Update: Who has filed for office in Anchorage


Anchorage municipal elections are underway. The filing deadline is Friday, Jan. 29. Ballots will be sent in the mail to all registered voters in Anchorage on March 16. The election ends April 6.

Nine candidates are now filed for mayor, including just one female, Heather Herndon, who leans Democrat.

Here are the filings, as of Wednesday evening (We’ll update this list on Friday):


    Evans, Bill – Filed 01/15/2021

    Martinez, George – Filed 01/15/2021

     Falsey, Bill – Filed 01/15/2021

     Herndon, Heather – Filed 01/19/2021

     Bronson, David – Filed 01/15/2021

     Robbins, Mike – Filed 01/15/2021

     Darden, Dustin – Filed 01/15/2021

     Dunbar, Forrest – Filed 01/15/2021

     Colbry, Darin – Filed 01/15/2021

School Board:


     Higgins, Pat – Filed 01/15/2021

     Lessens, Kelly – Filed 01/15/2021


     Hilde, Alisha – Filed 01/15/2021


     Sanders, Marcus – Filed 01/20/2021

     Wilson, Dora – Filed 01/19/2021


     Jacobs, Carl – Filed 01/15/2021

Must Read Alaska


  1. Messrs. Robbins, Bronson, and possibly Evans need to determine some means to ensure that the “we need to change” vote is not split 3 ways, resulting in a run-off that (no matter the outcome) is between two candidates who will simply continue the Berkowitz approach and legacy.

    I suspect there’s a real chance that the two highest vote totals will end up being Dunbar and Falsey if the (call it what one will) conservative vote is split 3-ways. Unfortunately, I can’t offer a solution, but I believe the current slate of candidates will result in a pretty easy path forward for Dunbar.

  2. I would like to ask each candidate one question, with a very simple answer…”I agree”, or “I disagree”. Where do you stand on making anchorage a sanctuary city?
    I know that all caniidates or their staff monitor this website, So I welcome each and every candidate to go ahead and leave your answer on this thread. It just helps voters decide who they want to be leading our city.

    Thank you

  3. Seriously Conservatives! Get it together! How many circular firing squads do we need to be the victim of before we figure out how the damn game is played??? ONE! One good candidate! ONE! Jesus H.

  4. I would like to ask each candidate one question, with a simple answer…”I agree”, or “I disagree.”
    where do you stand on making Anchorage a sanctuary city? I know that all candidates or their staff monitor this website, so I welcome each and every candidate to go ahead and leave your answer on this thread. It helps voters decide who they want leading our city.

    Thank you

  5. I am not a Democrat. I’m also not happy with the Republicans either after the obvious coup they helped accomplish.

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