Veterans Affairs has new mission statement that removes Abe Lincoln’s words, makes it more LGBTQ friendly


On Thursday, the Department of Veterans Affairs announced an updated version of its 1959 mission statement that takes away the male pronoun. The new mission statement is: “To fulfill President Lincoln’s promise to care for those who have served in our nation’s military and for their families, caregivers, and survivors.”

The original mission statement was a quote from President Lincoln, as taken from his second inaugural address in 1865: “To fulfill President Lincoln’s promise ‘to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan.”

The previous mission statement is posted in roughly 50% of VA’s facilities. Over the coming months, VA’s new mission statement will replace the previous version.

According to the VA’s press release, the original statement left out other groups, such as women, and LGBTQ+.

“The new mission statement is inclusive of all those who have served in our nation’s military — including women Veterans — as well as Veteran families, caregivers, and survivors. VA currently serves more than 600,000 women Veterans, the fastest growing cohort of Veterans. VA also serves more than 50,000 Veteran caregivers, more than 600,000 Veteran survivors, and millions of Veterans who did not serve in combat,” the statement says.

“In crafting the new mission statement, VA surveyed roughly 30,000 Veterans. Among Veterans surveyed, the new version of VA’s mission statement was chosen over the current version by every age group; by men and by women; by LGBTQ+ Veterans; and by white, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian and American Indian/Alaska Native Veterans,” the statement reads.

The VA conducted small focus groups with Veterans to understand what was most important to them in a VA mission statement, then incorporated that feedback into quantitative research, the agency said.

“The new mission statement reflects that VA serves all of the heroes who have served our country, regardless of their race, gender, background, sexual orientation, religion, zip code or identity, according to the agency.”


  1. Seems like the VA simply changed the statement to include the larger number of female veterans these days over those in Lincoln’s days..As a Gold Star military veteran conservative Christian ol white dude, I don’t have any heartburn with that, in fact, I support it wholeheartedly..I also don’t see any relevance to the pushy LGBTQLMNOP zealots as the headline infers..?‍♂️

  2. Did they ask Lincoln if they could do this? Lincoln wasn’t an American President anyway. He was a Lawyer, an “Esquire” – Title of Nobility, and could not serve in any real governmental capacity. without violating the original equity contract, the Constitution for the united States of America. He was President of a company which he bankrupted, and a new similar named corporation was created under contract to provide governmental services. The government by, for and of the people was never properly reconstructed following the Civil War which really never ended.

  3. Thank God the important issues like lack of care, PTSD, homelessness, drug addiction and the like have been fixed.

    We live in unserious times and are lead by unserious people.

    I am really beginning to wonder if we can recover from the rule of Grandpa Joe. It doesn’t look good.

  4. What it should read is “Thanks for your service. Now take a number and we will sign you up for newsletters telling you all about how we are serving you.” I think you can still use the word “you “. Maybe y’all would work better, if it is allowed. And let us know if you might be interested in the free chickens for vets program. Or bees. Have you been vaccinated?

  5. How much time and how many dollars were spent on this feel good measure, that could have otherwise been spent on providing care for my joes?

  6. The old statement was fine and the new statement is OK as well, but the VA Administration needs to keep its focus on delivery of quality care and services to our vets….and pay less attention to these groups that stand around shouting ‘Hey look at me Look at me!!!’

    • When I spoke with Mary Peltola very briefly at a fund raiser earlier this month (we know she has no Congressional office in Alaska and is only “available” at fundraisers) about the very poor quality of medical care and benefits assistance that women veterans are expected to put up with at the Anchorage VA Clinic, she told me that renaming the facility recently for a woman veteran was an acknowledgment of women’s veterans service and that we should see this as a positive improvement. She did not want to discuss the deficiencies I have experienced and that are rampant throughout that building. Her message to me was that because the VA Clinic is now named after a woman, women veterans should shut up, sit down, and stop complaining.

      Mary Peltola is worthless. Alaskans must un-elect her in the next election.

  7. We now have a girly military and the country’s we abused are now in a position to strike. We are low on equipment and soldiers plus we don’t have the fear factor. We walk away from conflicts after spending billions and loosing lives patting our backs as winners. The world is laughing at us and are woke military.

    • Mark, your point, “we now have a girly military,” although politically incorrect, is a solid truth. Worse yet, our national birth rate is below the replacement rate. Men are unable to bear and nurture children (the most important occupation in any culture) but, for various reasons, young women are turning from this traditional role. They want to be more like men. Having careers, making money, etc. Nothing looks more foolish than women in masculine-designed military or police uniforms. Our culture in decline as a result of these destructive trends.

  8. I can’t believe they did this!? To acknowledge the contributions and sacrifices of the sinners who insist on being able to joint the military and defend our freedoms?! It’s disgusting and disingenuous to the white men who built this nation’s history. Now the military is so woke that it only hires men who think they are women, women who think they are men, has pregnant women flying fighters, gays and other “disadvantaged” people. What’s happening to this country? Am I going to have to step up and defend it, just so we get these sinners out of the ranks of one of our most vaulted organizations?!

    Already the VA tiers its care to favor these groups, rather than the tough men who it owes its existence to!

    I stand with Sarah, TRUMP 2024!

  9. LaFrance said it best.
    “They will soon have all these “old” guys out”

    I believe they were not lying when they said the would get glitter in the carpet that will never vacuum out.

  10. Though I have no sympathy for all the woke-speak BS going on, in my opinion “those” is more grammatically correct than “him.” The sentence with “him” just sounds wrong.

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