Video: California congressman says public wants ‘actual weapons’ to be used against Elon Musk


Democratic California Rep. Robert Garcia called for “actual weapons” to be used against Elon Musk, who heads up President Donald Trump’s initiative known as the Department of Government Efficiency, or DOGE.

Garcia, speaking on CNN, indicated violence may be necessary protect democracy.

Garcia was asked by CNN host Brianna Keller if “calling Musk a dick is effective messaging.” Garcia had done so in a congressional committee.

Garcia responded:

“Well he is a dick, and I think he’s also harming the American public in an enormous way. What I think is really important and what the American public wants is for us to bring actual weapons to this bar fight. This is an actual fight for democracy, for the future of this country, and it’s important to push back on the chairperson of this committee.”

“We went into exactly what Elon Musk is trying to do. Dismantling the Department of Labor, dismantling the Department of Education, dismantling all of our consumer protection agencies, and so it’s all important, but it’s also important to get the attention of the American public and call Elon Musk out for what he is and to make people know that Marjorie Taylor Greene is not a serious legislator, and she shouldn’t be treated as such,” Garcia said.

In a meeting of the House Subcommittee on Delivering on Government Efficiency, Garcia had earlier this week pontificated about Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who in 2023 held up a photo of a nude (and redacted) Hunter Biden during a committee hearing.

Read more about that committee hearing here:

“Now, I find it ironic, of course, that our chairwoman, Congresswoman Greene, is in charge of running this committee. Now, in the last Congress, Chairwoman Greene literally showed a dick pic in our oversight congressional hearing,” he said.

Then Garcia held up a photo of photo of Musk. “So, I thought I’d bring one as well. Now, this, of course, we know is president Elon Musk. He’s also the world’s richest man. He was the biggest political donor in the last election. He has billions of dollars in conflicts of interest.”

Last month, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, who serves as the House Minority Leader, called for violence in the streets.


  1. They are woefully naive about what they are requesting. Violence in the streets will easily turn into a bloodbath. Nobody wins.

    • Uh.
      If it turns to violence who wins?
      The MAGA God Flag and Family crowd or the Progressive Trannie Climate Doomers?
      I know, you don’t?
      Sic Semper Tyrannis!

    • It wasn’t that many years ago a crazy man from CA went to justice Kavanaughs home, loaded with weapons, zip ties, etc to k*LL justice Kavanaugh. That was after schumer speed garbage in front of the supreme court to justices Kavanaugh & Gorsuch.

  2. These ‘Violence Cheerleaders’ very well might get exactly what their preaching! If we continue to focus and discover the “Truth” we will prevail.

  3. Where are the FEDs – if Republicans said things like this there would be FEDs all over them. They are inciting people to riot and cause bodily harm. The last time they did this, cities burned and people were killed

    • Yes where is Pam and the law?
      Trump is playing to nice.
      Enforce the law.
      We want to see people in jail.
      As much as I dislike the previous clown show they went after people and put them in jail.
      Trump step up and enforce the law.
      The left better be careful on what they ask for I am sure somebody will answer the challenge and then we all lose.

  4. How insurrection-y of you. Perhaps you’ll get a friendly knock at your front door at home by the FBI and Secret Service with armored personnel carriers, black suburbans, agents with machine guns and helicopters – all while being filmed by MSNBC and CNN. Is not what’s good for the goose is good for the gander?

    • Maxine Waters should have been arrested years ago when she told her followers to openly assault any “MAGA ” person they see anywhere, any time.

      She still is allowed to walk free. This guy has the same sort of protection she does.

  5. This guy is a complete moron. Saving democracy what a bunch of bs. He is actually a Marxist if anyone needs terminated it’s him. The American people want OUR government operations under control.

  6. So sick of these babies crying Elon is the president. Grow to children! A very smart man was put in charge to CUT OFF ridiculous government spending. California just basically said they wanna kill him if they tout real weapons. Immediately cute California OFF from all Fed money, Grants or any other free crap they benefit from. This is enough.

    • Your very smart man was told to “shut up” by a 4 year old, and told you’re not the president by the same 4 year old. Even Musk’s kid knows who is really in charge. Red states will start to cry when they realize all there funding is drying up and going to the billionaires.

