Tim Barto: Like it or not, it’s presidential season and it’s going to be all about Trump



And so it begins in earnest. Super Tuesday’s results, expected though they may have been, bring us the 2024 presidential campaign, and it looks like it’s going to be an ugly eight months.

The incumbent can’t stand his predecessor and there’s absolutely nothing Democrats want more than to keep Donald Trump out of the White House; so much so that they will stick with their party leader despite his obviously advancing dementia, low popularity, and embarrassingly unqualified vice president.

Perhaps because Biden’s clouded mind makes him easy to handle, or because there’s no other Democrat on the national stage that can rally the collective, the president’s party is staying with him, gambling that either Trump hatred runs deeper than party lines or the bevy of legal complaints by Democratically-controlled prosecutors will keep their man propped up at the podium.

Similarly, Trump supporters can’t fathom a second Biden term. The difference between the two party’s attitudes seems to be that the Democrats’ distaste for #45 is personal while the Republicans’ complaints are political. Democrats hate Trump with a passion never before seen in American politics. And that’s saying something. Trump supporters, on the other hand, want Biden gone because his presidency has been an unmitigated disaster and they fear the very survival of our republic is at stake.

Nikki Haley’s dreams of a Bill Mazeroski* miracle fizzled on Tuesday, and Robert Kennedy Jr.’s presidential bid is coming down to a long-shot third party (possibly as a Libertarian?) bid.

So, if Biden can fend off forced admission to a senior citizens’ home and Trump can fend off forced admission to a federal penitentiary, then our presidential choices this November will be the same as they were four years ago.

Allow me, please, to now completely anger many of my fellow conservatives.

I voted for Donald Trump twice, the second time being much more hesitant than the first, and I will fill in the oval for The Donald again, but would rather not be in the position to have to do so. Trump’s record as president was impressive. He curtailed the influx of illegal aliens and was constructing a wall that would have curtailed it even more. The economy was doing well prior to the Covid hysteria that swept the nation with the help of the mainstream media. Our enemies abstained from invading fellow Slavs or despised Semites.

If Donald Trump had articulated his accomplishments clearly and with a sense of decency, he would still be in office. Instead, his bombastic demeanor and constant tweets provided fodder for his opposition, and great distaste for those important voters sitting on the fence.

It is perfectly understandable that conservatives find Trump’s confidence and acerbic oratory motivating. Republican presidential candidates over the previous three decades – Bush 41, Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney – were anything but combative, despite the extraordinary military records of the first three. Democrats and non-partisans found Bill Clinton and Barack Obama charismatic and full of inspiring rhetoric. Sure, large doses of political correctness, racial guilt, and a desire to set precedents helped them (especially Obama), but they articulated their messages clearly and with vigor.

Perhaps Ronald Reagan spoiled it for those of us on the right. Republicans longed for a candidate who could communicate like the Gipper, or at least stand up to the attacks from the left. Trump doesn’t get his point across like Reagan, but he certainly stands up to the left and – even more so – to his critics.

This is refreshing and invigorating, but it is also Trump’s biggest weakness; not among his diehard supporters (the MAGA crowd, as they have derisively become known) but among those who want to support him and see him succeed, but find his mannerisms off putting.

Donald Trump has a unique opportunity. His opponent is unpopular and inarticulate. If Trump can compare his administration’s record to Biden’s record, and do so in a manner that comes across as presidential and not petty or condescending, then hesitant conservatives and centrists will have feel more comfortable voting for him. Many of us are praying he does so.


  • *In 1960, Bill Mazeroski hit a home run in the bottom of the ninth inning to win Game Seven and give his Pittsburgh Pirates a World Series victory over the heavily favored New York Yankees, despite the Yankees outscoring the Pirates 55 to 27 during the Series.


Tim Barto is a regular contributor to Must Read Alaska, and is holding his breath for the next eight months.


  1. Barto. You’re right that the race is between Biden and Trump. You take some inane and unsupportable jabs at Biden and fully ignore the failings of Trump. Let’s say that all of your complaints about Biden that you mentioned (and all those you didn’t) were true; would those complaints outweigh the list of Trump’s bad deeds?

    Let’s ask funny man Seth Meyers for a rap sheet of Trump’s failings. After you read these Tim, perhaps you would share with us a similar list about Biden. Once readers have your list we can compare and contrast – which candidate is the most fit to lead and represent the citizens of America?

