Top medical schools are cutting applicants who don’t show enough devotion to diversity, equity, inclusion agenda


America’s most prestigious medical schools are training a new crop of advocates for “diversity, equity and inclusion,” or DEI, as they bring onboard their new cohorts of medical students, according to a new report by a group that is pushing back on “woke” medical trends that are replacing science and medicine with social justice training. The report shows DEI advocacy begins during the medical school admissions screening.

Some 36 of the top 50 medical schools ask applicants their views on, or experience in diversity-equity-inclusion causes. Many of the medical schools come right out and ask whether applicants agree with certain political statements about race and the causes of different health outcomes.

“This focus on identity politics is not limited to elite medical schools. Schools outside the top-ranked tier are also probing for information about candidates’ attitudes toward race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and more. The goal, it appears, is to turn ideological support for health equity and social justice initiatives into a credential that increases an applicant’s chance of acceptance, to screen out dissenters, and to signal to all applicants that they are expected to support this new cause,” the Do No Harm report says.

Do No Harm’s review finds that 80 percent of the top 10 schools use probing questions that make it clear what response they are looking for from applicants regarding views about diversity, equity, and inclusion topics. Eleven of the top medical schools in the US News & World Report’s top 50 ask the most egregious questions, which appear to be intended to uncover the candidate’s true devotion to social justice and health equity.

Some medical schools take a subtler approach by requesting autobiographical or socioeconomic information or by asking applicants to self-identify with particular demographic labels, Do No Harm writes. But some institutions explicitly question applicants about their positions on, and commitments to, racial identity politics and institutional initiatives related to DEI. The message is: Comply with our politics or you will not be admitted. Examples include:

Duke University asks applicants if to explain their understanding of race and its relationship to health care inequitites:

“Potential sources of health inequities include race, gender, education, income, disability, geographic location, and sexual orientation. Moments to Movement (M2M) is Duke’s collective stand against systemic racism and injustice. The name signifies going beyond passive moments of reflection and becoming more active as we build to make lasting change for our patients, their loved ones and each other. Describe your understanding of race and its relationship to inequities in health and health care.”

UCLA’s Geffen Medical School asks applicants if they identify as “marginalized” when they consider access to education or health care.”

Marginalized includes “LGBTQIA, disabilities, federally recognized tribe,” and UCLA asks applicants “how this inequity has impacted you or your community and how educational disparity, health disparity and/or marginalization has impacted you and your community.”

Do No Harm links this question to a statement on the medical school’s DEI web page: “The core values of justice, equity, diversity and inclusion are inseparable from our institutional goals of excellence in all tenets of healthcare, research, education, and community engagement.”

University of Minnesota Medical School asks applicants about their identities as well as incidents in which they “personally experienced or acted with implicit or explicit bias.” In its application, the school asks students to talk about their views on racism:

“Our country is reckoning with its history, racism, racial injustice, and especially anti-black racism. Please share your reflections on, experiences with, and greatest lessons learned about systemic racism.”

Those who want to know exactly what the university is looking for in a response may look up key words on the ““Defining Our Terms” web page at the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, where applicants can find definitions for terms like such as “micro-aggression,”“privilege,” and “anti-racism.” Use of these words in answering the questions on the application may be helpful for gaining admission.

Florida Atlantic University’s application asks students how they will personally dismantle racism:

“As a community FAU Schmidt COM has made a commitment to be anti-racist and address systemic racism in education and healthcare. Institutionalized racism can be defined as “macro level systems, social forces, institutions, ideologies, and processes that interact with one another to generate and reinforce inequities among racial and ethnic groups.” As a future medical student at FAU, how can you play an active role in addressing and dismantling systemic racism?”

Read the report here.


  1. Same sort of thing is going on in pilot hiring.

    Don’t get sick. If you do, get a medical guide from 2000 or earlier.

    A few years ago I had surgery at Bartlett here in Juneau. They were concerned about making sure they knew what gender I identified. In fairness the actual care was very good.

    A couple years ago I went south for surgery not offered in Juneau. It’s a way of life here. I chose going south over Anchorage. Didn’t want to risk a homeless person pitching a tent in my room or the Politburo trying to tax me.

    Nobody south asked me or cared about my gender of choice. Imagine.

    People are gonna end up injured or dead on the altar of diversity and inclusion.

