Tuesday: Anchorage Assembly to hear from Marxist denouncing aid to Israel, supporting terrorists


A member of the Anchorage Party for Socialism and Liberation has signed up to take the microphone at the beginning of the Anchorage Assembly meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 19, when he plans to give remarks critical of Israel.

Michael Patterson, according to his application asking for the privilege of the floor, plans to ask for a resolution calling for a cease fire between Hamas and Israel, and calling for an end of U.S. funding to Israel, which he calls an apartheid state.

On the Anchorage Party for Socialism and Liberation’s Facebook page, the group is asking people to write to Assembly Chair Chris Constant: “The people demand a cease fire resolution. The Anchorage Assembly has remained silent about the genocide in Gaza. We demand more from our elected leaders….email Assembly Chair, Chris Constant and demand that he introduce a Palestine solidarity resolution. In the subject of your email put, ‘Your Silence is Disturbing. Silence is complicity and the people demand that Anchorage stands on the right side of history.'”

Patterson has appeared on the podcast of Rep. Andrew Gray, who describes Patterson as “an outspoken communist, community organizer, and one of the founders of Anchorage’s ‘pre-branch’ of the Party for Socialism and Liberation, (PSL).  He discusses growing up in East Anchorage, his time in the army, his political awakening, and the socialist movement here in Alaska.”

Listen to the podcast with Gray and Patterson here (runs 46 minutes).

In 2018, Patterson was involved with the Democratic Socialists of America Electoral Committee, making his appearance at the Anchorage Assembly a partisan activity.

Signing up for public testimony gives members of the public priority during Assembly meetings, so they don’t have to wait until the end of the meetings, which can run as late as midnight.

The Assembly meeting will take place at 5 pm in meeting room on the ground floor of the Loussac Library, at the corner of 36th Avenue and Denali Street in Anchorage.

The Assembly will also consider a $700,000 grant to the Anchorage Coalition to End Homelessness, which is run by Assembly Vice Chair Meg Zaletel. The coalition has been given millions of dollars by the Assembly but has nothing to show for its work, other than political power.


  1. Cool, another meaningless gesture and waste of government time. Can we focus on the issues that actually affect Anchorage? Crime? Roads? Schools? Stuff the assembly can (theoretically) do something about?

  2. “On the Anchorage Party for Socialism and Liberation’s Facebook page, the group is asking people to write to Assembly Chair Chris Constant: “The people demand a cease fire resolution. The Anchorage Assembly has remained silent about the genocide in Gaza. We demand more from our elected leaders….email Assembly Chair, Chris Constant and demand that he introduce a Palestine solidarity resolution. In the subject of your email put, ‘Your Silence is Disturbing. Silence is complicity and the people demand that Anchorage stands on the right side of history.’””

    As if Anchorage saying anything will do a darn thing. We, the people, don’t run Israel.

    If it was up to me, a person, I not only stand for Israel, I would have Israel take Gaza completely at this point. What to do w/those no other Muslim country wants? Well, it seems to me Iran was rather supportive of them. Anyone collaborating with Hamas should feel at home in Iran.

    Ironically, many of Iran’s own people are protesting the regime there. Precision strikes against them would solve a lot of the world’s problems.

    Then maybe we could have more peace in the Middle East.

    • Perhaps they feel they have done all the damage they can locally and are looking to share the “love”.

    • I missed it also! What the heck? Anchorage people need to pack that assembly room and tell them enough is enough and to focus on Anchorage/Alaska affairs. This is just b.s.

    • ‘Rebutt-als’ will be reserved for after-hours in the assembly chambers, on the tables, just as they now are in the US capitol Senate hearing chambers.
      See Christopher Constant for more details.

      • Jefferson, hush your mouth! This is a family forum , accordingly, kindly display some decorum and remember that ” love” knows no boundaries. I find it despicable when people’s private romantic encounters are publicized and used as a political weapon. Chill out dude and listen to the Beatles sing ” Let’s do it in the road”, or the Park or on the sidewalk, or in the Committee Room.

        Stop this backdoor assault on LOVE!

  3. Yes, let’s advocate for a group of people whose hatred for their enemy outweighs the life of their children.
    The same “innocent people of Gaza” that I witnessed spitting on, striking and dragging the butchered bodies, severed limbs and heads of Jew’s, through the streets of Gaza. After Hamas tortured, raped, and mutilated before murdering them.
    Imagine someone coming for you and your family the way Hamas did for the Jew’s on October 7th? Then telling you you cannot react…
    Jesus was a Jew, born in Bethlehem. Raised in Jerusalem, walked on water in the Sea of Galilee. But that land doesn’t belong to the Jews?!?
    There were tens of thousands of Jews living in the surrounding Arab counting prior to 1940. Today there are less than 100.60 years ago 700,000 Palestinians occupied the West Bank and Gaza, today there are over 7 million. But the Jew’s are being accused of ethnic cleansing and genocide?
    You are being brainwashed much in the same way Palestinians are being brainwashed to hate Jews.

