Valerie Davidson out as president of ANTHC

Valerie Davidson

Valerie Nurr’araaluk Davidson, who briefly served as lieutenant governor during the troubled administration of Gov. Bill Walker, has been released from her position at the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, where she has served as president since 2021.

The consortium is the largest, most comprehensive tribal health organization in the country. It is Alaska’s second-largest health employer with more than 3,000 employees.

After the end of the Walker Administration, Davidson was tapped to serve as the president of Alaska Pacific University for two years, before going full time in an interim role for the health organization for Alaska Natives. Within months, she was named as the permanent president and CEO.

There were board meetings this week and Davidson’s contract was not renewed. In a board memo to all staff, Natasha Singh was named interim president and CEO on Tuesday.

The organization in its memo thanked Davidson for her leadership, which started after the previous CEO, Andy Teuber died in a helicopter crash.

“Since Valerie assumed the role as President/CEO in March 2021, the organization committed to making two of the largest health facilities investments in its history, secured over $1 billion for the construction of sanitation systems in rural Alaska, improved the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Hospital star rating at the Alaska Native Medical Center for the fist time in the hospital’s history, improved access to Patient Housing, and improved the organization’s financial health,” the memo said.

Singh is a tribal citizen of Stevens Village and has worked alongside Davidson in the organization’s operations and implementation of strategic priorities, the memo said. She is a graduate of the University of Washington School of Law and Dartmouth College.


  1. Reminder that the public still does not know what Mallott did and she is one of the people involved in the coverup.

    • 75- year old Mallott was dinging the lead Native gal from VPSO. Until Mallott decided he needed a younger body and went after her 16-year old daughter. Mom contacted Walker’s wife and complained. Walker’s wife confronted Mallott and Mallott told her to F off. Walker’s wife went to Bill, who didn’t have the balls to get rid of Mallott, so Walker decided to quit after his term. Chief of Staff Scott Kendall was in charge of damage control. The ADN never covered the story until years later. Mallott died and Walker disappeared. The 16-year old girl was successful in the end. A magazine cover girl and beautiful. That’s it in a nutshell. But Democrats don’t discuss, because the details are frightening ……..and criminal.

      • So,
        who were the criminals? Mallott, for messing with an underaged girl? Walker, for not reporting Mallott’s criminal activity? Scott Kendall, for covering it up? Or the ADN, for failure to report the important news that impacts lives?

        • All except ADN were likely criminal. For ADN’s part, while what they failed to do is reprehensable, they have no legal obligation to report.

          • Bob,
            You may be correct, but doesn’t covering-up criminal activity mean complicity, aiding and abetting, and participation? Why would the owners of ADN want to protect a pedophile Lt. Governor? This story made national news……..everywhere BUT Alaska.

    • Why on earth would you want to work with ANTHC? It may have been good pay, but so much back-stabbing and walking in the devil’s lair. I don’t know how anyone with eyes open could do it.

    • I lost my job there too after working a year from home during the shut down. ANTHC gave us an ultimatum, take the vaccine or ”’voluntarily quit”’. I tried to give them a religious exemption but I got a letter stating that they boasted that they don’t have to follow the human rights act. Many of us didn’t want to take the vaccine and so many of us were let go… I mean ”’voluntarily quit”’. But I was able to get a letter of termination from ANTHC, except that when I signed up for unemployment, they told me that ANTCH told them that I ‘voluntarily quit’. I never got unemployment and it was very difficult for me for a while trying to find a new job. I’m still recovering mentally and financially. I loved working from them, but I felt like I was somehow betrayed.

      • A lot of people were betrayed when the hospitals and companies said that they voluntarily quit – it was as if they were saying, aloud, “take the jabs and die, or we will fire you.” Either way, people were leaving. I hope that you guys have held out and not received any. I wonder how many Alaskan Natives are going to be left standing when all of this upside-world is gone? I hope that it is not going to be like during the Spanish flu and TB eras – Alaska lost a lot of Alaskan Natives during those years. :’-(

        • Some of us hasn’t taken the experimental vax, some of us has. ANTHC has lost a lot of good people who walked instead of being forced to take it.

