Gov. Dunleavy orders flags to full staff on Monday in honor of inauguration of Trump


Gov. Mike Dunleavy announced on X today that he has ordered the flags on public buildings to go to full staff on Monday in honor of Inauguration Day. They are at half staff during a month of national mourning after the death of former President Jimmy Carter, who died at the age of 100.

“America’s Constitution forever changed history by establishing enshrining the process for the peaceful transition of power in our nation’s founding document. Inauguration Day is the Constitution in action and is one of the most important events in our Republic. It is the antidote to tyranny and should be celebrated accordingly,” he said.

Flags will return to half-staff at sunrise on Jan. 21, “in continuance of honoring the life and legacy of former President Jimmy Carter through the remaining national period of mourning,” he said in a statement.

At least eight other governors have also ordered flags to fly at full staff in honor of Donald Trump’s inauguration. More are expected to do the same on Monday. No Democrat governors have yet ordered flags at full staff for Donald Trump’s special day.


  1. “National period of mourning” completely sums up spineless Dunleavy’s entire career. Nobody and I mean NOBODY is mourning the death of Jimmy Carter.

    Thousands of individuals die every single day; many of whom probably lead more honorable lives.

    • Wow. Regardless of his performance as US President, it could well be argued that James Earl Carter was the most decent and honorable man to occupy the White House in the 20th Century.

      Read the histories, read the source materials, read the biographies and look past his performance. Hey, maybe just read Anything.

      Back home we have a saying “don’t speak Ill of the dead.” There’s a lot of wisdom from those hills.

    • Spineless? He’s bucking the trend.

      And 1000a of people die every day more honorable than either of you or I.

      I bet you were one of those leftist that was gleefully ringing your hands that the flag was going to fly at half mast at Trump’s inauguration. No triggered it won’t.

  2. Carter DOES NOT deserve this time. We all know it’s another Biden thing, When they go full staff they should stay there I don’t think Dunleavy is smart enough to know he is sending Government workers City/State in on a Holiday to raise the flags, Someday we will get some commonsense leadership.

  3. Gavin Newsom has ordered flags to fly at full staff on Monday:

  4. Reminder that while Dunleavy has quickly tackled this vital issue, for years now he has been allowing Denali Kidcare $$$ to be used to castrate children in gender clinics in Anchorage, Kenai, and Homer.

  5. Thank you, Governor! Our nation has every reason to fly the flag high. The most honorable and amazing people die all the time yet we reserve half-staff honors for the popularity contest winners that have, in fact, more often than not, acted in ways that are the polar opposite of honorable and amazing.

    • The American Legion developed these rules and expectations, as they should. Rarely is the flag at half-staff for a Federal reason.

      • The flag at half staff for thirty days to honor a former US President’s passing was put into place by an Executive Order of President Ronald Reagan.

      • Got news for ya, Tom.

        Even this Marine infantry vet is the same as about 99.9% of America and nearly every other vet…in not caring one whit about the American Legion.

        As in, American Legion? Who is that? Are they they funny guys riding Harleys and wearing fezzes?

        Seriously, though. No one anywhere except during Taco Night cares about the American Legion anymore.

  6. Half staff flags are for Democrats with ED. Even with Viagra, Democrats still can’t get to the top of the pole.

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