Kelly Tshibaka names co-chairs for Senate campaign


Alaska Republican U.S. Senate candidate Kelly Tshibaka today identified her campaign’s regional co-chairs.

Rural: Paulette Schuerch was born in Kotzebue and raised by her grandparents in Noorvik. Schuerch graduated from Kotzebue High School and received a full scholarship from Teck Alaska to attend Alaska Pacific University where she earned her Bachelor of Arts degree. She has worked for numerous organizations, including the Maniilaq Association, Copper River Native Association, and the Inuit Circumpolar Council. In addition, she served as tribal advisor in Gov. Bill Walker’s administration. She has fought for rural Alaska on the political stage, working for campaigns such as Gov. Tony Knowles, Gov. Sarah Palin, Gov. Walker, and Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s write-in bid.

Interior: Ralph Seekins is the owner and president of Seekins Ford-Lincoln, which he started in 1977 in Fairbanks. He served in the Alaska State Senate from 2003-2006, was Republican National Committeeman from 2008-2016 and a member of the Alaska Permanent Fund Board of Trustees (1990-1994). Ralph served as Gov. Frank Murkowski’s co-chair for his first U.S. Senate race in 1980.

Anchorage: Albert Fogle is the Chair of the Budget and Audit Subcommittee of the Alaska Industrial Development Exchange Authority and Alaska Energy Authority. Fogle is currently the regional sales manager for Moda Health and Delta Dental of Alaska and is also board member and treasurer of Health eConnect, the Health Information Exchange for Alaska. He moved to Alaska while serving in the United States Army as an Infantry team leader and communications operator. His years of active duty service included a tour in Iraq. After his Army discharge in 2007, he attended the University of Alaska Anchorage where he earned a bachelor’s degree in finance with a minor in criminal justice.

Southeast: PeggyAnn McConnochie of Juneau, is a longtime real estate broker and business owner. She is currently a managing partner in ACH Consulting, LLC, and earned the title Distinguished Real Estate Instructor by the Real Estate Educators Association. McConnochie is committed to serving her community through volunteerism at the local, state, and non-profit levels.

Mat-Su Valley: Jesse Sumner is a lifelong resident of the Mat-Su Borough. As president of Sumner Company Homes and partner in Pacific Western Properties, he has been building houses in the Mat-Su for many years. Sumner has served on the Mat-Su Borough Assembly since 2018 and is on the Alaska Real Estate Commission, as well as other nonprofit boards.

“I am honored to have a strong group of Alaskans representing this campaign as co-chairs and I thank them for their support and willingness to help rebuild Alaska. In every corner of our great state, our campaign is giving a voice to real Alaskans. For too long, our views have been ignored by Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who is more concerned about the Washington, D.C. insiders that preserve her political family dynasty. Our campaign is a movement – one that will give Alaskans representation in the Senate that reflects our values. This is a campaign fueled by grassroots enthusiasm and we are excited to keep building that momentum,” Tshibaka said in a statement.

Tshibaka announced in late March that she would be the conservative Republican challenger to incumbent Sen. Murkowski in the 2022 election.


  1. I had hoped we would see new fresh faces with Kelly, but it appears that she is dipping into the deep state politicians starting with Gina Ritacco who Kelly hired as her campaign manager. Ritacco is from the Dunleavy administration. Recall that Ritacco was head of boards and commissions during the controversy regarding Dunleavy appointments.

  2. That’s it. No more Ford’s for us. Lisa and I have been buying Ford’s from our neighbor Ralph Seekins for decades. Frankie and Nancy even had Ralph over to their house just down the river. We’re switching over to Suburu and Prius, so we can help our friends over at the Northern Environmental Center.
    Democrats are just nicer people to us.

    • No more allowance for you, House Husband. Go get a job! No more mooching off of our family. Nancy and I proudly drive Ford’s. You, Lisa, and the rest of the Suburu Nation can take your brainwashed souls to other fund-raisers. Nancy and I are supporting Kelly T. …… with $$.

  3. What do you look for in an elected representative?
    Honesty, of course…Kelly told us her parents were homeless, living in a one sided tent, but they were just newly arrived carpetbaggers hoping to cash in on the pipeline who temporarily lived in a tent until they found housing. She inflated the story to make herself look better.
    Then we discovered that she’d lied on a fishing license and then she made excuses so another attribute we look for, accountability, is out.
    We want breadth of life experience because, after all, this person is supposed to represent a diverse population of citizens. Kelly’s life experience is all government bureaucrat. No military service, no private sector experience, nothing but government bureaucrat. She has no diversity of experience.
    We want our representative to be one of us, to have shared experiences, shared trials and tribulations. Kelly apparently left Alaska at age 15 and never came back until Dunleavy gifted her a high paying government job and, BTW, her husband too. She doesn’t share the Alaskan experience with any of us. She’s an outsider but she’s also a Washington DC insider. Washington DC is her true home and the home she now wants to return too.
    Kelly is a one dimensional paper cutout who was imported back into Alaska by persons unknown to replace Murkowski and she comes complete with a pre-made media story that tries to leverage her thin Alaska roots while stretching her nearly non-existent background with a heavy reliance on her parent’s life experiences (that have zero bearing on her ability to perform adequately as a senator).
    Face it…Kelly is a nobody …kind of like someone we know from NYC.

      • This is a typical Kelly supporter reply…absolutely devoid of facts or evidence but heavy on unsupported assertions likely driven by personal bias and opinion.
        Reminiscent of the “Because I said so!” justification that so many fall back on.

  4. That lady from up north don’t sound like a conservative Republican to me, but when in Rome do as the…

  5. PJ Olson is such a juvenile besmircher – it is actually funny. That is all Lisa Murkowski has got after 20 years? Ridiculous efforts at character assassination? No wonder we have had enough of Murkowski (Dad and daughter) 40 years in DC is too long.

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