This is your study on drugs: Sen. Forrest Dunbar’s psychedelic drug push is running into trouble

Sethan Tigarian, staff member, and Sen. Forrest Dunbar testify about the psychedelic task force.

Earlier this year, Alaska Sen. Forrest Dunbar, of Anchorage, said that the Federal Food and Drug Administration was on the cusp of approving a psychedelic known as Ecstasy for psychiatric uses. He and Rep. Jennie Armstrong, both hardline Democrats, pushed legislation to get Alaska ready for controlled use of the drug for conditions such as post traumatic stress disorder. They urgently wanted a psychedelic drug task to develop state regulations in anticipation of the drug being legalized.

Dunbar enthusiastically pushed his legislation, SB 166, which never even made it to the Senate floor. The House version passed.

But now, a new report shows that the very studies used to decide whether the U.S. should authorize Ecstasy for PTSD missed the serious side effects of the drug, including suicidal thoughts, because the subjects in the study were discouraged from reporting adverse side effects. The studies were marked by bias.

Three individuals who were subjects in the studies told The Wall Street Journal that thoughts of suicide increased during or after using Ecstasy, “but their downward slides weren’t captured in trial data and therefore not reflected in the final results.

The Food and Drug Administration is expected this month to decide whether to approve the drug, also known as MDMA or Molly, for treatment of PTSD. The drug became a popular street drug in the 1970s and is used at “rave” dance parties. It acts as both a stimulant and psychedelic, producing an energizing effect, distortions in time and perception, loosening of inhibitions, and enhanced enjoyment of tactile experiences, according to the Drug Enforcement Agency. People who use the drug are temporarily stripped of their rational judgment.

The FDA’s Psychopharmacologic Drugs Advisory Committee earlier this year voted against approving the drug for the treatment of post traumatic stress disorder.

The vote, 10-1, showed that the experts feel that the drug made by Lykos Therapeutics is not safe, and its possible benefits don’t outweigh its risks. On a vote of 9-2, the committee also said that MDMA is not effective for treating PTSD, according to the research.

“I’m not convinced at all that this drug is effective based on the data I saw,” commented Rajesh Narendran, a psychiatry professor at the University of Pittsburgh who is the committee’s chairman.

Now, even the data is in question.


  1. My guess is Forrest and Jennie have both had extensive experimenting with Psychedelic Ectsasy to be so enthusiastic about pushing a drug made by Lykos Therapeutics.

    Or maybe they or someone who voted/donated for them is heavily invested in the drug company.
    Paul and Nancy have become very rich in their investment firm. They are either very good at predicting the market or know “things” the average investor doesnt.

  2. Forrest Dunbar is the face of Anchorage, he’s uninformed, mentally incapacitated and insane!

      • I really believe that this is true. I won’t be surprised if he comes out as a transsexual woman and then starts the transition procedures.

    • Uniformed, mentally incapacitated and insane was exactly the full page ad Dunbar had ADN post when He campaigned against Dave Bronson who he (thank god) lost to. The ad contained a large picture of Forrest’s mentor (Adolf Hitler) with Bronson’s face on the uniformed body of Hitler.

  3. For decades it has been know that this drug causes permanent brain disfunction, which could explain Dunbar’s irrational thought process.

  4. The Democrats love drugs. Open borders to let Fentanyl flow, Oxy, Soboxone for Oxy, Puberty blockers, drugs to make you skinny, drugs to bring you up, down, and everywhere else. Plus, their Pharma buddies get super rich.

  5. He is a politician so he lies and cheats every chance he gets.
    Let’s just legalize all drugs and have laws changed so nobody is responsible for their actions.
    Let’s make it a free for all for society.

  6. The only people that are to blame for him being in office is the conservatives. Because that group cannot get their collective crap together the liberals will always win, and we suffer. Just think what should happen if the conservatives came together, we would not be reading about there issues.

    • Yeah, yeah, yeah nice try. Conservatives vote!
      So let’s examine that re-districted Senate district J of Forrest Dunbar. From a brief perusal of registered voters it trends heavily democrat and that does not even count the “undeclared” most of whom are closet dems as well. If you want somebody to blame, blame the union sheep, who vote as they are told and all those democrats, who simply vote for the guy with a “D” behind his name regardless of the stupid agenda he peddles!

  7. So we trust government science now, after covid, “the war on drugs”, and all the other lies?

    Remember when cannabis was the gateway drug and would hook everyone of heroin? The (government) “campaign for a drug free amerika”.

    Just sayin’.

    If you don’t want to use it, don’t use it. Doesn’t mean the government should strip people of their rights of bodily autonomy.

    John, the “small l” libertarian.

    • It is certainly telling that so many who claim to be conservative and doubt big government when it serves their beliefs suddenly bend over backwards to believe government when it serves their beliefs. Lots of the same commentators here who were spouting off against big pharma and the government approval of the covid vaccines are cheerleading for big pharma and government disapproval. Of course most of those in that boat have never read any of the studies and never understood the issues but were simply parroting what they’ve heard from others.

      • Steve-O having a set of principles, let’s one discern the issues and the issue here has not changed.
        Many had doubts regarding the Covid shots effectiveness and lack of full disclosure of side effects etc. questioning the incessant government insistence for a product without ANY track record to speak of.
        This drug has exactly the same issue, questioning effectiveness and side effects of this substance for any therapeutic medical use. These “conservatives” have not moved from what you call “their belief”. In this case the government is simply in step with their concerns.
        If you can not acknowledge when someone or an institution makes a good decision, simply because you don’t like them, you are a lemming instead of an independent thinker.

        • Taxpayer,
          When you say that mdma has “exactly the same issue” as the covid vaccines “for a product without ANY track record to speak of” you expose your knowledge, or lack thereof, on the issue. Mdma has been around for over 100 years, and there were numerous covid vaccines based upon proven vaccine technology beyond the mrna vaccines. Then there is the issue of the use of Ivermectin being used to treat covid as a therapeutic, against any actual evidence, and how stunningly disimilar the attitude by those same believers is towards mdma that literally has volumes of information and study to support its therapeutic use. But big pharma opposes it and who cares what studies say anyways, certainly not those who believe ivermectin works in the treatment of covid or that there is only an mrna based covid vaccine.

          There are plenty of lemmings out there, some opposed the covid vaccines because they were told to by others and failed to inform themselves and there are many of the same group of lemmings opposed to another drug simply because the exact same group they were told to be opposed to doesn’t approve of it…none of these people are basing any of their decisions on principles, let’s not try and kid ourselves over that.

    • So what exactly do you want John?
      Are you advocating for all drugs being available and the government stay out of that issue at all? Abolish the FDA?

    • We trust all science equally. Which means not at all.
      Science is the process of questioning everything. The science is never settled, at best, science is the most accurate model of observed data possible.
      So, no we do not trust Government science. And, we do trust it. Exactly the same as any other science.

  8. Molly was the birth of techno with its repetitive strong baseline. Goofballs at a rave are entranced by any repetitive beat and move to it. Not dance to it; just repetitively jolt around to it.

  9. Dunbar is a one man wrecking crew. Everybody in the world above the age of two suffers from PTSD to one extent or another. Turning everybody into a zombie is more about acquiescence to cultural rot than effective psychiatric treatment.

  10. Sounds like same kind of presentation in the Capitol we heard in the Finance chambers on how COVID was going to kill everyone…. We all know how that didn’t age well. Studies aren’t worth much when so slanted and funded by those who stand to profit (financially or politically)…

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