Murkowski is lone Republican who voted to allow illegal aliens to be counted in Census for purpose of redrawing electoral, congressional district lines


Sen. Lisa Murkowski has found her inner-Justice Anton Scalia, and suddenly is a strict constitutionalist.

Last week, during votes on an amendment to require the U.S. Census to only consider actual citizens of the United States when determining population shifts that lead to changing political boundaries, Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski was the only Republican to vote “nay.”

The question is whether the U.S. Census should ask the question: Are you a citizen? It matters, since over 7 million illegals have entered the country in just three years of the Biden Administration. Illegals in just those three years equal more than the population of 36 states.

As of June 2023, approximately 16.8 million illegal aliens live in the United States. “This is significantly higher than our January 2022 illegal alien population estimate of 15.5 million,” according to the Federation for American Immigration Reform. That’s over 5 of every 100 people living in America, and they are concentrated in places where it could lead to greater congressional representation.

Counting those individuals and assigning congressional boundaries based on them helps Democrats. All other Republicans appeared to understand it that way, but Sen. Murkowski does not apparently see this as a problem for Congress to solve. She’s going by the strict meaning of the word “persons.” Criminals who come across the border and murder joggers like Laken Riley? They are persons to be counted in order to redraw political boundaries.

The apportionment of seats in Congress is detailed in the U.S. Constitution, which says the census is used to divide the House of Representatives “among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State,” except for slaves, who were counted as three-fifths of a person until the late 1800s.

The amendment she voted against was Tennessee Republican Sen. Bill Hagerty’s motion to concur with a House amendment that said the census should determine the number of citizens as those who are actually citizens, not just illegals who illegally punched through the porous border.

Hagerty said, “I think most Americans are shocked to find out that today illegal migrants are used in the calculation of the number of people in a given state to allocate congressional districts and electoral college votes to that state. Lara [Trump] is exactly right; Democrats are basically harvesting electoral power on the backs of these illegal migrants. It shouldn’t be happening, and when I put a simple vote forward that only citizens can be counted for the purposes of allocating congressional districts and electoral votes, the Democrats just went nuts.” Hagerty made the statement on Fox News’ “Mornings With Maria” show.

“[Senator] Chuck Schumer threatened to shut the government down; we ground it down to the very last hour. Finally—I think they had an important event that they needed to attend—they agreed to put it to the floor for a vote. And as you said, every single Democrat voted to not allow just citizens alone to be counted, but to also include the counting of illegal migrants,” he said.

“Now, think about where people are fleeing in this nation. Citizens are leaving New York. They’re leaving Illinois. They’re leaving California, where the sanctuary city [is] located. New York City, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, they’re actually creating these magnets so they can backfill and create more ‘bodies’ to count so that they can get more electoral votes,” he said.

“And we got one of the U.S. [Congresswomen] from Brooklyn, Yvette Clark, said the quiet part out loud just the other day. She said, ‘I need these illegal migrants for purposes of redistricting.’ And you know what’s so rich, Maria? Her district, the same one that Chuck Schumer used to have when he served in the Congress, her district, the school, to go home and study [on] Zoom because they needed that schoolhouse to house illegal migrants. That’s what’s happening here in America; that’s the motive behind the crime at our border.”

Sens. Bill Cassidy, of Louisiana and Hagerty, along with other Republican colleagues had earlier introduced a stand-alone bill called the Equal Representation Act, to ensure that only legal citizens are factored into the count for congressional districts and the electoral college map that determines presidential elections.

“The current method of counting illegal immigrants for purposes of representation serves as a perverse incentive for open borders to boost the relative political power of the states and voters that court it,” his office said. “It is unconscionable that illegal immigrants and non-citizens are counted toward congressional district apportionment and our electoral map. While people continue to flee Democrat-run cities, desperate Democrats are back-filling the mass exodus with illegal immigrants so that they do not lose their seats in Congress or their electoral votes for the presidency, hence artificially boosting their political power and in turn diluting the power of other Americans’ votes. I’m pleased to introduce this legislation that would require a citizenship question on the census and will ensure that only citizens are counted in congressional redistricting.”


  1. Ah, Princess. Such a reliable democrat.

    Is she gonna run on the no labels ticket? She’s got no scruples nailed down.

    • The evil she shows also shows she doesn’t care about American citizens and their rights.
      Why does the American taxpayer half to support every person in the world just because of our politicians stupid decision’s.

    • Any politician that won’t defend our border is a – Traitor.
      She believes, as most Libs do, in the Great Replacement Theory.
      They hate western civilization and our European heritage.
      The division continues by the Left.