  2. “…….Do No Harm links this question to a statement on the medical school’s DEI web page…….”
    I wonder if ‘Do No Harm’ allows homicide within the womb?

  3. “I think I have sickle cell anemia, doc. Can you treat me?”
    “No. You’re Caucasian and your car has a Trump sticker on the bumper. Take two aspirin and change political parties. Then, come back and see me in two years.”
    “I might already be dead.”
    “That’s life. We’ll send you a bill for one hour consulting time.”

    • Well Artful, if you are Caucasian, the odds of you being homozygous for hemoglobin S are one in many millions. Sickle Cell Disease has many horrible lifelong pathologies that begin about one year of age as your Fetal hemoglobin drops to adult levels, since Hemoglobin S is a mutation of Hemoglobin A1. If you could maintain newborn levels of Hemoglobin F (fetal) then you would be effectively treated and symptom free. In 1992, a group of physician researchers discovered a cheap and easy way to do just that, by IV injection of a common food additive. They stated that the 3 largest drug companies in the US declined to pursue it because they couldn’t make at least $100 million per year from it. There’s your racism, just follow the money.

      • NA,
        Your internet search engine needs to be tuned, along with you. I think the Dogger lifted his leg on you while you pondered his tale.

    • Would you rather have your healthcare provided by the most qualified people, or by people who got in based on trivial things like skin color or gender?

      Me, I want the best care available, REGARDLESS of exterior packaging.
      But you do you.

  4. While I absolutely support non-discrimination in, well pretty much everything, this DIE is going too far. Especially when it comes to medicine/healthcare.
    The basis for these DIE incentives is to make up for past wrongs. Not kidding, just look at the questions above, as well as any other DIE based incentives. Peel back enough layers of the onion, and it ALWAYS turns out to be based on the false belief that past discrimination can be corrected if we just go to the opposite extreme today.
    If blacks were under represented in the past, we need to overrepresent them today. Gays were imprisoned in the past, so now we need to celebrate them at every opportunity, and encourage children to be gay or bi at the minimum. Because that will somehow make past sins disappear.
    The solution to discrimination against any group is not to demand more of that group and make it mandatory. It is to stop talking about it, stop making a big deal about it, and move on. I cannot speak for anyone else, but I do not even notice your skin color and I could care less who, or what, you are attracted to. That, of course, is right up until the moment you start demanding I treat you differently because of your skin color or sexual attraction or height or weight or anything.
    Here’s a Pro Tip: If you do not want people to label you, stop labeling yourself. If you do not want me to think of you as that gay person, stop telling me you are gay without a valid reason for doing so. I do not care. But, if you want to make it part of your life, I will consider you my gay friend, instead of just my friend.

  5. Funny how the professions (medicine, engineering, law) are being increasingly targeted by leftist gatekeepers.

    “Tell us how much you worship blacks – or no medical career for you – and no refunds.”
    “You’ll be working with they/them. Yes, they was Steve last week, but misgender and you are fired.”
    “Let us inject you, or we force your employer to fire you.”
    “Sorry, Novak – you can’t play tennis here, even though Mexicans with COVID are let in by the thousand.”

    They believe this is ‘winning’ but it only teaches us to say the right things while we despise they/them more.
    “Blacks built America, Whites are parasites! By the way, I love Israel and the Jews. Educate me plz.”
    “Transwomen are women! And I’m sure the monkeypox was from completely casual contact.”
    “Yessir, here’s my card, right here. 100% authentic.”
    “Serena Williams is the best tennis player of all time! ALL TIME!”

    There will be a reckoning, and I welcome the day it happens.

  6. Yeah, it’s pretty scary. During the scamdemic, I saw these tweets by a medical student in WI who said it was racist to say there are any genetic differences between blacks and whites.

    • You may have a point there.
      However, they were top tier for decades, without any of this DIE stuff.
      So… nope. Not the reason they are top tier.

  7. Worse, or at least nearly as dangerous, is the erosion of acceptance based on merit and ethics.

    It’s prevalent in the WAAMI program. We’ll just describe WAAMI as a med school program for some states without established med schools.

    My son applied to WAAMI, his MCAT score and GPA were higher than students accepted. Not only that, my son also worked full-time while attending college full-time.

    Yes, slots were given to lesser qualified Alaskan Natives. Lower scores, lower GPAs, and less qualified work histories.

