Must Read Alaska is taking a break today to spend precious time with loved ones. You’ll find us with family, and not writing many stories — if any — as we’re hoping for a light workload, no website crashes, and no political shenanigans. We hope you are with loved ones, too and that the snowflakes are on the outsides of your dining room windows, not at the table.
On this day, we’re especially grateful for the many who are not able to take a break, because they are on duty: Our men and women who are serving in the Armed Forces, those standing guard for us on police and trooper shifts, and those who are staying ready in our fire departments who will save someone from disaster. We’ll remember your service and sacrifice when we approve comments at MRAK, watch the games, and baste the hen.
We’re thankful for the nurses and doctors who have been taking care of our family members through their worst days, and we realize that they, too, have families who wish they could be home today. From air traffic controllers to hotel staff, there are so many who work on this day, and we appreciate you all for what is a personal sacrifice.
Thank you to everyone who reads and supports Must Read Alaska, and especially those who have chipped in financially to help this conservative news project stay standing. I appreciate you so much.
Thanks to the quiet crew at MRAK who keep the website from crashing and who help by sending content, columns, and corrections. And especially the columnists here at MRAK who bring a diverse perspective and exchange of ideas — and keep things interesting and lively every day.
Happy Thanksgiving to all, no matter our circumstance or fortune.
This is still a great country, and as our journey in self-government perseveres through these tough times, we have a mighty God who watches over us all and grants us free will. We are so thankful.
– Suzanne Downing and the Must Read Alaska Team

Very nice. We give thanks for this great life.
Nicely put. Thank you for all you do for our country and our state through MRAK. May God bless you and may God bless America and may God bless Alaska.
God bless you for giving us a place to read the truth and Happy Thanksgiving
I second your thoughtfulness of our front line guardians. Thanks to them for their commitment and dedication.
Awesome. thanks for the great job you do at Must Read Alaska.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here and Suzanne and MRAK! Thankful for all you do!
A Happy, Healthy, Blessed, Thanksgiving to You, Suzanne, Your Family, All who help You with this important site, and All who visit and enjoy Your site.
Take Care, and All My Best,
This Thanksgiving we all need a ceasefire where weaponry, insults and snide comments are silenced and when we can reach out to all our fellow Americans regardless of their political affiliations, religious or philosophical views, sexual preferences or skin color.
Warm thoughts to all!
As bad as things may at times seem (and be) nowadays, we still have a great deal to be thankful for, and I frequently remind myself of that. We in the USA today still live better than 99% of all those throughout most of the world and throughout history, something that we would all do well to keep in mind.
Where are you?
We’ve missed you on Must Read!
He’s a different Jefferson. The other one got mad and left a long time ago, as you recall. – sd
And to all those I have antagonized this past year, especially you, Art, who seems to find my hot button as reliably and persistently as anyone, and you, Mike, who I have yet to wrap my mind around, and you, Greg F., with whom I agree and disagree, sometimes at the same times, I wish you all a truly thankful Thanksgiving. We might not agree, but we are all in it together.
I do the same thing to myself at times. It’s all good.
And especially to Suzanne, who lets me rant on her turf. Sorry Suzanne, I truly do not know how I could forget you?
Thank you, Suzanne – for your work in MRAK in digging out so much subterfuge in Alaska politics. As a student of Alaskan history and the politics of the Great Land, I find your work invaluable. Please keep going!
In Islam, every day is Thanksgiving Day. So I celebrate this one day and wish all Alaskans a better year than the Covid year, and wisdom in the coming election year. My biggest hope and prayer is that Walker doesn’t win. Let’s go Brandon!
We all better hope the Bambi and Thumper aka Michelle and Kamala don’t win.
Happy Thanksgiving to all the folks that keep us safe??
Wishing all a peaceful and content Thanksgiving.
My gratitude this season as always goes out to all who serve their fellow Americans! Words will never be adequate to thank you enough!
A great thank you to you, Suzanne for everything you do on a daily basis, tirelessly and with style! Thank you!
Thank you to MRAK, Suzanne, and all the great conservative commenters. The others, stuff yourself with turkey… and then have some crow.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving to all. Spent the day with family. Went and saw Gladiator 2. Highly recommended.
If you really want to be thankful and support the troops bring them home and stop letting them be targets worldwide. We have troops in 130 countries and are involved in far more than we should be. US troops have not been used to protect America since WWII. Since then thousands and thousands have been lost due to politicians getting us involved where we should have never gone. The lives lost and altered, the families that pay the collateral, the innocents who have died and all the money have been a horrendous cost of our meddling policy put forth by war mongering politicians and supported by people giving empty support but not looking to really address the terrible price paid and the false pretenses used to put Americans in harms way. Bring them home and let them celebrate safely with their families.
Joe, respectfully I assume you did not serve. I have spent the majority of my adult life around individuals who served this country in one capacity or other. You describe them as hapless victims of the fickle will of politicians. In my experience that is very far from the truth. Most I met are resourceful, smart and dedicated people, who know full well what their service demands.
You are certainly entitled to your isolationist opinion, but keep in mind that some of the personnel we have overseas are marines stationed at our embassies, protecting diplomatic staff or Coast Guard service members on drug interdiction patrols. In my opinion it is far better to be proactive than reactive. That being said we should chose our battles wisely.
The next thing that follows the “bring them all home” is the inevitable demand that the vast majority of the force be disbanded since we no longer have an overseas commitment, leaving the country weak and ill-prepared. I on the other hand firmly believe that we need to expand the selective service registration requirement to all Americans and legal residents 18-25 years regardless of gender.
The people who know how screwed up it is are exactly those members of the armed forces. Stopping inserting ourselves into every conflict and worse creating most of them is not isolationist. Stop with that juvenile analysis We are absolutely bankrupt as a county and can’t afford it even if it is a good idea. We can’t take much more of your “proaction”. Putting people at risk over the whims of the military industrial complex and spineless politicians is criminal. Yes there are heroic stories of people who are trying to do their best in situations they had no part in creating but that doesn’t excuse it.
“We are absolutely bankrupt as a county and can’t afford it even if it is a good idea.” So you do think that military intervention is necessary and a good idea? Make up your mind.
We are not broke because of the military, we are broke, because politicians love social engineering and we have not had a real budget in decades, just CRs.
Juvenile analysis?
Let’s talk about your naivete. You think the USA is a bully, which disregards that we have many enemies around this globe, who wish us harm because we are free. You basically think that if we just quit, they will stop hating us. I have news for you, dogmatic fanatics DO NOT quit, just because you cede the field. Your disdain for military members is disturbing. Defending the country is not criminal and each and every military person is a volunteer, not some mindless robot without a choice.
As a former terminator I’d like to thank those who are fighting the real war… The Censorship Industrial Complex and their war on Truth… +++
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