Third time’s a charm? This Democrat has filed as Green Party candidate for president

Jill Stein

Jill Stein announced her presidential bid under the Green Party ticket on Thursday. Stein is a East Coast physician, activist, and repeat political candidate for the Green Party; she was its nominee in 2012 and 2016 elections. She was also the Green-Rainbow Party’s gubernatorial candidate in Massachusetts in 2002 and 2010.

Stein announced her bid on X/Twitter: “The political system is broken. Over 60% of us now say the two-party establishment has failed us and we need a party that serves the people. I’m running for President to offer a better choice for the people. Join us!”

In 2020, former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura was the Green Party candidate for president, for the Green Party of Alaska. Nationally, the candidate was Howie Hawkins, who has also announced he is running as a Green Party presidential candidate for 2024.

The Green Party of Alaska is not affiliated with the national Green Party. Instead, the national party is working with an Alaska group organizing as the Aurora Party, “and they plan to apply for accreditation with GPUS. If you want to be part of this process in Alaska, please contact the Ballot Access Committee so that we can connect you with them. The political party named Green Party of Alaska is not affiliated with the Green Party of the United States,” the Green Party says on its website.

The Aurora Party of Alaska is recognized as a political group, rather than an actual political party, by the Division of Elections. Its chair is Jonathan Alexander of Anchorage. The Green Party of Alaska is also seen as a political group, not a political party, due to its low enrollment.

The Green Party of Alaska opposes oil and gas development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, supports wind and solar power, and a government single-payer healthcare system, i.e. Medicare for all. Robert Shields of Fairbanks is the group’s chairman.


    • No, I think there may possibly be some marginal policy insanity that the Green Party supports beyond that which is part and parcel of the incumbent Usurper PotatoHead regime.

  1. Democrat in sheep’s clothing situation? Like Walker running as Independent. Democrats can “identify” however they want…free country, right?…but they’re still just a Democrat. At least Democrats who just come out with it can be credited with some measure of honesty, to their credit. The rest are just liars hoping the rest of us are too stupid to see through their facade.

  2. You say this like it’s a bad thing: “ The Green Party of Alaska opposes oil and gas development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, supports wind and solar power, and a government single-payer healthcare”

    • I guess they say it like it’s a bad thing, because all of that IS a bad thing.

      But to a radical leftist extremist, bad is good, just as up is down, black is white, racial discrimination is “equity”, male is female, sexual grooming of toddlers is “education”, meddling in foreign wars is “security”, mandating unsafe and ineffective vaccines (sic) is “saving Grandma”, battery vehicles are superior to internal combustion vehicles (even though they are even more environmentally unsustainable, and inferior in every way), wildly profligate and unsustainable federal spending is “investing in our future”, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

    • Sanctos, do you eat hot food? Or processed food? Or food produced at other parts of the planet? Or do you forage for food and grow your own? Do you live in a warm house? Or a cold mud hut or cave? Do you use anything other than your own two feet for transportation? Do you use anything other than animal skins you harvested for clothing? If you are not living a neolithic lifestyle then you are speaking hypocritically. Just saying.

      For the record, there was never a solar panel or wind turbine ever produced without government subsidy…. except, perhaps, those little ones attached to sailboats.

    • Those giant wind mills and all those solar panels are horrible for the environment. It’s a big lie that they are better. Ask the birds.

  3. I wonder if she still has MILLIONS invested in big oil along with other very non-green things? She went -POOF- as soon as that story came out last time, hope she can do the same trick twice!

  4. “The Aurora Party of Alaska is recognized as a political group, rather than an actual political party, by the Division of Elections. Its chair is Jonathan Alexander of Anchorage. The Green Party of Alaska is also seen as a political group, not a political party, due to its low enrollment.” This is interesting. I wonder what they avoid by not being a “party” and only a “group.” Additionally, “The Green Party of Alaska is not affiliated with the national Green Party. Instead, the national party is working with an Alaska group organizing as the Aurora Part.” This is a confusing description of the “Aurora Party.” I am adding (and being facetious and incorrect….maybe.) that, yes, the Aurora party receives money from all groups, but remember – they are not affiliated with blah blah blah and they are just a political group, not a party. The $ 250,000 they’ll receive from Soros is going to be used for gas and food and lodging…nothing else. Haha Nothing I just said is true…well, at least I think that it is not true.

  5. The Democrats have stopped caring about the environment. The corrupt Joe Biden has allowed 10 million illegals to invade our country. In the process these invaders have trashed the ecosystems along the border. Massive mounds of garbage, clothing, etc. are found dumped every day along with thousands of pounds of poop. These invaders all contribute to the overpopulation that destroys our air and water quality.

    In every single Democrat- run city trash, filth, and human waste foul our rivers, lakes, and oceans. The masses of drug using bums don’t care where they defecate.

    Democrats are pigs. They’ve proven it over and over.

    The fact that Ms. Stein will take Democrat votes away from Biden is a very good thing.

  6. The United States desperately needs a third, or even fourth, viable political party. Whether the Green Party is it is debatable.

  7. Howdy Doug, how true. They start the war, then skrew up the war, then loose the war, and then blame it all on the Republicans.

  8. The “Green” Party must support coal, oil and natural gas production somewhere because they all live in modern homes or buildings, use electricity, use plastic products use some form of transportation. I doubt that they are willing to give up the convivences of modern life. They just would rather that all of the earth raping that they associate with energy production by fossil fuels happen in third world countries.

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