Tracy Stone-Manning’s revolving door into BLM and back to environmental nonprofit industry


Even Sen. Lisa Murkowski would not vote for the 2021 confirmation of Tracy Stone-Manning, who had been with EarthFirst! and was tied to a tree-spiking terrorism incident decades before President Joe Biden brought her on as the director of the Bureau of Land Management.

But she was confirmed by the Democrats in the Senate anyway, and has been in charge of the agency for four years, converting it from a multi-use land agency to one dedicated to complete preservation of land, including the 70 million acres the agency owns and controls in Alaska.

Now that the Biden Administration is coming to an end, Stone-Manning is heading back to the environmental non-governmental organization industry, also known as ENGOs.

She’ll be taking over the leadership of The Wilderness Society, which opposes and litigates against all oil and gas leases on Alaska’s North Slope, against all mining, and against all forestry.

President Biden nominated Stone-Manning to direct the BLM in 2021, taking over from Acting Director William Perry Pendley, who served under the Trump Administration.

While she was being confirmed, her past actions with EarthFirst! came to light. Republicans argued against her due to her work as an environmentalist who supported the driving of spikes into trees in order to discourage logging, knowing the spikes would do deadly harm to loggers working in the forest, she was a poor choice. Stone-Manning is on record saying she “retyped” a letter detailing the attacks and sent the letter anonymously to the U.S. Forest Service so that logging would be halted.

Stone-Manning had also been a senior advisor at the National Wildlife Federation in Montana, and was chief of staff to Democrat Gov. Steve Bullock. She was a senior aide to Democrat U.S. Sen. John Tester.


  1. Just another radical Lefty funded by foreign dark money. Probably makes a lucrative living at it. She does need glasses to give her that full crazed lefty look.

  2. Great! I can hardly wait for the one that should support Alaska to turn against us even further.??? she is not working for the people of Alaska.

  3. I’m guessing all her work to “preserve the environment” by killing good paying jobs for middle class Americans comes with a very lucrative salary…

  4. I am so thrilled to think that the Democrats and “Independents” in the Alaska Legislature are training and inspiring a new cohort of these folks right here in Alaska. Imagine the “progress” that can be made if they capture the Governor’s office in 2026! They may finally be able to make Alaska into a combo of Cuba, Ukraine and Haiti! With a kinda northern-style downtown Portland flavor.

  5. The shocker is Murkowski not voting for this whack job activist after she voted for pretend woman Richard Levine for HHS.

  6. This old environmental scoundrel needs to see a dentist and a plastic surgeon. She looks worn out. The environment has not been good to her.

  7. She ratted out her Earth First! buddies to save her own hide. So, she’s a traitor to the extreme eco fringe and an anti-growth zealot who never understand the mission of the BLM. The BLM was created in 1946 out of the General Land Office and the Grazing Service. Its mission was to manage the federal lands that weren’t in National Parks and National Forests. The Taylor Grazing Act, passed in the 1930’s, was put in place to help ranchers with grazing. The BLM lands were supposed to be “working lands” to be managed for mining, timber sales and grazing. Stone-Manning thought she was managing a green trust. She’ll be missed, like a

  8. This was interesting to me because we were sort of “back to the land hippies” in the late 60’s & early 70’s. We subscribed to a publication called Mother Earth News which had lots of articles about gardening and food preservation. It was a long article in that magazine, about the founder of Earth First, Dave Forman, that opened our eyes to the craziness of some people who were environmentalists. From there, we studied more and became enlightened to the Climate idiots agenda. Earth First is a bad organization with horrible methods of gaining attention.

  9. Tree-spiking in logging territory should be a capital crime – attempted murder with a deadly weapon. Advocating such should be accessory to murder and conspiracy. Prevention of resource development is treason. Injuring trees with deadly-to-humans weapons is NOT free speech.

  10. Rich is correct. Stoned-Manning is a terrorist. I was a timber faller for over 20 years. Stoned and her buddies spiked trees that did injure loggers and mill workers. A rope is the solution.

  11. She hailed from Missoula , a liberal bastion of extremism that used to be a logging / industry town when I was young there . For her to get confirmed with her record of eco terrorism shoes how far left DC has gotten.

    Im certain Trump will replace her with a good conservative manager good for Alaska and the Western states

    • Missoula is just a retirement community for kids in their 20s and 30s.
      It is also a hypocrite’s paradise, forever tarnishing the core precepts championed by Jeannette Rankin in favor of the acceptance of rampant date-rape by Griz players.

  12. I quit the timber industry in the seventies when “Peanut Carter” traded logging for the owl which doesnt have a home anymore due to the massive wildfires of 2020 in the Northwest.
    The hippies chained themselves to the gates entering the land that was slated to be cleared of old growth for timber and create fire breaks to control wildfires.
    Leave it to the feds (and deranged flower children) to decimate entire forested land AND valuable timber.
    There were a few loggers who were convicted of assault for abusing the fools who put their bodies in harms way but nothing was done to the idiots.

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