      • Typical leftist.
        Thinking that a child has wisdom for no reason other than what their (obviously biased) parents told her to say.
        I bet you think Greta is more educated then phds in climate science, and David Hogg is a prodigy.

      • You hope for that but us with common sense understand we need to break a plate before the cooking is done.
        We never expected it to be easy because we know about you leftist ways.
        Keep crying it’s good for you.

  7. So sick of these babies crying Elon is the president. Grow up children! A very smart man was put in charge to CUT OFF ridiculous government spending. California just basically said they wanna kill him if they tout real weapons. Immediately cut California OFF from all Fed money, Grants or any other free crap they benefit from. This is enough.

    • Using President Elon is the newest NPC talking point. Expect it for a few days until something else (they think is) clever comes along.

  8. Why can we not lock up the actual terrorists calling for terrorism?

    Or better yet, wall off Portland and let them make their own utopia?

  9. I hate to say it, but a civil war has been brewing for several decades now. It is being incited by anti-American forces, both political and religious, from outside and inside the US.
    The WEF and climate cults, China, the (so-called) religion of peace, the “elites” (read that as parasites) would all like to see the US devolve into a hot civil war. Nothing will serve their agenda better than American fighting American.
    Unfortunately, political violence seems almost inevitable. Politicians elevating the actions of the political party into “threats to democracy.” Social media whipping up the emotions of those too lazy to actually read the news articles. Crybullies supporting the LGBTQWERTY movement, or fighting climate change, or fighting for equity refusing to actually have a civil conversation. Lawfare used against political opponents. Open borders.
    All of that and more is leading the USA to a scary future.
    There is one potential for salvation. If President Trump is successful, and his administration demonstrates to the average voter the real problem is politicians that are fleecing the taxpayers. That the politicians in DC (and in their State capitols and Local legislatures) are not in fact working for them. If the economy improves, household incomes and net worth go up, and jobs come back to our shores. If that happens, and quickly, even the most ardent extremist will have to read the writing on the wall.
    I am not exactly optimistic, but I can hope.

  10. Elon Derangement Syndrome (EDS) is strong in this Garcia guy..Pretty sure that EDS is affecting more than just his cabeza…in fact, thinking I’ll just call him Rep Richard Cabeza from now on since he seems to enjoy the word for that appendage so much…

  11. Who are the Dems kidding, no one , not even them know where all the money is going. The only know about the programs that kick back to them in money or votes or campaign help. I say cut it all down and rebuild. Build Back Better. Sell some of these charging stations. I hear they cost 1 billion each. Reprinted from The Hacker News: The so-called “real” explanation of the $600 hammer doesn’t make the story any better.
    The hammer did indeed cost $435. If the government wanted to buy another one, the contractor would have charged them an extra $435. Just because the extra $420 was “R&D expense” for something else, doesn’t make the hammer any cheaper.
    Even in the most charitable explanation, this makes it impossible to know the real cost of anything. If the contractor can lump all sorts of charges into the cost of the hammer (for unrelated projects), it’s a way of hiding the true cost of anything.

  12. I better not hear another word about the “J6 insurrection”.
    Talk about missing the point. For years un-elected bureaucrats at USAID and other places spent taxpayer money on any newfangled cause that came along, with nary a smidgen of oversight anywhere. Now all of a sudden they complain about an un-elected bureaucrat, because he discovered their sacred cow (and can not be bought)??? Please!
    Newt Gingrich opined that the democrats are a religion masquerading as a political party. I think he is correct.

  13. This is a republic not a democracy. A democracy is mob rule isn’t it. We don’t have mob rule. Our form of government which form is guaranteed on an equal footing basis anywhere in the US is the republic form of government: legislative, executive and then judicial branches. That. Is it. No guaranteed administrative unelected agents forever. We have three branches only for us, of us and by us guaranteed.

  14. WE ARE NOT A DEMOCRACY. Get our a copy of our Constitution and read it. Kindly tell me where it states that we are a democracy.. WE ARE A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, Capisce?. I’ll Wait…….

  15. It amazes me that some of our elected representatives are nothing more than cry baby bed wetter. Really, what is wrong with these people. Are they just that ignorant or are they trying to look good for their puppet masters. I pray our duly elected continue to restore the republic. Education reform should bring back the Pledge of Allegiance in schools. You know the part…Pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands… The democracy under OBiden hopefully is finished and Musk is exposing the corruption. Those screaming to restore democracy should move to another country if that is what they want.
    The United States of America is a Republic. The main difference between a democracy and a republic is that in a democracy, the majority rules directly, while in a republic, elected representatives make laws and decisions, often with a constitution that protects minority rights. Essentially, a republic emphasizes the rule of law and the protection of individual rights against the majority’s will.