  4. Give Patterson a one-way ticket to Gaza where he can help out his fellow terrorists, Hamas, fight the Israeli Army. He won’t need a return fare.

  5. Of course they will. It’s his right to speak, their prerogative to allow him to do so.

    That it is in no way productive to the business of a dying Anchorage is immaterial.

    But I am curious: will he be given the bums rush many conservative speakers are given, or hailed as a conquering hero?

    Clearly a rhetorical question.

  6. I wish this guy would put his actions where his mouth is and travel to Gaza and give Hamas a hand. Maybe he could get a nice sign and wave it at the IDF.

  7. What about our southern border? Lots of atrocities occurring there, drugs, human trafficking, etc. Oh wait, these people hate the country that is go good to them.

  8. Wouldn’t this be in violation of municipal code? Unless under ‘special circumstances’ deemed by the assembly chair….


  9. “……..The people demand a cease fire resolution. The Anchorage Assembly has remained silent about the genocide in Gaza. We demand more from our elected leaders…….”
    The very last thing this assembly needs to take up are international affairs. They can’t even get drug addicts off the street of a rather small city before they freeze to death. Mr. Patterson should be tolerated for his entire three minute oration, then blown off like a fart in an Alaskan windstorm.

  10. After listening to a portion of the podcast, I want to start a betting pool to see how many times he says “like”. How long will he get to speak, like?

    • It very important that there has been no election in over a decade and after the last one the opposition lost a gun battle.
      The citizens of palestine did not vote to continue a war with israel.
      125k palestinians killed
      25 k israelis

      • It’s very important to note that Muslims are the largest colonizer in the world. It’s also important to note that there have been many deals brought to the table in the last 70 years to share that land. The Palestinians have refused all of them. “From the River to the Sea” that means they want all of it!
        It’s important to note that they have been very vocal that they will not stop until every last Jew is dead.
        Even though it’s the undisputed ancestral homeland of the Jews.
        It’s important to note, you mess with the bull and you get the horn.
        Now a days it’s called eff around and find out.
        So Palestinians can continue to mess with the bull and get the horn all because their hatred for their enemy is greater than the lives of their children and their livelihood.
        It’s important to note that it is no one’s fault but their own.

        • It’s also important to note that facts simply do not matter to supporters of lies, supporters of antisemitism, supporters of terrorism, supporters of evil. They will disregard facts, pretending they do not exists in an effort to push the narrative. It’s important to counter their lies but they will continue to spew them nonetheless…it’s documented and I have receipts to prove it.

  11. Be quiet son. Adults are talking and you have no clue the meaning of the multi syllable words you are attempting to use.

  12. Certainly everyone has a right to voice themselves. But the assembly has insisted on their rules for public testimony and everyone has been forced to comply. There’s no room for exceptions. Wait your turn, have your two minutes, then run along. But if you are not part of the local community, or your testimony has no local bearing, find a different forum.

  13. The assembly meeting Anchorage pays for Anchorage to assemble in a dry area to speak about issues Anchorage is facing and debate acrimoniously if we want to find the way that seems best for us, Anchorage, to go. It seems to me we have dissembled assembly for Anchoragites and distilled it only for a socialist our assembly which is to say communist. Our form of government we are guaranteed is a Republic. I believe if we have lost that form of government the due process is to file a criminal complaint and the police and/ or AG must accept the written notice to cure. The refusal would I believe be a second separate charge and a courtesy copy should be sent to our executive the Governor and Alaska Sargent of Arms with courtesy copy to the US State Department and the Commander in Chief of the US through his Secret Service asking for immediate review and rectification and restoration of our republic form in Alaska.

  14. Refusal of the executive, Governor and Alaska Sgt at Arms refusal to accept, review and restore guaranteed form of republic are also chargeable events. This is the process due, a legislative process, not judicial process due, that the US Constitution says to use to toss off abusive actors who refuse to represent the will of the City of Anchorage residents yet again. legislative rules adapted by Alaska is Masons. Anchorage Liasin and attorneys should discuss legislative due process enumerated in current Mason’s Rules.

  15. You do understand what “from the river to the sea” means? Right?

    Or any other Hamas’ publicly stated objectives?

    Not just Israel, but all Jews Everywhere.

    Pretty sure it wasn’t the IDF wearing GoPros while shooting up a concert…

  16. How about an accounting for every single dollar that has already been spent to “end homelessness?” How did that work out for you?

  17. Does anybody at all remember the PLO. Yasser Arafat. ?? He was bad news and that is well before this current group in Palestine decided to aid and abet terrorists. You remember the old saying. You ride with them you can hang with them.

    Pick your friends wisely.

  18. Does anybody at all remember the PLO. Yasser Arafat. ?? He was bad news and that is well before this current group in Palestine decided to aid and abet terrorists.

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