Terrorism watch: New Hampshire governor sets up own patrols of border with Canada



Citing inaction from the Biden Administration on the New Hampshire border with Canada, the governor of the Granite State is taking action.

A joint task force comprised of local, county and state law enforcement has been established to conduct patrols along New Hampshire’s border with Canada to combat threats and illicit activity.

Gov. Chris Sununu, Attorney General John Formella and New Hampshire Department of Safety Commissioner Robert Quinn announced the establishment of the Northern Border Alliance Task Force today. The task force will perform patrols along the northern border to reduce crime, illicit activity, threat response and collect criminal intelligence in cooperation with federal law enforcement.

Sununu said the task force was needed in response to inaction to secure the northern border. He cited funding and lack of resources in his criticism of the federal government.

“The federal government refuses to take action on our northern border,” said Sununu. “They cut funding, limited our resources and have thrown their hands up. Without adequate federal support, the state is stepping up.”

The governor noted a disturbing growing trend among “encounters with individuals on the terrorist watch list” along the northern border land port of entries, which he says have doubled since 2017. Meanwhile, Sununu noted a decrease during the same period at the southern border land port of entries.

“In fact, just this year, 85% of all land border encounters with individuals on the terrorist watch list occurred on the northern border – while only 15% occurred on the southern border. In meeting with local law enforcement up north, it is clear we need more targeted resources,” the governor added.

The task force will be funded by the Department of Safety. It has more than $1.4 million in grant funds available to the State Police, Forest Ranger and the Fish and Game Department, in addition to local law enforcement agencies, and will be able to provide patrols within 25 air miles from the Canadian border.

“Our aim is to increase the presence and effectiveness of law enforcement in northern New Hampshire, particularly in communities in close proximity to the Canadian border,” Formella said. “Given the rural nature, expansive geography, and sparse population of northern Coos County, local law enforcement resources are extremely limited.”

The attorney general added the task force is anticipated to increase patrol hours by 10,000 through June 30, 2025.

“This will shorten response times to calls for service in the region, increase the effectiveness of crime detection and prevention in a remote area of the state, and enhance border security efforts,” Formella added. 

The task force will serve under the “general supervision and control” of the attorney general’s office, in accordance with a memo from Formella’s office. The task force will be implemented in two phases, with the first beginning immediately in participation with the State Police. The second phase is expected to begin on Nov. 16, when the Northern Border Alliance Program rules go into effect.


  1. Hmmm, wondering what part Canada is playing in this increase and of course if the same increase is reflected in Alaskas border with Canada.

    • Do not worry, we are in the safety net of Biden and the FBI. Everything that the Eastern countries have, we have right here in Alaska!! Look the other way you’ll be fine. Besides, we have more grizzly bears than the Eastern countries. They don’t stand a chance trying to infiltrate through our borders by land or water or air. They will stand out or we will never know!! Not to worry….

  2. A complete cataclysmic failure of leadership! Why and for what purpose? If you voted for this, there’s absolutely no justification and/or reasonable – credible excuse.

  3. Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of this is that it suggests that CANADA is a comfortable place for terrorists. How are these folks getting into Canada? Good old Justin Trudeau and his wokesters. There are many, many fantastic Canadians that are true friends. But maybe apparently not enough.

    Canada needs Pierre Poilievre to lead them.

  4. It would seem to me that he would be justified and within his rights to utilize his National Guard resources. Training exercises could become real world ops with real world benefits. Perhaps under the direction of law enforcement to prevent encroachment of civil rights on law abiding US citizens. As far as Alaska being in jeopardy we have the advantage of all the close Canadian cities being small enough that these sort of individuals would likely be scrutinized before they could get close to the border.

  5. Has Grandpa Bloodstains moved to stop them yet?

    Oh wait. The world is at a crisis and he’s gone to the beach again.

  6. They can have New Hampshire, it and it’s voters are one of the big reasons we are in this mess, good job 81 million.

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