    Seth Myers:

    “Presumptive GOP nominee for president, again, for a third time, despite the fact he is a twice-impeached, four-time criminal indictee and racist who’s been found liable for fraud and sexual abuse. Banned from doing business in the state of New York for three years. Owes over half a billion dollars in fines. Took millions from foreign governments while he was president. Tried to extort a foreign country to interfere in an election in 2020 and encouraged another to help him win in 2016,” Mr Trump “actively undermined a nation’s response to a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic and let a deadly disease spiral out of control. Is about to go on trial for breaking campaign finance laws by paying hush money to cover up an affair during the 2016 campaign. Orchestrated a months-long coup attempt that culminated in a violent insurrection to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power and install him as an unelected dictator. Stole classified documents and obstructed attempts to get them back. Has never once won the popular vote and has been routinely rejected by a majority of Americans in election after election”. Mr Trump “spews deranged conspiracy theories about everything from climate change to immigration, to vaccines to windmills. Glitches on three-syllable words, two-syllable words and one-syllable words, cheats at golf, can’t spell his own name, his wife’s name or the words ‘indicted’, ‘education’, ‘unprecedented’, ‘stolen’, ‘Denmark’. ‘Kentucky’ or ‘tap’,” Meyers said.

    “And is on top of everything else, the single weirdest, most off-putting human being on the face of the f****** planet,” he concluded.

    • Seth Myers? Seriously? No one cares.

      So many people have stopped listening to state/corporate media (et al) a long time ago.

      • That quote is his go to. Kinda like Bluto in Animal House when he referenced the Germans bombing Pearl Harbor. He’s rolling, let it go.

    • 10-4. There are too many cultists here that are too blinded by his daily b.s. They’ll never get your message of sanity, until his insanity gets buried by Biden. The Republican party won’t have any $$$ left over after DJT and his dau-in-law raid the Republican Piggy Bank.

    • Seth Meyers is an entertainer. What makes his rambling valuable in any way?
      And, actually, if Seth could have bothered reading past the headline, he would realize most of what he is pushing is narrative disconnected from reality. Let’s just take this one sentence:
      “despite the fact he is a twice-impeached, four-time criminal indictee and racist who’s been found liable for fraud and sexual abuse.”
      Twice impeached? Once for making a phone call, and then impeached AFTER he left office? Really?
      Four time criminal indictee? Right…. just because a DA got an indictment proves nothing. But, at least partially correct.
      Racist? Nope. Racists do not date black women, racists do not promote blacks in their administration. Actions matter here people, baseless claims do not.
      Fraud? Where? He requested a loan, the bank provided it, he paid it back. He was happy, the bank was happy. Where is the fraud?
      Sexual abuse? Again… where? Are you talking about the E.Jean Carroll libel suit? Libel is the word here, not sexual abuse. Besides, her claim of rape is not even remotely credible, and Trump should have been suing her for libel, not the other way around.
      See, in one sentence, Meyers clearly demonstrates he does not actually know any details about the vitriol he is spewing.

  2. I really wanted DeSantis, but he ran a historically bad campaign and paid the price. So we have Trump.

    Trump is gonna be the man, like it or not. We have had primaries, debates, and the votes are in. Flawed as he is, the voters want Trump. No amount of lawfare or bad Jimmy Kimmel (whoever he is) monologues will change this.

    So despite not my first choice, I’ll vote for him in November. My wallet can’t take 4 more years of Grandpa Bloodstains. Not sure the country will survive it, either.

  3. Evening Tim, Several of my acquaintance have voiced similar thoughts,(I don’t do ‘Feelings” well). Under the current choices assuming it is between Biden and Trump, my response is “Who between the two?”. There is no gray area, you either vote for one or you don’t vote-period. However, Tim, can’t just state that and wander off. I think back and ask, “What did Trump do positive for our great country? Well, in the first six months he did the following. Please if you have access to Biden’s accomplishments for the same corresponding six months of his rein, list away. Here is Trump’s Cheers, AmJ

    Taken from the Blog site “Gateway Pundit”

    “Make America Great Again is an understatement!

    So when your friends say Trump hasn’t done anything, just send them this link! SHARE SHARE SHARE to support our President and show off all the wonderful things he has done in such a short period of time.

