Union made: Mary Peltola’s Juneau campaign HQ is embedded inside a public employee union office, which is inside a building owned by Alaska Legislature


Congresswoman Mary Peltola knows which side of the bread her campaign butter is on. She has embedded her Juneau campaign office in the suites of the Alaska Public Employees Association – AFT – AFL-CIO, which is located in a building owned by the Alaska Legislature, right across from the Alaska Capitol.

The art-deco style building was once known as the Assembly Apartments. It was given to the Legislature by the Juneau Community Foundation to be used for 33 studio apartments for legislators and staff. The building needs a lot of renovation before it can be restored to apartments and it won’t be ready to lease until 2024, according to the Legislative Council.

While it was built as an apartment building, in recent years it has been a hotbed of lobbying offices, and during the Covid pandemic, the state had a Covid testing site set up in the building for people to go through before they came through the doors of the Capitol.

Mary Peltola’s office is embedded in the biggest public employee union in the state of Alaska.

The Alaska Public Employees Association-American Federation of Teachers is the largest lobby for government workers in Alaska and is always one of the largest contributors to campaigns and independent expenditure groups that exclusively support Democrats for elected office.

It’s possible that Peltola could not find someone in the private sector to rent an office from in Juneau, and it’s also possible the lease that APEA-AFT has with the Legislature allows them to sublease their space to political campaigns. But to be embedded in the Alaska Public Employees Association is certainly a strong message about Peltola priorities.

Under ranked choice voting, Peltola, a Democrat, was able to win the seat in Congress, even though as a Democrat, she represents a minority of Alaska voters. Her campaign is presenting her as a bipartisan person who can represent all Alaskans, but her links to unions and lobbyists are a growing concern to regular Alaskans.

She is running against three conservatives – Nick Begich, Sarah Palin, and Chris Bye. Conservative voters have not effectively ranked other conservatives on their ballots, which led to the August special election victory of Peltola, whose party has only 77,038 registered Democrats in Alaska, while the Alaska Republican Party has 144,045 registrants.

Read: Document drop: Chain of emails shows DC Mafia is now pulling for Peltola


  1. There are plenty of place’s available in Juneau. Plenty.

    She’s exactly where she wants to be.

  2. I smell a HUGE rat. Let’s see the lease agreement between the Peltola campaign and the Alaska Legislature. How much is she paying? Is she getting free rent? AND, how about over at the public employee’s office. Free rent?
    RANK the RED. Democrats are nothing but cheaters and obfuscaters.

    • News Flash,
      Republicans cheat too. The two parties are but two sides of the same coin, invented for the purpose of pitting us against each other.

  3. Follow the money.
    It’s funny how democrats have become deep staters. Considering how they used to be against big government. Now they are in lockstep.

  4. It’s interesting to note that Peltola has no office anywhere in Anchorage or even southcentral Alaska. You know, where most Alaskans reside and have concerns about federal agencies. After all these weeks, she has shown no interest in continuing problems and disparate treatment at the Anchorage VA Clinic they I brought to her attention weeks ago. What’s the deal, Mary?

      • What is the address of the office? Has she hired anybody to work on constituent affairs there? I have called her DC office several times, filed my VA complaint with the DC staff, and have heard nothing.

  5. Is the campaign paying fair market value for the space?
    If so, while the choice of office space might be questionable, it may not be anything worse than a bad image.

  6. Unions can Politic all they want and still maintain a Tax Exempt Status, while Church’s need to keep out of Politics entirely to maintain their tax exempt status. Just another huge example of the Democrat Double Standard. Democrats, RINOS, and Unions equal BIG BROTHER.. EXAMPLES: Alaska State Majority Legislature, Cathy Geisel, Kelly Merrick, Bill Walker, Josh Revak just to name a few. Rank the Red. MAGA

  7. This is Juneau, downtown is full of Democrats and they could have found her some space. Just down the road are dozens of empty tourist shops, our malls are empty, we have a completely empty Walmart building. Democrats don’t want the public to have easy access to them, they might be forced to answer tricky questions.

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