The Mallott papers: Donna Walker weighed in on LG


The Associated Press dug deeper than any other news agency to find a gem of an email.

It was from Donna Walker, former First Lady of Alaska, to her husband, counseling him on how to handle the downfall of Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott last October.

“Does he explain the incident?” Donna Walker wrote to Gov. Bill Walker at his official state email account. She followed that with some wifely advice:

“I think that you describing it as ‘inappropriate comments’ is a huge understatement and you will be criticized for that. It was the conduct as well of inviting her to his room, and it sounds like there was some discrepancy as to how he greeted/touched her. I think you need to say inappropriate conduct.”

[Read the AP story here]

Although Must Read Alaska requested email exchanges from Donna Walker and Bill Walker for the same period of time, we didn’t receive this revealing exchange in the over 1,000 pages of emails we’ve obtained from the days surrounding Mallott’s resignation last October.

But among the interesting emails was one from the Mallott’s chief of staff. Claire Richardson advised others in the Governor’s Office of a story in Must Read Alaska, describing the various scenarios that were being talked about at the Alaska Federation of Natives conference. The cover was blown, and the story was out.

Richardson quoted directly from Must Read Alaska:

“But the rumors are flying: It happened at AFN Elders and Youth Conference. No, it happened at Tanana Chiefs Conference, and the person is in law enforcement. No, it was that Mallott told First Lady Donna Walker to go “F–” herself. No, it’s back to AFN and Mallott propositioned an underage girl, “If you were a bit older and I wasn’t married …

But if a lieutenant governor makes an inappropriate overture to the daughter of his “close associate,” that’s another matter altogether.

“The young girl’s mother evidently had a close relationship with Mallott, who is 75. Must Read Alaska has learned that Mallott said something to the daughter — and the mother went ballistic.

Those close to the matter have long said that Donna Walker was a key figure in demanding Mallott’s resignation after inappropriate comments were made to a teenage girl during the AFN conference.

But until the story by AP writer Mark Thiessen, the exact nature of Mallott’s transgressions have only been rumored.

In another email exchange, Deputy Chief of Staff Grace Jang demanded the search of emails for everyone who had access to Walker’s calendar.

Must Read Alaska has learned in recent months that Jang was trying to find out who in the Administration was leaking material to Must Read Alaska. At one point, she asked to see staff members’ cell phones so to examine their text message histories.


  1. I wonder if any emails exist that shed light on Mallott’s State of Alaska SUV supposedly being stolen from a Spenard area hotel before this particular event took place?

    • Grace Jang… playing the heavy hand and demanding access to emails and text messages. Sad that someone who has been in broadcast journalism as long as her suddenly uses KGB style methods to prop up a failed administration that had no chance at all to win re-election.

      Good on Mrs. Walker for not allowing Mallott to continue his sleazy behavior representing the State.

  2. Walker was, and is still, protecting a pedophile — after he only won by trumpeting false accusations against Parnell for the sexual sins in the National Guard that he had nothing to do with. And then his right hand man sexually harassed a child. Karma? Walker is reaping what he has sown.

    As for Jang, she is just as guilty as Mallott and Walker for trying to cover it up and expose those in the administration with a conscience who leaked to the media what SHOULD BE leaked to the media: a politician sexually harassing a teenager!

    And why is the teenager’s mother protecting the man who propositioned her daughter? If someone did that to my daughter, I would shout it from the mountain tops and expose the pedophile for who he is, especially if he were in power and running for re-election.

    At least Waker, Malloy and Jang are gone from public “service.” Who would put her on their communications team after that?

      • Which culture? Western Civilization or Tlingit culture? Truth be told, many Westerners have long made light of pedophilia! Have you ever heard the expression, “12 year old scotch and 13 year old girls”? I hear tell that a man in Naukati , Alaska was heard boasting about receiving oral sex from a 12 year old girl! What about the expression, “If she’s old enough to bleed ( menstruation ), she’s old enough to poke!” Some girls go into puberty at age 9!

    • Parnell was the CIC for Alaska’s organized militia. He refused to act, to be a leader, to fire Katkus and let the investigations proceed. Instead, he did nothing.
      He paid and rightfully so.
      No false accusations. His inaction is a matter of fact.

  3. I remember when Donna Walker and her daughter (I was reminded she was a lawyer) came to my office at the Alaska Policy Forum. They spoke to me for about 45 minutes and wanted me to take down an article regarding candidate Walker’s promises on the budget and the size of the state government. They did not ask me directly but sure intimated that I should take down the article. I did not.

  4. I was Walker’s Valley coordinator for both the 2010 and 2014 campaigns until my resignation just after Walker’s announcement to combine campaigns with Mallott’s.
    I tried to get Walker to understand that Mallott’s campaign was DOA after the November 11, 2013 opinion piece in the ADN by the late Desa Jacobbson about Mallott’s condoning pedophiles. Obviously, the outcome demonstrated the irrationality of Walker’s decision to take up Mallott on his offer to join with Walker.
    This ‘deal’ was accomplished in early August after Bill and Donna met with Beltrami and the Dems.

  5. All of these revelations about Bill Walker and his background (and family) that are now coming to light, ensure that Alaska made the correct move to elect Dunleavy as governor. Walker’s first Chief of Staff, Jim Whitaker, got out of dodge before the Mallott fiasco came to light. Whitaker’s wife, Jinx, told me in a phone call from their new home in AZ that Mallott was a pedophile and Donna Walker got in his face over the underage girl issue. It was very confrontational between Donna and scumbag Mallott. This ordeal ended up costing Walker his job as governor. Governor Walker was either asleep when he selected Mallott, or he was aiding and abetting a known pedophile. Alaska deserved far better.

  6. Byron’s sons had a hand in wordsmithing the news release. One son Anthony is the CEO of Sealaska. It is not
    acceptable to gloss over Bryon’s crimes against our young women. Sealaska recently took Byron to Hawaii to represent Sealaska in a formal Hawaiian event. I think Sealaska shareholders should demand Byron quit representing Shareholders, as he has shamed Sealaska. Further, our Board Chair was dancing in Hawaii with Byron like nothing ever happened. Anthony has continued to help his father conceal his sick habit and so I think Shareholders should voice loudly our anger to our CEO and ask for his resignation. Our young women don’t deserve the predatory actions of Byron. Anthony should denounce his father’s legacy.

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