Vote remote: Peltola votes by proxy on Respect for Marriage Act, and national defense bill


Congresswoman Mary Peltola has been voting by proxy, which means not showing up in Congress on the floor to cast her ballot.

Since winning on Nov. 23, she cast a vote through two different colleagues on two different occasions:

Reps. Luis Correa of California and Haley Stevens of Michigan did her work for her.

On both of her official proxy letters, Peltola cites the “ongoing public health emergency” as her reason for having someone else cast her vote for her.

“I am unable to physically attend proceedings in the House Chamber due to the ongoing public health emergency and I hereby grant the authority to cast my vote by proxy to the Honorable Haley Stevens (Michigan), who has agreed to serve as my proxy,” Peltola wrote to the House Clerk on Nov. 29.

She used the same language on Dec. 8, awarding her proxy to Correa for her vote in favor of H. R. 8404, the “Respect for Marriage Act.” See documentation here.

She awarded her vote to Correa for the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act, H.R. 7776.

Peltola wasn’t sick, and she wasn’t staying home. She attended parties and had her picture taken with friends and supporters. But she was taking advantage of a Democrat-led rule in the House that allows members to award their vote to a friendly colleague to cast for them.

As the Covid pandemic swept the nation, Congress changed rules in January of 2021, so that members could simply file a letter stating that they can’t physically attend proceedings. In August, Speaker Nancy Pelosi extended the proxy rule to the end of September, so that her members could campaign or go camping, rather than show up for work.

In her letter, Pelosi stated that the extension was due to the “public health emergency.”

“In light of the attached notification by the Sergeant-at-Arms, in consultation with the Office of Attending Physician, that a public health emergency is in effect due to a novel coronavirus, I am hereby extending the ‘covered period’ designated on January 4, 2021, pursuant to section 3(s) of House Resolution 8, until September 26, 2022,” Pelosi wrote in August. By then, more than 5,600 proxy letters had been filed by congressional members with the House Clerk, many of them so that members could simply take vacations.

Last month, Pelosi extended the proxy vote rule until the end of December — nearly until the end of her term as Speaker.

Members of the House GOP leadership team say they plan to end the practice when they take over in January. Incoming Speaker Kevin McCarthy said in September, “We will immediately reopen the Capitol and end the Democrat proxy voting and remote work schemes that have inflicted untold damage to this institution.”


  1. In office less than a month and still hasn’t settled into work. So interested in Alaska and Alaskans. All the idiot Democrats, commies, Marxists and fisherman who voted for her must be so proud of our hard working player.

    • But for the clowns across the state who can’t let go of their hero Sara Palin, Nick Begich would already be settled into sone great work. Peltola is a pos.

      • I agree with you 100%. We should have been able to elect Nick Begich. If we had done so, we would now have a congressman who would 1) advocate honestly for Alaska’s interests, 2) be physically present for votes, 3) establish functioning offices (plural) in Alaska, 4) take seriously constituent affairs concern, and 5) show us professional demeanor and consistent respect. But instead, we have this …

      • Begich was a 2 time 3rd place Loser.
        He lost because the populist and nationalists saw him for what he is – a RINO at best, and a Democrat plant at worst.
        The Begich voters didn’t rank the red – Peltola is YOUR gift to Alaska.

        • We ranked the red, but the machines selected Mary. This is happening around the nation in both national and state races. I’ve seen the interview with a programmer who created software for the cia in the 1980’s to run the cheat within the machines. It was used for good causes around the world lol and now it’s being used in the USA. Exit polls in Arizona showed 70% republican vote but final results were split.
          Cheating is happening in every aspect and lawfare is being used as well. Past time to wake up!!!

  2. Let them all vote from their home State. We could keep our eyes on them and all the DC lobbyists and hospitality people would have to get real jobs

  3. Don Young voted by proxy in a vote against Trump’s impeachment after Don Young said voting by proxy is unconstitutional when Congress voted to allow proxy voting during Covid. You just can’t make this stuff up LOL

    • Isn’t it X-mas break? How would Alaskans know, though. They don’t print “minutes” anymore do they. Weirdness.

  4. How brave of her. She does this while her constituents go to work, grocery shop and take heir children to schools – all with the same level of risk. Certainly NOT what I voted for in November. But then again, I didn’t vote for Peltola.

    PS: Thanks, Sarah Palin, for handing us this gem on a silver platter. Hope your vote for Mary is everything you hope for.

  5. Where is her Alaska office for “constituent affairs” work. Nobody seems to know. Calls left on voicemail in DC are not returned.

    • Two of the most important jobs for a member of the US Congress, in this case Representative Mary Peltola, is VOTING for the best interests of Alaska and Alaskans *and* CONSTITUENT WORK involving a federal agency. She is not showing up for voting; that’s a problem. And although she has had plenty of time to establish an Alaska office and hire staff, it’s clear that constituent services work is of no importance to her because she still has no office here.

      I completed paperwork and asked for help with the problems at the Anchorage VA Clinic in mid-October. Since then I have heard nothing although a paid staff member appears to be working from her home in Juneau (Claire).

      Here is my question for Peltola: “Why have you shown repeatedly that you are unable and unwilling to do your job?” I agree that Alaskans deserve better than this.

  6. When the GOP takes over and ends ‘proxy voting’, watch how quickly Peltola declares the ‘public health emergency’ to be over. Shazam!

  7. I just called her WA DC office and talked to a very helpful aid, who guided me to following up on some important State and National issues with an Email, I’m doing that now. It’s way to early to be judging our Congresswoman, let’s see if her votes are in accordance to Our Constitution, and help Our great State of Alaska and residents. She deserves that chance.??

  8. Public Health Emergency my a..! Did Alaskans really think Ms. Mary was going to be this revelation of congressional competence and integrity? They used RCV to steal her seat with stolen money from FTX. Alaska, this is a criminal syndicate that no longer abides by their oath to the Constitution. Why on earth are you surprised by this? Have you seen the legislation they are pushing in D.C.? They could care-a-less about what you think. It’s all about their agenda to follow the global elites one world government system. That means continue to divide us through a woke ideology crammed down the throats of our children and infecting our education system while allowing an invasion of our southern border using our tax dollars to do it. We currently have no representation in D.C. All we have is puppets to their corrupt enterprise. Anyone that can’t see this at this point needs to stop the propaganda brainwashing by the MSM and throw away their TV! We have a criminal syndicate that is stealing elections to install their puppets! Our government was overthrown on Nov. 3rd, 2020! We are in a state of war and in a Constitutional Crisis! The Republic is in grave danger of being lost forever. This is a Paul Revere moment, “The communists are not just coming, they are here!”

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