          Here’s a kicker though, it showed on my medical records that I took the vaccine 2 weeks after I quit. I never had any appointments for fear of them sneaking the vaccine until I had to get blood drawn last year. Why would I suddenly have a vaccine on my chart that I never took?

  2. The quality medical care has dropped since the opening of the hospital, but parking and social services improved. Get back to providing medical care.

  3. Golden Parachutes. Free medical and teeth fixed for life. Probably full health insurance coverage, condos in Hawaii and free passes on Alaska Air.
    Native leaders know how to pull their rip cords.

  4. These BIA contractors cost billions upon billions of dollars every year with no accountability to protect taxpayers. They openly harbor racial preferences in hiring and contracting using that federal taxpayer money.

    This particular instance brings to my mind that Alaskans never have learned why an elected Alaska Lt. Gov. resigned to be replaced then and there by the individual treated in this news story. Elitists decided that only an inner circle could be trusted to judge the implications of whatever transgressions may have taken place, and to whom. Soon a half-decade will have gone by and Alaskans still have not been told by their government, their court system, their Department of Public Safety, their Department of Law what took place that forced this high elected official to resign and leave the arena. I suppose we may never know. And this is terrible government!

  5. Was Andy Tueber’s helicopter crash just horrible timing or was he thinking/saying too much?

  6. The “troubled administration”, lol. Not nearly as troubled as this current one, but whatevs. I’m sure it took every ounce of integrity in you not to drop Byron’s name, wasn’t it ?

  7. The entire system needs to be brought into cohesion w the laws governing the agreements aka the US Constitution including the agreements w all native corporations, organizations, tribes, private sector entities. The research agreements need to be made public. They’re mega criminals the way they’re running it now making the cartels almost laughable in regards to racketeering or RICO. In the lower 48 the tribal employees don’t have sovereignty, the organizations do not they’ve gone to jail for the same stuff here. Ask yourself if you really want healthcare from people who have no accountability? The native corporations are syphoning money from the primary care entity the government assigned the urban healthcare too to give ciri shareholders over 40 thousand dollar dividends per year and they fill up all the public housing w their executives and let the rest of us beg for scraps in the nasty areas of really any city. They’re beyond corrupt. I want a restraining order against Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, southcentral foundation, the CDC is public health service officer’s there and the Alaska Federation of Natives, The polar institute, the rasmuson foundation and the Alaska community foundation. They almost killed me and have abused me since they found out they infected me w hepatitis C. I need them out of my life and they need to get rid of all the people who negotiated the fungus in my neck like singh etc al. I pray God blesses them with every evil corrupt malicious action they committed against me. In Jesus name Amen.

  8. The entire system needs to be brought into cohesion w the laws governing the agreements aka the US Constitution including the agreements w all native corporations, organizations, tribes, private sector entities. The research agreements need to be made public. They’re mega criminals the way they’re running it now making the cartels almost laughable in regards to racketeering or RICO. In the lower 48 the tribal employees don’t have sovereignty, the organizations do not they’ve gone to jail for the same stuff here. Ask yourself if you really want healthcare from people who have no accountability? The native corporations are syphoning money from the primary care entity the government assigned the urban healthcare too to give ciri shareholders over 40 thousand dollar dividends per year and they fill up all the public housing w their executives and let the rest of us beg for scraps in the nasty areas of really any city. They’re beyond corrupt. I want a restraining order against Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, southcentral foundation, the CDC is public health service officer’s there and the Alaska Federation of Natives, The polar institute, the rasmuson foundation and the Alaska community foundation. They almost killed me and have abused me since they found out they infected me w hepatitis C. I need them out of my life and they need to get rid of all the people who negotiated the fungus in my neck like singh etc al. I pray God blesses them with every evil corrupt malicious action they committed against me. In Jesus name Amen. I notice now that a different organization owns mrak they’re a bit biased, similar to the other rags distributed in Alaska.

    • Check out You might be able to find some good help there for your issues.
      ANTHC, SouthcCentral, and the Valley PCC cannot be trusted to be working for the good of the people.

  9. They need someone to balance the teeter totter which is too far to the socialist left for a healthy balanced present and future.

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