    And can you even imagine how much more he could do if the Swamp wasn’t fighting him at every turn?

    Here’s the Mother of All Lists from The Gateway Pundit:

    President Trump has accomplished much in his first six months in office. Today at the end of this period, we provide a list of these many accomplishments.

    Stock Market

    In President Trump’s first six months since the election and since his inauguration the US Stock Markets are at record highs and millions of Americans are benefitting in their retirement savings accounts.

    * The DOW daily closing stock market average has risen 18% since the election on November 8th. (On November 9th the DOW closed at 18,332 – yesterday on July 19th the DOW closed at 21,641 for another all time stock market closing high).
    * Since the election the DOW has set a new all time closing high one out of every four days the market is open!
    * Since the Inauguration on January 20th the DOW is up 9%. (It was at 19,827 at January 20th.)
    * The DOW took just 66 days to climb from 19,000 to above 21,000, the fastest 2,000 point run ever. The DOW closed above 19,000 for the first time on November 22nd and closed above 21,000 on March 1st.
    * The DOW closed above 20,000 on January 25th and the March 1st rally matched the fastest-ever 1,000 point increase in the DOW at 24 days.
    * On February 28th President Trump matched President Reagan’s 1987 record for most continuous closing high trading days when the DOW reached a new high for its 12th day in a row!
    * The S&P 500 and the NASDAQ have both set new all-time highs during this period.
    * The US Stock Market gained $4 trillion in wealth since Trump was elected!
    * The S&P 500 also broke $20 Trillion for the first time in its history.

    US Debt

    As of today, the US Debt has decreased under President Trump since his inauguration by (-$103) Billion. (President Obama increased the US debt in his first 6 months more than $974 Billion or nearly $1 Trillion.) The difference between Presidents Trump and Obama is more than $1 Trillion.


    According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics President Trump added a projected 1,027,000 jobs in his first six months (January through June 2017.) President Obama on the other hand lost more than 3,826,000 million jobs in his first six months.


    Also according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the unemployment rate since President Trump’s inauguration decreased from 4.8% to 4.4% (January through June 2017). The unemployment rate in January 2017 was 4.8% and by June it was down to 4.4%. Unemployment under President Obama on the other hand moved in the opposite direction. In his first six months as President the US unemployment rate increased each month from 7.8% in January 2009 to 9.5% by June of 2009.


    As noted earlier this week, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics the US inflation rate decreased to an eight month low in June to 1.6%. This is in part due to President Trump’s energy policies that are helping average Americans with cheaper gas and electricity.

    Housing Sales

    Housing sales are red-hot in the US right now. In 2011, houses for sale were on the market an average 84 days. This year, it’s just 45 days.

    According to the US Census Bureau, there were nearly twice as many US housing sales in the past couple of months as there were under President Obama in 2009 during the same time period. (The annualized housing sales rate for May 2017 is reported at 610,000 where in 2009 this amount was only 376,000.)

    Decrease in Regulations

    One of the first things that President Trump did in office was to reduce the number or burdensome regulations put in place during the Obama era. In January President Trump signed his 2 for 1 executive order mandating that for every new regulation, two regulations needed to be revoked. Even far left Politico notes that significant new federal regulations since Trump’s inauguration have slowed to an almost total halt.

    Regulations cost Americans and American companies money to implement and maintain. Reducing or halting regulations allows companies to spend their money on more prudent money making areas.

    Other Results

    The US Manufacturing Index soared to a 33 year high in President Trump’s first six months which was the best number since 1983 under President Reagan.

    The Federal Reserve has increased interest rates three times since President Trump was elected into office in November. The Fed increased intereste rates only once in Obama’s 8 Years prior to the increase after President Trumps winning the election in November.

    Illegal immigration is down almost 70% under President Trump.

    NATO announced Allied spending is up $10 Billion because of President Trump.

    After being nominated by President Trump, Constitutionalist Judge Neil Gorsuch was confirmed and sworn in as Supreme Court Justice in early April.

