House Republican PAC picks Dahlstrom


Lt. Gov. Nancy Dahlstrom’s name appears on a federal filing from the Grow the Majority political action committee, which is a GOP super PAC associated with U.S. House Republicans. The PAC didn’t make any contributions to federal candidates in the 2022 election cycle, according to

Dahlstrom was back in Washington, D.C. building support from national political fundraising entities; she announced as a candidate for Congress one month ago. A Republican, she decided she would have a better chance of beating Rep. Mary Peltola than Nick Begich, the Republican who had announced his run in June.

Begich was the third choice for voters in 2022, with 28% of the first ballot during the 2022 general election, after Peltola, a Democrat, and Sarah Palin, a Republican.

With open primaries in Alaska since 2022, and ranked-choice voting general elections, registered Republican voters of a party no longer decide who goes to from the primary to the general election on behalf of their party. That’s now up to everyone who votes in the primary, including Democrats, Socialists, Green Party members. The top four go to the general election, and in a Republican state like Alaska, it is likely there will be at least one more conservative to announce for Congress before the deadline, June 1, 2024.


  1. Nancy Dahlstrom was just elected. How about doing your job on election integrity instead of immediately chasing another seat.

  2. No amount of $ will decide the next election. Both Begich and Dahlstrom promote minority views that conflict with the Alaska Constitution. Trump will be a down ballot drag and Incumbents are hard to beat

    • Frank, you are always so amusing in your completely divorcement from reality.
      As you were when I was regularly demolishing your ridiculous and cowardly comments in the online ADN comments section eight and ten yeas ago.

      Tell me, what color is the sky in your world?

  3. This speaker has been sort of a let down. You couldn’t throw a dart at a board and hit a more boring candidate in the entire state if you tried.

    Has a lite gov ever won anything in AK?

    • She’s a nice lady but I agree she’s a lightweight. DC continues its tradition of screwing Alaska. Sad to see Nancy can’t see that.

  4. I don’t know anything about Nancy Dahlstrom or her positions so that is still unclear to me. What I hope we do not see is a Kelly Tshibaka repetition where Washington DC establishment politicians decide on a candidate and then attack another Republican, in this case Nick Begich, despite local popularity. That was Senator Mitch McConnell’s strategy in the Tshibaka race. They spent millions to bring down Kelly. To my knowledge, Nancy Dahlstrom has not been going to local Republican District Committee meetings throughout the state or the State Central Republican Committee meetings to present her positions. Nick Begich has been doing that for some time now. Again & again & again. And for a race this crucial that’s important to local voters.

  5. I think very highly of Nancy D. She is a great person–but my heart sank when she announced her candidacy. Shades of Sarah Palin and splitting the vote again! And yes, I know how RCV functions and that’s not “technically” how it works. But reality is reality and that is how it will happen. I met Nick Begich long before he announced his candidacy while Don Young was still alive. I grilled the heck out of him for 15-20 minutes. I left very impressed with his positions and intelligence. I feel bad that his name is a negative for many people but I’m proud of him for not denying his family either. Many of us have family members with opposite viewpoints on politics but somehow he is not allowed that same privilege. In the past, my “lie detector” has been pretty infallible and I don’t get that feeling from him in any way.

    • Nancy D. is an entirely “unsuitable” person to run for office. Her history with the Department of Corrections is totally awful. The deaths of inmates was at an obscene high of murder within the walls, suicide, lack of medical care and drug dealing from within to the outside which means the staff is a part of all of it. The numbers were swept under the rug since no one wanted to run with Dunleavy. Nancy D. has a poor history as Lt Gov of Alaska with ego higher than the low achievements of management and work in history of accomplishments. She was supported by the AWRC, poor choice on their part. Now we have to look at the split and no one wants to support her at this point. Neither candidate is supportable by a long shot! Washington DC doesn’t know her bad history. But, we in Alaska do.

  6. The Republican Party needs both of them to sign a oath to drop out and support the other, if they lose in the primary.

    Then we’re just beating ourselves up for half of the election cycle, which is a huge plus for Bethel’s party girl.

  7. As the GOP prepares to hand Mary another term.

    Mary should put the GOP and the drive time radio host on her permanent Christmas card list for enabling her sweet gig.

  8. Willy: Ranked Choice Voting eliminated the Republican Primary. Vote for one in an open primary. Vote of your 1st and 2nd choice in the 2024 General Election.

  9. Word is she thinks this is a way for her to run for Gov later. She took the bait. Now that she’s in this race she will lose and go away.

    A faction in the executive office want her cleared out so Rubenstein can get a chosen one in to the gov position.

  10. She’s done such a great job fixing all the election fraud in the state: the ENTIRE responsibility of Lt. Governor….sure makes you think she’s getting rewarded for that work

  11. Sorry, but no way, Nancy. Your own Republican friends will leave you. Begich did everything correct and waited his turn. And, he has 10 times the name recognition you have. I will not support you.

  12. I believe that the Lt. Guv, ( formerly known as Secretary of State ) of Alaska has but two duties. One being oversight of elections and the other is guarding the State Seal. With Polar Bear populations vigorously rebounding in Alaska along with Killer Whales, Mid- Water Factory Trawlers and Subsistence Hunters packing A-R high capacity magazine rifles I don’t think this Woman has time to seek another office. Our State Seals need protection! Nancy, pull back from the PAC trough and focus on Seal Guarding. Poor Seals.

    I’m voting for Nick!

  13. Folks, we are in RCV now. If you can’t get 51 Percent the first run, the people that only voted for you are out. With this crazy process, having another person could help. I assure you the dems will.

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