    • There’s no such thing as a recall for congress. Senators and Members if the House of Representatives can only be expelled by the members of the Senate or House.

    • No recall for federally elected officials. They can be impeached, expelled, convicted…but not recalled. Next election cycle is 4 years away.

    • Lisa still calls herself a Republican. As long as she does so, the Alaska Republican Party is responsible for holding her accountable. She can’t be recalled, but she CAN be censured again by the ARP. It’s time they did so. Silence from the ARP is concurrence with Lisa.

  2. What a truly reprehensible, contemptible, dishonest, hypocritical, corrupt, and morally vacant person Lisa truly is.

    Just when I think that my contempt for her could not go any lower, Princess goes and digs an entirely new sub-level of fresh outrages against, and insults on, the American people.

    • Now that McConnell is stepping down and there is a real chance Trump could be re elected, she’s a lady of the evening without her Senatorial pimp to protect her.

      Depending on the election, I won’t be surprised she and Collins bolt to the Democrats. Princess has been signaling it for some weeks now.

    • Jefferson, if someone loosed a couple hundred cockroaches into your home would you blame the roaches or he who perpetrated the deed upon you. Stop focusing on Lisa Murkowski; she is the symptom; not the problem. Your neighbor across the street who voted for her: now that’s the problem. Focus your attention on your neighbors, friends, acquaintences, relatives, etc… who are the real problems that keep voting this Murkowski symptom into office.

      • You’re not fundamentally wrong, Wayne.

        It’s just that these self-serving slime balls who the profoundly ignorant and complacent voters keep sending back into office are such easy targets, Princess Lisa leading the list as far as Alaska goes (with her acolyte Mary close behind).

      • Coogan, I only know of one person who voted for her and that person is a raging democrat. Murkowski was able to keep her seat because ranked choice voting was set up to make sure she stayed in her seat. I am always impressed by your ability to keep saying the lies over and over and over without as much as a blink of an eye. Guess history cannot be rewritten unless you keep lying it out of existence.
        Everyone else: vote to repeal ranked choice voting on the ballot in November.

        • Ginny, What has she won? Four elections and only one of them with Rank Choice? Therefore, I blame the voters rather than the corrupt senator they keep re-electing. So then you say I “keep saying lies over and over….” The only question I have is, what kind of dressing are you putting on your nonsensical word salad? I suggest vinegar and oil.

          • Keep repeating the lefty lies Wayne. I am sure that your demonic masters are happy with your unwavering obedience to them.

  3. In my view of common sense, to act protecting the enemy in a time of conflict is treason. No plus or minus, plane treason. The United States is being invaded by enemies of the Country. There is little or no doubt based on the statistics the Border Patrol have provided and background checks have confirmed. To then confirm some level of legitimacy by not being identified or not having to prove you status , coming across the border illegally in mass formations then allowed to be used as asset for political purposes adds to the crime of treason .

    Of course, as with all the current political criminals “Princess LIsa” now one in my mind, as Hillary, Hunter, Soon, Turtle Neck, among others,will skate completely free with no repercussions or criminal prosecution .
    Sad,tragic, and so un-American

  4. Incremental governmentalism. of public policy making that involves making small changes to existing policies over time. It’s also known as “gradualism”.
    Incrementalism is based on the idea that policy makers will build on past policies, instead of making wholesale changes. It emphasizes the many actors involved in the policy-making process, who represent different interests and have different information.
    Incrementalism is also applied to budgeting and decision-making in business.

  5. “Walks like a Jack-Azz, Honks like a Jack-Azz” … Well, you get the gist! Daddy’s Little Princess has ‘NO’ justification worthy of Honesty – Integrity – Duty – Responsibility. It’s all about lining her pockets with Lobbyist $$$, feeding her incessant narcissism in pursuit and appetite of presumed personal power and a fallacy of legacy.
    Just wait until those ‘ILLEGALS’ start showing up in Alaska and bringing with it chaos and mayhem. Never forget who allowed and propagated this aberration. It’s long time to hold her accountable!!!

  6. Any bets on whether the Republicans will pursue this when they once again control the House, Senate and the White House? They love to push these symbolic votes when they know they won’t pass (or a Democrat President will veto them), but somehow they’re never as enthusiastic when they actually hold the power.

  7. Biden calls a murderer an”illegal immigrant”, then apologizes for it. Only a democrat apologizes for telling the truth. The guy’s certainly illegal now.

  8. When are Alaskans going to wake up this person that refers herself as senator does not represent Alaska or the United States of America. She is a wolf in sheep’s clothing at best. And she is obviously part of the deep state.

