House Bill 105 is the subject of a public hearing on Thursday, April 13 in the House Education Committee, with testimony taken at 5:15 pm.
The Thursday evening hearing can be viewed at Gavel Alaska at this link.
Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s parental rights bill preserves the rights of parents to know what is being taught to their children in school on subjects that have always been sensitive: sexuality and alternative gender identity. Should schools, run by radical teachers unions, be indoctrinating children with sex education in kindergarten without parents’ knowledge? That’s just one topic that’s sure to bring out opinions.

During the first public hearing this month, the calls to the committee were dominated by those who believe teachers and children should keep secrets about gender identity from parents. The teachers and LGBTQ activists said parents are the problem and cannot be trusted. What happens at school must stay at school, they told the committee. Many of those testifying appeared to be still suffering from childhood trauma.
The bill has opposition from many educators who view parents as the enemy. The matter involves whether sex education curriculum should be something that parents “opt into” so they have informed consent about what sexual material is being offered to their children.
Already, radical senators have introduced a different bill that would mandate “age-appropriate,” “science-based” sex education start as early as kindergarten. SB 43 is cleverly titled “An Act relating to health and personal safety education,” demonstrating the lack of transparency and honesty in education about which parents have grown concerned. Testimony on that bill can be viewed at this legislative link.
HB 105 provides more transparency for parents who are concerned that schools may be giving their children new gender identities without parents’ or guardians’ knowledge, or secretly giving them new gender names or alternative pronouns (he, her, ze, etc.)
In 1978, Congress enacted the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment, giving parents the right to inspect curriculum being taught to their children. In 2016, the State of Alaska passed a parental rights bill, defining parental authority and ensuring that a parent could withdraw their children from any test or curriculum they deemed inappropriate.
HB 105 further defines parental authority and changes the language around human growth and development and sexual education from parental right to “opt out” to the requirement that parents must “opt in.”
The mainstream media has misled Alaskans about HB105, intentionally mischaracterizing the bill as somehow discriminating against gender-confused or alternative gender students.
HB 105 protects the privacy and safety for all students, by designating bathrooms and locker rooms according to biological sex or providing for the use of single-occupant facilities for gender-alternating students.
HB 105 protects students by allowing a counselor to withhold information from parents if there is reasonable belief that disclosure of the information would cause abuse, harm, or neglect.
HB 105 requires parental notification and permission to participate in sexual education, including gender identity, and to change a student’s name at school. HB105 protects children by establishing that parents, not school personnel, have the authority in their children’s education.
The bill is narrower than other parental rights bills advancing around the country in Republican-led states in response to an increasing trend in schools to push gender-bending or highly sexualized content on very young children. In Florida, a parental rights bill also covered medical procedures done to children without parents’ consent, such as gender reshaping or the prescribing of puberty-blocking medications. Gov. Ron DeSantis signed that bill one year ago.
The Dunleavy bill was introduced to the House on March 8, and has been referred to Education, Judiciary, and Finance. Because of its late introduction, it’s not likely to pass both bodies this year and the Democrat-controlled Senate is likely to run the clock out on the bill, even if it makes it out of the House.
I think it’s important to define the difference between educators and teachers. Educators follow a false set of curriculums created by the government. Teachers allow student to explore real world and desire learning even if they make mistakes.
No teacher would support radicalism in the schools and do support parents’ being involved. Educators follow the programs design to make kids products of agendas.
This is why we have failing schools nowadays. Back in the 60-80s we had teachers that taught subjects and were knowledgeable in their specialties. Educators now days have never been in the real world and don’t specialize in anything other than liberal studies or fluffy degrees. They are forced to follow a design to appease the government that all students need to be at a certain level. I’m sorry but, little johnny isn’t going to be a doctor or lawyer. He can tie his shoes and work on the car.
If the teachers have their way and the parents aren’t involved, absolutely.
They are your kids. Don’t passively sit around. Get involved or get your kids out of public school.
And once again, the Cowardly Lion was asleep at the switch and attempted to do his job too late.
The only thing this man is good for is not being Bill Walker. Otherwise he’s freaking useless.
This bill is a great move FOR Parents and Kids!. The LGBTQ etc are surely going to come out of the woodwork to testify against this bill today, just like before. We shouldn’t even have to be talking about this garbage, let alone fighting this. Pedophilia, child abuse by medical procedures and porn offered to our children are not allowed by law, but now, oh my goodness, this is a “new” thing. Hogwash! It just now being put in your face and guess what. Don’t agree with it, you are racist, fear mongering, etc. Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah. Out with it, stay away from my kids!
We are getting more and more communism. The parents of the kids are the ones to see what the kids should be learning and doing in school in conjunction with the teacher. There should be no secrets because the parents responsible for these kids until they’re 18. After that, then there can be secrets Using kids upon is wrong and teachers or just looking for Power.
I am sure there’s a long list of parents wanting to get their kids signed up to go to Service with the very nice principal. He is teaching sex ed. What a nice centerpiece for the school district they must be so proud of what they have, way to go ASD.
I’m opting for homeschool, but I think the parental rights bill should go through. A child is not able to consent to anything until they turn 18. A parent needs to sign off on everything for a minor. This is no different.
