Teachers’ union conference at Captain Cook Hotel has this one woke feature that just showed up

Downstairs bathrooms at the Captain Cook Hotel.

While there are no litter boxes for “furries,” (people who dress up as dogs or cats), the Captain Cook Hotel in Anchorage has accommodated the National Education Association’s Delegate Assembly and changed the sign on a men’s bathroom to make it an “all-gender” bathroom.

There’s still a women’s restroom on the floor just below the lobby level where Fletcher’s pub is located, but the other bathroom, formerly for men and boys, has a new sign on it, because management did not want to deal with NEA complaints, according to Must Read Alaska sources.

The annual conference runs Thursday through Saturday night at the Captain Cook Hotel.

The Thursday agenda includes:

10:00 – 4:00 pm NEA-ALASKA/RETIRED Policy Assembly – For all Retired delegates – Adventure Room, Lower Lobby Level
12:00 – 7:00 pm DELEGATE CHECK-IN – All Delegates and Guests Please Check-In with Steering & Rules – Receive Credentials &
DA Notebook – Main Lobby Level
4:00 – 5:00 pm NEW DELEGATES – Welcome & Orientation – Endeavor Room
4:00- 5:00 pm Ethnic Minority Affairs Committee- Voyager Room
5:00 – 6:00 PM Special Interest Meetings:
Education Support Professionals – Quarter Deck, Tower I, 10th Floor
LGBTQ – Endeavor Room
Conservative Caucus – Voyager Room
Black Caucus – Quadrant Room
Hispanic Caucus – Club Room I, Tower I, 10th Floor
Thursday, January 16, cont.
Asian/Pacific Islander Caucus – Resolution Room
Native American/Alaska Native Caucus – Easter Island Room
Educators with Disabilities Caucus – Club Room II, Tower I, 10th Floor
6:00 – 7:00 pm Dinner on your own
The 69th NEA-Alaska Delegate Assembly will begin at 7:00 pm.
Discovery Ballroom, Main Lobby Level – Seating by Regions
7:00 – 8:15 pm GENERAL SESSION I- Discovery Ballroom, Lobby Level
Welcome – Tom Klaameyer, II, President
Pledge of Allegiance
National Anthem
Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes from 68th Delegate Assembly
Introductions – Tom Klaameyer, II

  • NEA-Alaska Board of Directors and Past Presidents
    Adoption of the Standing Rules
    *End of Session Filing Deadline: NEA-Director
    8:30 – 9:30 PM Regional Caucus Meetings:
    Region I – Resolution Room
    Region II – Quadrant Room
    Region III – Easter Island Room
    Region IV – Voyager Room
    Region V – Endeavor Room
    Region VI – Aft Deck
    Region VII – Quarter Deck, Tower I, 10th Floor
    Region R – Adventure Room

Asian/Pacific Islander Caucus – Resolution Room
Native American/Alaska Native Caucus – Easter Island Room
Educators with Disabilities Caucus – Club Room II, Tower I, 10th Floor

The complete agenda is at this link.


  1. Good call by the Captain Cook to make the men’s bathroom all-gender. How much of the issue is women demanding to use the men’s facilities? The reality is that the “gender” issue is largely an issue of men demanding to use the women facilities, be it a bathroom, locker room, etc. Can you imagine the problems if they made the female bathroom the all-gender?

  2. Hilarious!

    At least they had the brains to change the men’s room, rather than the women’s.

    Somebody at Captain Cook can smell the winds changing, but is still willing to cater to the crazies…

  3. “because management did not want to deal with NEA complaints”…No big deal for management to give up the dude’s bathroom since there doesn’t seem to be anyone in their group with 🏈🏀⚾️⚽️s that would need to use them anyway…🤦‍♂️

  4. The teachers need to go on strike against the administration and get dismissed straightened out. You’ll have the Anchorage taxpayer behind you if you guys can help us clean out the line thieving greedy administration. You don’t deserve any more tax dollars until you clean up your mess and unfortunately you’re in the mess because you’re in ASD.

  5. i can’t blame management. These are very emotional and unhinged individuals with unpredictable behavior. You never know when one of them could become triggered and start screaming and breaking things. They didn’t want to deal with the drama.

    • Wait! Stop making excuses for the hotel management. They’re just as woke and spineless as the teacher’s union and all those other worthless people at this conference.

  6. A bunch of whiny wokesters demand an “all gender” restroom. So Cook management just changes the sign on the womens room. They will change it back as soon as the idiots leave.


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