  16. Whenever you hear a radical leftist (which, today, means any and every Democrat, and some Republicans) use the phrase “our democracy”, just substitute in the phrase “our plutocracy”, and the meaning of their sentence will be much more clear and honest.

  17. California Rep. Robert Garcia called Elon Musk a male apedage, a d*ck. Then Garcia must be the female counter part. Not because he is not courageous or brave but, because he actually is.

  18. If Representative Garcia actually knew what a democracy was I’d be surprised since he lives in California I’m certain he has no idea what it is, let alone what “actual weapons” are.

  19. Robert Garcia, you’re inciting violence which is illegal even in your lawless Calipornia!
    El Garcia, you be inciting del ill-legal-uhh violencio, Senior! Stop-uh it-uhh pronto lest you gettuhh el deportitto. Elon Musk has what you called him, but you uhh don’t-uhh!
    From one American to you, San uh Quentin uh awaits you, and maybe you become-uhh a Seniorita there?

    • I’m not a native born Spanish speaker, but I have worked and traveled in Spanish speaking countries. I (,and I am sure many others) am offended by your attempt at humor using your bastardized ” Spanish-like” verbiage.

  20. Kinda strange that he says “actual weapons to this bar fight” . That he would view this situation as a “bar fight” is pretty strange. We atually NEED an irreversible transformation of the U.S. government, and over half the citizens of this country agree with that.

    • I’m pretty sure it’s well over half, remember when Obama talked about “fundamentally transforming the United States of America”? He and his followers wanted a transformation and with his three terms he got pretty close to doing it.

  21. Used to be (before the age of wannabe keyboard warriors with digital shields and unhinged politicos with armed guards) people either already knew, or learned through impactful life experience, that when you surpassed a threshold level of sh*t talking you either got smacked or knocked the F out.

    This ciuccio will be the first to cry foul when his advocated violence with “actual weapons” lands on his doorstep. Dick? Dude doesn’t even have a dick. But he sure needs to be slapped with one.

  22. The Dem’s cash cows are being put out to pasture and they’re going nuts. How are they going to afford those mansions?

  23. What’s really glaringly apparent to me is the stupidity of anyone who claims we are a democracy. We are not subjected to being a pure democracy because (and this is the irony) in a pure democracy, if the majority agree to take up weapons and overthrow this legitimate administration, it would be ok!! Mob rule. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner. The sheep is devoured every time.

  24. So did he ask his supporters to “Stand back and stand by”?

    Or maybe he was paraphrasing Trump when he said on Jan 6: “We fight like hell. And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”, and which his lawyers argued was not a call for actual violence or lawlessness.

    Of course he was speaking metaphorically folks, right? I mean. there are, after all, many types of “weapons”, right?

    • So now you are saying what Trump said wasn’t a call for insurrection, or are you saying what Congressman Garcia is so blatantly a call for armed insurrection that there is no doubt he should be imprisoned for years?

    • Whidbey,

      Actually the good Congressman called for “actual weapons”, that is the antithesis of metaphorical weapons. While there’s probably some actual lawyer somewhere that would actually try to claim that what the good Congressman actually said was metaphorical, there’s nobody who would ever actually believe a guy calling for “actual weapons” to be used in in “actual fight” was actually speaking metaphorically.

  25. There is no place in the public arena where these statements are justified. I’m guessing most Democrats are repulsed by the statements of these low life’s. The Democratic Party is done for the foreseeable future and these two just set the party back a few more years.

    • If you are a conservative, words are actual weapons.
      If you are a leftists, nothing less dangerous than a nuclear bomb is considered an actual weapon.

  26. Awe the liberal left. The narcissistic party of warmongering, censorship, corruption, elitism, violence and hate, mascarading as moral humans with pretentious virtue signaling. The world sees them for the tyrants they are now. Whenever I hear progressive leftist I think of an mentally unstable wack job believing they somehow have a moral high ground. They are such a delusional group of crazies….LOL. Who cares what they say anymore. They are all insane.

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