The AFL-CIO has brought in the big guns to attack U.S. Navy and Operation Iraqi Freedom veteran Stanley Wright, who is running for Alaska House for East Anchorage.
In the latest missile by the big union bosses, they make Wright into the architect of Anchorage’s homeless plan. This is, evidently, because Wright has been an employee of the municipality of Anchorage since May, working as a grants manager for the city’s Health Department.
“Stanley led Anchorage’s homeless response. Our neighborhood saw how that worked out,” the flyer says. It’s not only a lie, but does not even have a “whiff of truthiness” to it.

In fact, Wright’s career history starts with the military. During his time in the Navy, he served in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.
Read more about Stanley Wright here.
Wright joined the Alaska Department of Military and Veterans Affairs and worked for Gov. Mike Dunleavy as a community outreach manager. As a candidate for state House District 22, he left state employment and now deals with HUD grants for the municipality — his first foray into the housing and urban development field. Meanwhile, he’s a neighborhood ally in East Anchorage, always helping people around him.

The union cover group attacking him is called Putting Alaskans First. It’s the usual suspect, the AFL-CIO, and it’s led by Joelle Hall, who is the president of the AFL-CIO in Alaska and who does not live in District 22, but rather Peters Creek.
Wright is running against Democrat Ted Eischeid, who was a teacher in Wisconsin and a planner in Palmer, Alaska, but has never served or worked in East Anchorage. Eischeid is, however, the tool of the AFL-CIO and is endorsed by the controversial Planned Parenthood.
In addition to bashing Stanley Wright, the group has poured tens of thousands of dollars into supporting union boss wife Kelly Merrick for Senate for the Eagle River area, and Democrat-friendly Cathy Giessel for Senate in South Anchorage, according to recent reports with the Alaska Public Offices Commission.