    The President has signed around 150 executive orders, memoranda and proclamations as of July 19th, including:

    * Dismantling Obama’s climate change initiatives.
    * Travel bans for individuals from a select number of countries embroiled in terrorist atrocities.
    * Enforcing regulatory reform.
    * Protecting Law enforcement.
    * Mandating for every new regulation to eliminate two.
    * Defeating ISIS.
    * Rebuilding the military.
    * Building a border wall.
    * Cutting funding for sanctuary cities.
    * Approving pipelines.
    * Reducing regulations on manufacturers.
    * Placing a hiring freeze on federal employees.
    * Exiting the US from the TPP.

    President Trump and his beautiful family visited leaders around the world. In his first foreign trip as President he went to Saudi Arabia and gave one of the most historic speeches in US history. The President implored the Muslim leaders of 50 countries to get rid of terrorists in their countries and “drive them out“. No world leader had ever done this!

    As a result, the President sided with the leaders of these countries including Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan against terrorism, ISIS and Iran.

      • What will Biden’s proposed budget do to inflation?
        What will changes to SS do to inflation?
        What will coddling 12 million illegal aliens do to inflation?
        And, now, when we are all buddy buddy with China, where is inflation?
        Besides. If you are going to enter a negotiation, go in large, and negotiate down to a level everyone can live with. Do you actually think Trump does not know that? (HINT: Read the Art of the Deal)

      • Greg, it will do absolutely nothing to “inflation” (sic), as inflation is everywhere and always the result of the expansion of the money supply, by definition. Whereas prices can and do rise and fall for any number of reasons, most of them transient.

        It is just another bit of Orwellian propaganda that the political and financial establishment have got us using the word “inflation” to refer to the rising prices caused by THEM, by their ever-ongoing expansion of the money supply, instead of the proper term, “currency debasement”.

        • Trump and his proposal to implement a huge tariff will raise prices on goods. Trump says he will cut SS payments. When you give folks less of their retirement money and raise prices on everything, what do you call that?

          • 1. I call that EXACTLY what your leftist overlords are doing
            2. Trump will not do anything of the sort.
            Here’s a pro tip.
            Read The Art of the Deal by Donald Trump and Tony Schwartz.
            Then you will realize how ludicrous you sound.

              • Have you never been involved in any kind of negotiation whatsoever? Trump has. In fact, he wrote a book about it. I am pretty sure this is just another negotiating tactic.
                Why start off at what you would settle for? Stupid people do that. Instead, demand the whole earth, and the stars, and negotiate down to what you really need.
                It takes a particularly dim intellect to to think Trump is doing anything different. You know, the intellect demonstrated by leftists and children. (Sorry to repeat myself)

            • Schwartz the coauthor has stated he’ll leave the country if Trump is elected again. Read a few of his interviews to find out what he thinks of Trump now. Republicans demanded border reform, Democrats agreed, they drafted a bill together, and then Trump killed it so he could exploit the issue in this year’s election.
              He wants problems, not solutions.

  4. “If Donald Trump had articulated his accomplishments clearly and with a sense of decency, he would still be in office.”

    Nonsense. Trump is out of office because the election was stolen. Say it out loud, friends. We all watched it happen. Let’s not pretend we didn’t.

    • NotAnymore, there was once another fellow who had his election stolen from him, name was Jackson, not Samuel R. Jackson but Andrew Jackson. Know what he said after getting ripped off? Andrew Jackson said the he had every confidence in the American people and didn’t believe that they would EVER let such a thing happen again. He ( Jackson) waited until the next election cycle and was rewarded for his faith in the American people.

    • Your argument probably hits on the fundamental difference between those that support Donald Trump and those that don’t. While I live in Alaska, I read some things about election processes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Nevada that bothered me. In several of those jurisdictions, lawsuits were initiated but none produced the “ah ha” moment or the evidence needed. Attorney General Barr – a very straight shooter – said that the election claims were not supported by evidence. Trump certainly tried to find misconduct in Georgia but demanding that the Georgia Secretary of State find a specific number of ballots to change the election results seems to be a very poor approach. I am not sure what you say you watched. Just making a claim or having a feeling ain’t quite enough to overturn an election.

      Donald Trump has repeated his claims about stolen elections thousands of times. Just making the claims does not make them true. And it is on this point, in particular, I part company with the Donald. The claims do not hold water and the fact that Mr. Trump keeps making them indicates that he has lost touch with reality. I cannot vote for an irrational man for President of the United States. That is a really bad idea.

