musicians not some Portland leftist cry babies.

    Not music about some weirdo self harm crap.
    Music people want to listen to.
    Music Alaskans can be PROUD of.
    Maybe University of Alaska musicians or chiors.
    Local High schools talented school bands and choirs — it can revolve.

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