  9. Nancy and I are so proud of Lisa for being a virtuous Catholic, protecting innocent lives and illegals. We’ve always had a few illegals kicking around our houses and helping with the chores and general cleaning duties. It’s saved our family a lot of money over the years. And now that Lisa is uncompetitive in Republican Primary races, we are counting on our own illegals and their many relatives and fentynal distributers to help Lisa remain in office until 2040 and beyond.

    • Frankie, I think some of the fentynal distributors already invaded our family. Family secrets are such dirty little things.

      • Shhhhhhh……..we’ll remain quiet, Nancy.
        Lisa sure looks like she’s been on “something.” Do daddy Joe and her go to the same pharmacy?

  10. When was the last time Murkowski voted in favor of the true interests of the United States, or for those of Alaska?

  11. Oh! She’s getting worried that she is going to lose her seat. Murkowski, when the humanity-loving people take back this state from the demonrats, you will be one of the first ones we’ll be calling to the stand for your “fair and just” trial by the People!

  12. I confused. Did this pass? Not pass?
    Pass by one vote because of swamp girl?
    Was it every Democrat plus Ms. Nepotism on the yea’s?
    As an Amendment does it need 60% of the Senate; so it doesn’t matter, it will never happen
    Will the House vote on this?
    Is it an advisery vote?
    How is this finally decided?

  13. Lisa Murkowski, the “Judas” of Alaska. Wanna bet that Biden gave her more than 20 pieces of silver? Or maybe her Iranian friends from UAF Oil Research back in 2017. The illegals are already here. Wake up! We have over 15,000 of the illegal critters to donate too, feed and house. They are here in Alaska!! Where have you all been? Why do you think the state budget for Medicaid is so high on the budget? Schools? money for homeless and SNAP programs, etc. Just think what they are a part of? Isis, Hamas, Al Caeda, Taliban and any other garbage group from the mid east. Remember the creepy guy in the state national guard that got radicalized and ended up in a shooting spree in Florida? Well, all the sickos are here, in Alaska just like every state of our country. Time to elect a president that will get shovel ready and shovel them out of our country to return to their own bad environment and country they are from.

  14. Lisa is the gift that keeps on giving – to liberals, progressives and communists (read: Democrats). This makes no sense to anyone other than Democrats. And Lisa, well, she just keeps on lining up with them and goose-stepping her way left. She thinks she’s reaching across the aisle in the interest of making “good public policy.” Make no mistake, the Dems all applaud her and pretend she’s one of them, until the rare occasions when she slips and acts like a conservative. Then those very same Dems curse her. And Lisa is the only one who can’t see this. Every time she opens her mouth and says the words, “good public policy,” we should hold onto our wallets, hold our families closer and prepare for something bad to happen. Everything I know about Lisa is in that image in the halls of Congress when Lisa is crying while backed against a wall getting shellacked by Sen. Diane Feinstein.

  15. Well, I guess she’s hoping for a big influx of illegals into Alaska so that she can pad her reelection chances.
    Murkowski is like a squatter: nearly impossible to get rid of once they establish themselves. But get rid of her we must.

  16. MRAK’s article neglects to report that Amendment XIV of the US Constitution is clear that you count “the whole number of persons within each State” Senator Murkowski voted with what the Constitution calls for in black and white, there is no room for interpretation.

    • What you don’t quote in your defense of Murkowski is the beginning sentence in the 14th Amendment “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” So by your own admission illegals who have crossed the border without permission are in fact not a whole person.

      • Yes, Frankly Rancid loves the Constitution — when it serves his narrow and partisan political interests.

        Always remember that radical leftist extremists have no morals and no principles, only strategies.

      • He does exactly what the MSM does and J6 Committee did, selective use of language or testimony to fit the narrative.

    • So, if the Census was taken during the summer tourist season, Alaska would likely gain two, maybe three seats in the House.

  17. States have to pay out real money based on the head count. The more there are, the more you will pay in taxes. If the feds are going to continue to let open the flood gates and let folks stream in, states might as well get federal dollars to help out. The only way to get them is a head count. States are hurting by paying out of pocket. Do I want illegal folks here? No I don’t mostly because they didn’t go through the process.

  18. In true democrat fashion, when you can’t get the votes you want, gerrymander the lines to suit you. If that doesn’t work, find another pool of voters, even if it means going outside our borders to saturate the voter pool or padding the voter roles with cemetery residents. Please Murky, RepublExit, go where you are loved, you’ve done nothing but harm.