      • “Trump certainly tried to find misconduct in Georgia but demanding that the Georgia Secretary of State find a specific number of ballots to change the election results seems to be a very poor approach.”
        Didn’t happen. Read the transcript, or listen to the audio. There was never any demand that the Sec of State find votes.
        And, curiously, GA did find out that a bunch of people voted illegally. Of course, that happened way too late to help anyone.
        Finally, proving voter fraud after the fact is nearly impossible because of the anonymous balloting system. First problem is proving any ballots were cast illegally, then proving which ones. If you are wanting a conviction before you decide voter fraud happened, it will be a long wait.

        • Just curious: If finding evidence of voter fraud after the fact is hard, can it be proven before an election or during an election? How would that happen? I am just trying to get to a place that works for you…

          • Catch them in the act.
            That is why open, transparent, and clean elections are so important.
            Get rid of no-excuse mail in voting, require an ID, in person, one day with maybe the weekend before for early voting.
            When counting the votes, it is done openly. No one stays behind to “finish up” and boxes of ballots “found” in a car trunk days later are disqualified, especially if the chain of custody is broken in any way. Added bonus, that election worker is charged with a misdemeanor and never allowed to work an election again.
            When you are securing your house, do you leave the doors and windows unlocked? Do you hang a key on a nail by the front door? What you have in your house is valuable, and you protect what is valuable.
            Why should elections be any different. The results of an election are important, thus valuable. Protect it. Put in measures to ensure cheating cannot happen, and when it does, it is discoverable, and prosecutable.

      • JMark, it is YOU who are in denial of reality, and who is being irrational here.

        There is a MOUNTAIN of evidence of the blatant and systematic rigging of the 2020 presidential election in favor of the senile usurper. But when court after court refused to listen or allow the evidence, how can the justice and the truth of the matter win?

        You say “no evidence”, when what you REALLY mean is “no evidence that a corrupt and scared establishment will allow to be fairly presented”. For shame, JMark.

        • You talk about reality? What about Trump sitting on intelligence as early as September 2019 that COVID-19
          Was a weaponize version of a bat virus
          the chinese was working with. He cost thousands of lives by his incompetent behavior.

        • Heavens, your “mountain of evidence” comment sounds like Adam Schiff.

          That said, I appreciate your concerns. Conservatives must get much better at identifying voting problems and litigating them to a conclusion. IMO, the most important change would be to shorten the time for casting ballots to one week maximum.

      • Yes. He thinks that a crazy man shouting fire in a movie theater will cause people to run out. It might work at first, but eventually when there is no smoke, peeps will go back in and watch the movie.

    • Think about it…….going back to Bush the younger. They weren’t going to let some VP of slick willy become president. Here comes Obama. Groom a light skinned half white person. It was time. Next, after multiple fail attempts, Trump gets on because he is running against a Clinton and the most unlikable candidate in history. The fix was in, the NWO just didn’t tell Podesta. That didn’t sit well because they were even worse loosers that Trump. Loosing in style like zgore wasn’t an option. The Biden crime family was next because Killary gave Joe her book of secrets, compiled from years of ugly, back door goings on in the coffers of the Washington underground. Trump can’t win this go around. It isn’t in the playbook.

  5. Not any more has nailed it
    Any thoughtful person knows the election in 2020 was rigged
    It’s the elephant in the room that isnt discussed in polite society similar to the covid scam which isnt discussed at all amongst the sheep that took the jab
    Question is will they get away with it again ?

  6. “………it looks like it’s going to be an ugly eight months………..”
    It’s not going to be nearly as ugly as it ought to be.

  7. “Two Thirds of Liberals (sic) Would Dispute Election if Trump Wins, New Poll Finds”


  8. Considering what’s going to happen if Biden wins, I’ll take Trumps behavior and lack of decorum all day, any day and twice on Sunday. People that are too butt hurt over words need to get over it for the good of the country.

    • I keep telling everyone that you want a bully and A-hole in charge. Take a look at collegiate and professional sports. Who is coaching the winningest teams? Bullies and A-holes.
      Want to win, get a bully in charge.

        • I don’t know about prices in Russia, but I do know last time we had a bully in the White House, this country was doing really well.

          • Are you going all the way back to Truman for that Bully? I do remember the last time we had a moron in the White House he suggesting injecting disinfectants and using ultraviolet lights to combat COVID.

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