Treadwell ramps campaign up with video


The Treadwell for Alaska campaign launched its first campaign video today on social media. In it, the candidate starts out by saying, “I hear you’re looking for a new governor.”

Treadwell touts his business and government experience, and covers the needed topics of the economy, opioids, the Permanent Fund dividend, and a gasline. Here’s the ad:



  1. So Treadwell goes to DC and has a fundraiser, comes back with a video ad. This does nothing for me. Mike Dunleavy has an economic plan. Mike Dunleavy has the arithmetic to fund the PFD and an intelligent operating budget. There is no road for Treadwell here but to help Walker. Treadwell came in 3rd in the 2014 Republican primary, and there is no Alaskan today who wishes that Treadwell had won that primary back then. The fact of the matter is that had Treadwell somehow won that 2014 primary Begich would still be our US Senator! The goal this year is to beat Walker, and we know how to do that.

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