  19. What is the point of the US census? To enumerate the actual, fluctuating inhabitants of every region regardless of or including place and striation of origin. The term “inhabitant” and “citizen” are not identical and mean different things which are likely clear distinctions to polite society members such as senators but not taught distinctively to even matriculated ones from public education. Source documents make the terms clear to constitutional scholars none of whom reside presently in Anchorage. More is the pity.

    • I can see your lips moving…

      “polite society members such as senators”

      What the hell are you babbling about?

  20. Such a lovely picture of our representative. “North to the future” where ALL criminals will be allowed to vote for their princess.

  21. What about the basics? Physical address, mailing address, permanent address?

    Utility bill for proof of address?

    As a citizen that has moved between states – I am held to a more narrow standard than people flooding America.

    I have empathy for their desperation..but I do not for a minute feel like this “open arm” American moment is not transactional or manipulative.

    It’s not the immigrant people that are the problem it’s the false intentions and human trafficking for votes that is the problem.

    False empathy to promote socialism by manipulating people who are desperate.

    Was not the reason America came into existence was to create a new world that did not accept this?

    We have issues.

    But the folks in the beltway are not the experts on what happens in the day-to-day life.

    Never have been, never will.

  22. Goodness I wish she would get voted out and a true conservative, who loves our country would get voted in! She is horrible!

  23. Does anyone have the count on the number of Biden’s federal judges Murkowski has confirmed compared to the ones she has voted against?

  24. One thing that continues to escape me. Do they think they are gonna somehow escape the potential long term consequences of this mess?

    Allowing unrestrained, irresponsible mass immigration can alter the nation in ways they refuse to acknowledge. Just look at the hellhole liberal cities are. Lawless, unrestrained drug use, 3rd world health problems, deliberate mutilation of children for “reasons” sane people don’t understand. The decay of society will not pass them by. See most of Europe, especially Britain and Sweden.

    There also seems to be some kind of magical thinking the unwashed masses will be content to allow the white liberals to rule them.

    This is suicidal for them in particular and they don’t seem to see it. They must assume they will ride it out.

  25. The only reason on redrawing voting districts is to allow Illegals the right to vote. Remember these are the same people that said if you don’t get the shot military people will be fired, but the let millions invade America without any vaccination .

  26. I wonder how other Countries , such as in Europe, Germany, Switzerland Maybe Australia, Japan, Singapore. Do they have open borders, for illegals, do they provide welfare benefits. Do they allow them to drive, vote, own property, etc like normal citizens ? I know they have many restrictions there.

    Only in America do we allow the Foreign Saudis land owners, to pump our underground water aquifers down, to farm alfalfa, and other crops, to export. Only in America doe we allow Chinese to buy up land surrounding military bases. Forget satellites, ballons, just move in next door to a Military base.

    Look At Lisa’s record. She voted for Sally Jewel, Deb Haaland, to get a road from King Cove to Cold Bay. That never happened. Trump and Ryan Zinke got a road authorized, but then she voted to impeach Trump. She voted for Jennifer Granholm, ( anti fossil fuel our life blood, & electric cars) Alejandro Mayorkas. (impeached for dereliction of duty) Lisa does not represent Alaska and Americas interest but her own and the Democrat party. What a most disloyal American.

  27. Holy Crap.. I’ve lived up here for over 50 yrs. Knew Murkowski’s dad and used to walk to work with Gov. Hammond.. This woman is a disgrace to Alaska and the Country. Please folks contribute to the Reb. party to end cancers like her…

    • Believe me Lew, I didn’t want to put Lisa into the Senate, but she was kicking and screaming at me after I became governor. Lisa b a r e l y won her Anchorage house seat and we knew she couldn’t stand on her own. So I gave her a job. We beat back Joe Miller on a write-in with Democrat and Bush support, then beat back Kelly Tshibaka with all Democrats and RINOs. The Republican Party now hates Nancy and I. Lisa is to blame for all of this. A very spoiled little girl who pretends to be a Republican and a Catholic. I even had to help her cheat in passing the Bar exam. That little effort took years after failed attempts. Turns out she was a terrible attorney anyway. But one thing for sure, our family name will go down in the Alaska history books. Thanks, Lew. Good to hear from you

    • Lew, I do not donate to the Republican party because they do not stand behind the people’s choices – they only stand for what their little groups vote in and what the candidates want. Donate directly to the candidates if you want to see results.

    • Its too bad that I don’t cross paths with any of that family. I can’t give any of them the treatment they deserve. Like radioactive herpes Is what they have earned

  28. I don’t really understand the GOP position on this one. The constitution is clear. The law they are proposing will be invalidated by the Supreme Court. This is just virtue signalling.

    Lisa, in this case, is the only one with a spine.

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