Ted Leonard: I’d be honored to have your support for MEA Board



I am Ted Leonard.  I am running for one of the two at-large seats for the Matanuska Electric Association, MEA Board covering Chugiak, Eagle River and Mat-Su. 

My wife Colleen Sullivan-Leonard and I are long -time residents of the Mat-Su, with many years of experience in public service, both at the local and state level. My experience has been in finance and in financing utility projects across Alaska. That experience makes me an ideal candidate for the MEA board.

I am supported and endorsed by neighbors, veterans, Mat-Su Home Builders, local and state elected officials as well as Mat-Su Republican Region 2 Council and Eagle River District 23. They have faith that my work will be toward an open and transparent utility governance and will seek ways to bring safe, affordable, and reliable power to our MEA ratepayers.  

MEA has been good stewards in how they manage and provide power to our residents. Currently MEA power is generated through base load power sources consisting of approximately 84% gas and 16% hydro.

Issues of renewable energy sources (green new deal) is that they don’t pan out. When you turn on your light switch at home you want immediate results even during peak use during cold winter months. Integrating Renewables into the system will be difficult since they are intermittent power sources by nature.  The highest cost power on grid is the Fire Island Wind Farm. The Fire Island Wind Farm is a failed system that is better at killing birds then providing reliable power. 

Presently utilities across the Railbelt are working together through the Bradley Project Management Committee to extend infrastructure from Bradley Lake hydro facility to expand capacity of power. It is important to support their efforts to ensure future redundancy and resilience for power sources for MEA and other utilities.  

With many issues facing MEA and future power needs for Chugiak, Eagle River and Mat-Su, it is important to have knowledgeable, dedicated board members to help MEA in their continued work for safe, reliable and affordable power. I am in this race to do that.  

Remember, every vote counts, especially in utility board races. If you haven’t mailed in your ballot yet, which is to be received by April 24 at 5 pm, then get online mea.smarthub.coop and use the Smarthub to vote. It’s fast and easy.

These seats are too important to have outside liberal woke groups decide the direction of MEA in this critical time. Get out the vote and vote for me, Ted Leonard for the MEA Board. Thanks for your time and support. 

Ted Leonard is a candidate for the board of Matanuska Electric Association.


  1. Actually, it isn’t “fast and easy”. I’ve had a SmartHub account for years and years, and every time I try to access it, I can’t. And I got no ballot by mail.
    This is how they shut people out. Been doing it for years.
    Sorry. They win. No vote from me………..

    • I learned about the vote through a MEA email and was reminded of it when I logged in to pay the bill. I researched each candidate. Ted, you seem to have commen sense, a solid work history, and be effective in communications.

  2. So can anybody tell me why this personal political ad is garnering the significance of a news story?
    Makes me think less of MRAK’s standard. Must be a slow day in the depressing news dept.

      • Suzanne, thank you for your response. I guess I didn’t catch the significance of the “Columns” label but was going off of the adjacent “Top News” label.

      • Suzanne, thank you for supplying this column, which it clearly stated it was. Some people are going to complain for the sake of complaining.

    • There’s a mountain behind this that hasn’t been fully fleshed out here, Rando. The scuttlebutt among right wingers is that the environmental cabal is organizing a campaign here among the Alaska electric co-ops Politically we’ve seen such political battles among abortionists-prolifers with hospital associations in the Valley and Peninsula. This is like control of corporations via the boards.
      Previous political battles of electric co-ops were between right wingers and the IBEW over cost control. Over the years, MEA has effectively limited voting with the excuse of cost cutting by online voting only, then created Smarthub, which is difficult or impossible to access without effectively re-registering every time you access it.
      I’m done with their games. As I see it, the Gaia religion is enough of a threat to IBEW to mobilize that organized crime organization into action……….unless the union has also been infiltrated. Either way, I’m old enough now to have lost my zeal for such BS.
      Let it all come down.

  3. Thanks for running Ted! I will be voting for you. If things dont work out for you at MEA would you consider running for the Chugach board? Wokeness is creeping in there too. We need common sense leadership at nearly every level of government. Wokeness is like an infestation of Rats. They just keep eating and breeding.

  4. I never vote in the MEA elections. Just kinda accept it’s corrupt just like all elections. I mean the place is run by a damned Marxist Union.

  5. In addition to the MEA (Matanuska Electric Association) election going on where ballots must be received by April 24.

    SES (Seward Electric System) will be voting by referendum on May 2 to sell their system to HEA (Homer Electric Association).

    HEA (Homer Electric Association) has their election going on and ballots must be received by May 4.

    CEA (Chugach Electric Association) has their election going on and ballots must be received by May 18.

    All of these boards have candidates who represent the renewable environmental movement running, and there are candidates like Mr. Leonard here who understand reality. If people don’t vote for people who understand reality then you better buy yourself a generator with an ample supply of fuel and chop enough firewood to get you through the winter.

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