I am now home and was able to find the committee testimony meeting on gavel to gavel. I wrote a number of letters to legislators in support of this bill. I am so disheartened now to hear testimony after testimony – many, too many, by the privileged, mostly left leaning, Juneau residents that get to attend in person – unlike the majority of the voting public across the state, the basically disenfranchised. Not a single conservative or supporter of this bill has yet testified so far. Parent autonomy in todays climate is needed. Parents need to know what is going on. These people testifying against parental rights have been deceived and deluded by a lie and yet there they are testifying their delusions one after another with no one standing up for truth. It is disgusting and I am sorry to say this but most conservatives are pacifist, checked out and even useless. We are getting what we deserve.
Did you watch the chugach electric candidate forum at loussac’s theater this evening. I went.
Next meeting is may 15 at changepoint 3-6pm. Contrary to 2 speakers, attending, watching, or listening to such is not a chore, we all should be there taking time to listen to community work or send a friend when schedule conflicts to recap later.
It was Tom McKay and Jamie Allard who explicitly stated that they thought those who attended in person should get to testify first before those who called in should get to testify.
Now you are mad because the people who showed up in person get to testify first? Or are you mad because they don’t feel the same way as you do about this bill?
There is a reason for public testimony, to let the law makers know how the public feels about a bill. And it sure seems that a majority of the public doesn’t like this bill.
Correction Pablo, now legislators know how the lobbyists and Juneau residents feel. Sadly that does not constitute “the majority”.
My rule of thumb is very simple: If you have to keep it a secret, it most likely is for a nefarious reason.
Gender identity is a construct based on thoughts and feelings not on reality based in science and biology. If an adult wishes to ignore their biological realities, that is clearly up to them. However until such time as minors are no longer under their parents care (as are adults), these teachers have no business usurping that right.
It should also be pointed out that none of these teacher are trained and licensed therapists, who could accurately diagnose and treat cases of gender dysphoria.
Did you listen to any testimony? Most of the people who called in testified against the bill.
Do you have proof that they are all lobbyists or Juneau residents? Couldn’t people who testified in person have traveled from elsewhere in our state to be in the capitol to testify for or against a bill?
No teacher is telling kids that they should be gay or that they are transgender. Teachers try to teach their students and keep them engaged in learning.
This bill would force teachers to out students to their parents. Why is that the teacher’s job? If a parent doesn’t know that about their kid, that is the parent’s fault, not the teachers. Maybe parents should be engaged with their kids.
This bill forces teachers to get permission from parents if their kid named James wants to be called Jim. Tell me how that helps teachers teach?
When was the last time any of you were in school?
Dragging it into the absurd, to obscure the real issue Pablo.
In your scenarios teachers are hapless bystanders, minding their own business. Yet they testified that instructing students on sexual and transgender matters is their prerogative, regardless of what parents think. Interestingly if a child changes their name or pronoun on the behest of a teacher, then how are parents to know exactly?? Can’t have have it both ways.
If one follows your logic, if a teachers suspects a student has a previously unknown medical issue, this teacher/school nurse can not advise parents because of privacy or as you stated, it isn’t their job? Parents are the final authority when it comes to their children and have a right to know in order to fulfill their obligation to provide appropriate care for their child.
Broaden your world view Taxpayer. When I was in school, I had a good friend who came out as gay to his friend group. Many of the students and some of our teachers knew he was gay as he had felt comfortable coming out to us.
His parents had previously threatened to kick him out of their home and totally disown him if he was gay, so he acted straight around them. His parents were oblivious. Kid was 12 when this was expressed to him. He came out to us as a sophomore in high school when he was 15. BTW he told them he was gay when he left for college, that he paid for himself by working, and they have not spoken to him since. No birthday cards, no phone calls, no nothing. This was in 2008.
This bill would force the teachers who knew he was gay to out him to his parents and cause him to be kicked out of his home. How does that help this kid? Is that the parental rights you want? If this bill harms one kid, it is not a good bill. Period.
Do you have any examples of teachers telling students to change their pronouns? any examples of teachers telling a kid that they are transgender or are gay? Do you have any examples of a teacher telling a student to get gender reassignment surgery?
Teachers do not have time to tell kids they are gay or trans or he should be a she or vice versa. They have enough trouble dealing with unengaged students or onerous requirements from either the feds or state or local school districts.
I ask again, when was the last time any of you were in a classroom?
No matter what unconstitutional writing unscrupulous lawyers and elected individuals caused to be approved language parents under the laws of nature do not abrogate one jot of legal parental God-given responsibility for their family members simply because they are accepting public free education in America. It is insane to believe otherwise. Please stop there.
There IS NO SUCH thing as public free education in America.. IT’s paid for through our taxes and excess fees from EVERYONE (including renters)..it come from various taxes and extra fees from all kinds of businesses.
Ashley Carrick, Fbks. rep, is strongly against this bill. She supports schools keeping student information from parents. She, and others, are a serious threat to our children.
My kid will never go to public school! I also want my property tax credit for not using their services!
Teachers shouldn’t be teaching about sex. Period. That is something for adults to figure out when they find a spouse and get married. It’s baffling that this is even being discussed at all.
These teachers are putting ideas in kids heads and they’re coming home asking us parents questions about sexuality and other nasty things. It’s uncomfortable when kids ask about sex. Current school administration continue to push these uncomfortable scenarios onto parents.
“When kids go to school, do parents lose their rights?”
Sadly, yes. If your kids truly matter to you, homeschool.
how else are they going to get “groomed”…….
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