    Another cute part. We’re Outside Indian, however, because we have ethics and believe in a world of merit, we make no claims…basically my son was denied because he didn’t pull the race card.

    It all ended well, my son wound up attending and graduating a more reputable med school than U of Wash.

    However, just remember that when you are at Providence or ANMH that intern you see may not be there because he/she was the most promising future physician…

  8. This is already happening with Teledoc. When refilling a prescription, the conversation with the doctor (who is in California) turned to COVID. I told him how I eat right, exercise, and get plenty of sleep. When I contracted COVID I recovered in a few days, unvaccinated. He became very disgruntled. A few days later I get a letter stating I was no longer able to utilize Teledoc. Bright side, I stopped taking the medication and no longer need it. Scary nonetheless.

  9. Sadly I liked them better, when they treated me like “the gallbladder” “the broken leg” or “the concussion”. At least there they were focused on the correct issue and on fixing it, instead of laboring under the mistaken assumption that my whatever was a primary consideration.

  10. The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium and Southcentral Foundation jointly own and manage the Alaska Native Medical Center (ANMC). These parent organizations have established a Joint Operating Board to ensure unified operation of health services provided by the Medical Center.

    I spent 5 months in ANMC and my observation is that they may have some very predatory surgeons.
    Apparently I caught the Omicron variety of Wuflu. Biden made all the cytokine storm reducers unavailable, so Omicron hit me hard; which triggered a cytokine storm, which paralyzed me from the waist, down. Previously I had caught the three initial varieties of Wuflu, and have the antibodies to prove it. I slept all three off, and next morning I was fine. No clot-shot for me; unvaxxed.
    While in ANMC I contracted an infection. The doctors and nurses were aware of it, but did nothing, even after it grew to softball size and turned pitch black. I couldn’t see it because it was on my lower backside.
    After two months I was discharged to home, where I had a nurse come in 3 days a week. The nurse wondered how they discharged me with the infection on my backside. He said that it looked very dangerous, and possibly already septic. He arranged for a doctor to come in and look at it; who took only a brief look and called 911 to transport me back to the ANMC.
    Next day they operated and cut a softball sized hole in my lower backside. Couple days later a couple surgeons said that they needed to do a colostomy on me. They were very insistent, and persistent. I told them that they were dizzy and refused it.
    I spent three more months at ANMC, healing up over the hardest part. Meanwhile, in the double patient rooms, I overheard other patients also being pressured for surgery that had little to do with whatever brought them there in the first place.

    I suspect that the Joint Operating Board has given some very predatory surgeons license for whatever they can get away with. It was a very scary three additional months there. I was half expecting a nurse to come in the middle of the night, put a sedative in my IV, and I wake up with no legs. Happy to be home finishing healing, with the nurse I trust. All together seven months, with at least another three to go. I’m hoping to be able to walk by then.
    Next time I catch anything dangerous, I will go to Providence.

    • Remember all.

      ANMC practices shareholder preference.

      So that nurse, that physician, that lab technician, that surgeon, that whomever who treats you at ANMC was hired by ANMC under these auspices…

      If a qualified shareholder or Alaska Native applicant wants your position, they have your position. Not a better qualified, just someone who meets the bare qualifications, who may have been accepted into school under barest qualifications.

      Which means that every non-shareholder who works there is willing to work under that potential no-warning axe every single day.

      There is anyone with real talent will work in a place like that.

      So if you want a potential bottom of their class medical team treating you, knock yourself out.

      • For the 5 months I was there, as a patient, I could count the Native doctors and nurses on one hand. There were lots of minority representation, many with English as their second language.
        The service staff, janitors, receptionists and such had a better Native representation.

  11. that is correct some of the top tier have been around for centuries. How they stayed top tier is by having an administration that enables them to bring in the students and faculty to maintain that standard. The administrations of these schools have succeded over centuries to atract the finacial support to continue to enhance the facilities and implement policies to attract top tier candidates.
    Do you really think there haver not been controversial topics before. How about first black student, first Asian student. Maybe abortion, vaccines.
    At this time the administrations of these schools have decided they want to address these issues. They see them important to promote the standards that have kept them a top tier institution.
    The Do No Harm study is put out by someone with a clear agenda. Personally I believe that if these schools poicies are on the wrong track we would see some administrators losing jobs and board members changing over. That is the kind of proof of failed policies I understand.

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