Good luck to Mr. Wright. As I’m sure he’s aware, unions are the Communist organizations run by communists from within. They invented election fraud and practice it regularly within their own union elections. This is no secret. The unions train all of their members to be good little communists and fall in line. Fortunately, there are many union members who oppose their communist union leaders and vote oppositely. Here, Mr. Wright has solid ground. As for Geissel and Merrick, the two old women who hold themselves out as Republicans, one a dictator and the other a union maid, they will get theirs on November 8th.
Stanley Wright, for assorted reasons, is not ready for “prime time”.
Stanley is the wrong person to represent east Anchorage in the state house at this time. He went to the homes of registered Republican voters in my neighborhood yesterday and I engaged him in conversation. When I asked for his position on the Constitutional Convention, he said he does not have one. He said he is waiting for “training” on the topic next week. He conveyed to me that he is unable at this point to figure out whether a convention to reconsider and re-write the state constitution is a good idea or a bad one. It sounded to me like he is waiting for others to give him his “marching orders” and tell him how to respond to questions such as mine. Our district needs much better representation in the state house than what he would provide.
And if he is such a “neighborhood alley”, I wonder why he declined to attend the Northeast Community Council meetings and the recent candidates forum.
Go 5 house down from your place, knock on their door and ask Biff and Buffy what they think about a Constitutional Convention? I bet neither one can give you answer.
Barbara, he gave you an honest answer. 95 percent of Alaskans still can’t address the salient points of a Con-Con. The other 5 percent are controlled by special interests. I’m voting for Wright because he is keeping an open mind, which might be better than you. And if you had any smarts at all, you could have tried informing Stanley of your position,.. if you even know the issues of a Con-Con yourself.
I couldn’t agree more Mary. Stanley is such an honest man. We deserve more leaders like him . Thank you
Well, I can. Alaska is currently segregated from US Constitutional review of stuff made up in Juneau and over fifty years of such Juneau writings needs a complete review immediately. WHERE Juneau writings conflict with the US Constitution the the deficient Juneau corporate bylaws applying to the Corporation of Alaska must be voided for effect and unenforceable. The state of Alaska deserves a Secretary of State who certifies accurately in elections for Presidency. Alaska has foregone even having a “Secretary of State which is a major blunder. The Alaska Secretary of State should be open 24 hours seven days a week to take complaints of US Constitutional usurpation which occur in any jurisdiction and with due diligence and urgency undertake an inquiry on behalf of the people to determine the veracity of the claim and offer to take and the bring the claim against the usurper in the Federal Court of Appeals and swiftly bring remedy otherwise known as money from the usurpers bank account to the usurped account and provide motion that the usurper must never occupy a public trustfund emolument in America ever again. Notice this is due process in the US Constitution but is nonexistent as a process in Alaska. In over 50 years of “statehood” this due process has not been reported in ADN because it is denied to Alaska. Anchorage is the case in point. And, so on.
You have 2 choices, Stanley or the socialist carpetbagger. Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Stanley is very busy managing his campaign, not surprising that he hasn’t had the time to study the issue. Barbara did you try to educate him, or just criticize him?
My vote is for Stanley Wright. After I read the condescending comment by Barbara, that’s all it took.
Leftists hate few things more than a black person who thinks for themself.
That photo is the cleanest homeless camp i ever seen. Not a shoe string strung dingy tarp hung nor trash.i call the elites bluff. I bet those tents were stage props.
Also no self respecting elite would dare be caught at a real homeless camp. Not even to do a good deed.
GO STANLEY! You have my vote. Not all union members go for who the union “suggests.” There are many who like to think for themselves! When the suggestions come in the mail, the union members go against them.
I’ve met Stanley Wright a few times.
Seemed like a stand up type of fellow to me.
I would call this attack advert on his character racists if I didn’t know any better.
I’d vote for Stanley in a heartbeat and I am not even in his district. As for Giesel and Merrick, two big thumbs down, anyone but Merrick or Giesel would be a better choice.
If leaders representing blue collar and government workers are now called elites, are then the wealthy beneficiaries of lax tax policies formerly known as elites Oligarchs?
Frank, it is a reasonable question to ponder despite your attempt at front loading with a predetermined answer.
First off, “Blue Collar” workers are typically in a system called the Free Market Place. They are paid according to their ability to PRODUCE a tangible product. The Union Folks in this Market Place are in competition with non-union workers. This arrangement necessitates that the Union Work Force be more productive nd better trained.
Government Employees do not produce much in the way of a tangible product Frank. (aside from those that plow snow) In fact it can be argued that they are parasites attached to a productive system biking it for all that they can. The unionization of Government Workers has brought about a system of Plunder and Plague upon the general populace Frank. One need look no further then to our Public Education System to see this principle at work, (think monopoly).
Hell Frank, even FDR knew better then to advocate for a monopoly called unionized public employees.
Who are the Oligarchs today? The tier one retirees!
The Union hierarchy are elite; they’re bosses who make good $ and are never laid off like us.
Government workers are certainly elite compared to blue collar people & service workers.
On my block 4 houses sold in the past 2 years
A Federal employee & 2 State employees bought 3 of them and a bartender bought the 4th.
Government employees & business owners are the only ones in ANC that can afford to buy houses now, along w/ union guys that are ‘in’ down at the hall.
The rich, who benefit from corporate tax loopholes are called “rich people” or “the wealthy”
They can afford to buy houses on much nicer streets then mine.
I find it ironic that this photo was taken in the pouring down rain at the same time that the office at star view said they never see any of the assembly people there except for Cross! many campers were alarmed at the allowing of Roger Branson tending the Shower rooms.
Well, I can. Alaska is currently segregated from US Constitutional review of stuff made up in Juneau and over fifty years of such Juneau writings needs a complete review immediately. WHERE Juneau writings conflict with the US Constitution the the deficient Juneau corporate bylaws applying to the Corporation of Alaska must be voided for effect and unenforceable. The state of Alaska deserves a Secretary of State who certifies accurately in elections for Presidency. Alaska has foregone even having a “Secretary of State which is a major blunder. The Alaska Secretary of State should be open 24 hours seven days a week to take complaints of US Constitutional usurpation which occur in any jurisdiction and with due diligence and urgency undertake an inquiry on behalf of the people to determine the veracity of the claim and offer to take and the bring the claim against the usurper in the Federal Court of Appeals and swiftly bring remedy otherwise known as money from the usurpers bank account to the usurped account and provide motion that the usurper must never occupy a public trustfund emolument in America ever again. Notice this is due process in the US Constitution but is nonexistent as a process in Alaska. In over 50 years of “statehood” this due process has not been reported in ADN because it is denied to Alaska. Anchorage is the case in point. And, so on.
Well, I can. Alaska is currently segregated from US Constitutional review of stuff made up in Juneau and over fifty years of such Juneau writings needs a complete review immediately. WHERE Juneau writings conflict with the US Constitution the the deficient Juneau corporate bylaws applying to the Corporation of Alaska must be voided for effect and unenforceable. The state of Alaska deserves a Secretary of State who certifies accurately in elections for Presidency. Alaska has foregone even having a “Secretary of State which is a major blunder. The Alaska Secretary of State should be open 24 hours seven days a week to take complaints of US Constitutional usurpation which occur in any jurisdiction and with due diligence and urgency undertake an inquiry on behalf of the people to determine the veracity of the claim and offer to take and the bring the claim against the usurper in the Federal Court of Appeals and swiftly bring remedy otherwise known as money from the usurpers bank account to the usurped account and provide motion that the usurper must never occupy a public trustfund emolument in America ever again. Notice this is due process in the US Constitution but is nonexistent as a process in Alaska. In over 50 years of “statehood” this due process has not been reported in ADN because it is denied to Alaska. Anchorage is the case in point. And, so on.
It is not hard at all to be against unions that decide to use member dues to get involved in political ad campaigns, which most of them do. There are more things under the sun besides unions. And I know many union workers that appreciate their union for what they do for them at work, but not for what they do for their country because of the unions’ involvement in politics.
Unions are good for skilled workers that can’t get work any other place except for the one outfit in town. That’s it. Unions in this country and in this state have totally lost sight of that and now the union bosses are just interested in maintaining monopolies and their political position within the union and outside of the union. It pays well in both directions. And they get to cover up whatever drawbracks they bring to the workers and get to highlight only the good because they are the only source of info for their members. And this jerk thinking he can run false ads and get away with it is a clear example of that.
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