Alaska’s Rep.-elect Nick Begich III appeared on a panel made up of some of the newest members of Congress. It was pointed out by a moderator that Begich comes from a family of political figures, including his grandfather, who served in Congress for Alaska. Begich was quick to point out that the ones the moderator named are all Democrats (he is Republican.)
“What does Thanksgiving look like?” asked a baffled Mychael Schnell, congressional reporter for The Hill.
Begich isn’t the only Alaskan who has a family with mixed political opinions or alliances. Many Alaskans will be spending time over Christmas with members who vehemently disagree with them on policy and direction for the state and the nation. Begich gets it — with a family of partisan Democrats, some who even worked against him in his election for Congress.
Watch NBIII’s answer to the question at minute 29:14.
NBIII makes sense. It’s a Great Debate, not a war. Most of us have common goals and aspirations, but we approach their acquisition from different directions. Cooperation and compromise will always achieve far more than war and conflict. So, forego the desire for that adrenaline-fueled dose of revenge, and instead focus on dialogue and collaboration. After all, Homo Sapiens did not rise above the other species by means of violence – we ascended because of our unique abilities to communicate and cooperate. It’s what makes us unique.
It seems to me that when democrats are out of power nationally they always want compromise. They want us to get along and all work together. But, when in power they are vindictive, they want revenge. They even dream numerous bogus scenarios to impeach a president.
Republicans aren’t vindictive enough from my point of view, we should give some payback to some of the losers with their false and lying accusations, such as Schiff and his nonexistent “proof.”
> democrats are out of power nationally they always want compromise…. But, when in power they are vindictive, they want revenge
Exactly. Examples need to be made of some who have clearly been lawbreakers to give pause to others in the future when they are inevitably back in power again. The pursuit of fair and evenhanded justice needs to be pursued.
Merry Christmas all!
This is true, because their ideology revolves solely around power acquisition. Everything is means to an end and every means, in their mind, justifies the end. They’ve proved this because they’ve reversed themselves on a variety of issues, including immigration and tariffs, foreign wars, free speech, etc, only because they thought they could gain and hold power longer. This party should end up on the ash heap of history, it is a thinly veiled version of Marxism that is more like a religion than a political party, and it has no redeeming value whatsoever in its current incarnation. The American left of 30 years ago fought against communism and for the American middle class, and for free speech. This current version has jettisoned all of that dignity for the garb of avarice and powerlust, pettiness and partisanship, arrogance and authoritarianism.
It’s a good thing the Republicans don’t ever want revenge when they are in power. I mean, Trump and his team haven’t been promising revenge for the last four years…
Both sides do it and it is disgusting. Democrat and Republican voters deserve better from their parties.
Hard to argue with your points.
Maybe(?), it’s time to remind Daddy’s Little Princess of who the Republican constituency really is, and our expectations in order to represent GOP Republican Platform values and issues. Afterall, as per one of her colleagues in the Senate … “You can only push people so far!!!”
Exactly right. Never trust a devout liberal to be nice when things are going their way; they are just regrouping.
Dear Editor, are you screening out comments that are supportive of my efforts at conciliation, or is everyone here just plain nasty? Even at Christmastime! Geez!
We had enough of leftist plain nasty through covid, lawfare and other societal destruction. It is comeuppance time and it is necessary.
After a few Holiday Cocktails & Cheer (aka: the real truth serum), the family dinner conversations always got lively with flying chairs … new cuss words … tipped over the Christmas Tree (once), most assured those were memorable times for a young and impressionable kid.
I loved it!!!
If you listen to the Democrats on this panel you will notice they are talking with a definite perspective. It may be subtle but it is there if you listen carefully. That is, their side is right while Republicans are wrong and compromise can only exist in that structure.
Wayne, you seen the same underlining narrative of compromise, that I see and that is ok with the D’s if more then 50% of the deal is on their side of the push to socialism(s) in our governess of America! That narrative isn’t even American, period ! So good luck 119th Congress, please above it all, vigilance to the republic should it survive …. Liberty Ed
This will be great information NOT JUST for the Holidays, But ANY Family Get-togethers even for the summer vacations..
Very nice comments from Nick Begich. One gets the feeling that Nick will put Alaska first instead of party interests.
Well, apparently not if those commenting on my olive branch have anything to say about it. I’d say that there’s a lot of people on this site who are just hankering for a fight, and apparently have little interest in co-existing. That’s the clear message I’m getting.
It might help if you didn’t sharpen the end of the branch and try to stab with it
Welcome to what it’s been like for conservatives the last few years.
The left claims efforts for revenge. It’s not. It’s justice 4 years of illegal lawfare that needs to be prosecuted.
Time for another Covid booster shot.
Boost often.
Think about the kids and the seniors….
Dog, go back to your dog house and quite barking at everyone. You are the one trying to instigate some fights. Go home bad doggy.
Nick is Make Alaska Great Again. So glad we’re rid of “the captain”.
This is the result we needed 2 years ago.
I’m thinking about joining the Republicans. Democrats are cowards and low IQ people. Complete idiots. We need to get Alaska moving again.
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